

【作者】 常开霞

【导师】 贺金瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 对利益的追逐与关注是社会成员从事政治行为和社会活动的动因。但由于世界并不是某一独特利益的天下,而是许许多多利益的天下。因而,人们在追求各自利益的过程中不可避免地存在着这样或那样的利益冲突。利益冲突是人类社会一切冲突的最终根源,也是所有冲突的实质所在。民族作为一种利益群体,民族的活动也就是民族争取、实现和维护自己利益的活动。因民族利益而产生的多民族国家的纷争让人忧心忡忡,但绝不是杞人忧天。我国已经确立了社会主义制度,在中华民族这一民族实体里所有成员根本利益是一致的,就是各民族平等团结、共同建设社会主义现代化国家,实现各民族的共同进步和繁荣。在根本利益一致的前提下,各民族又有着各自不同的利益诉求。各个民族成为不同的利益群体,这是一种客观存在,既不能回避,亦不能否定。目前我国正处于经济社会多重转型时期,社会转型期是社会矛盾和利益冲突多发期和利益矛盾凸显期。当前中国的许多社会问题折射到以民族利益为核心的民族问题上。民族经济非均衡发展带来了不同利益的分配问题,而这在一个多民族国家经济社会发展加快时期是一个敏感的政治问题。由于它可能产生民族矛盾,因而是一个必须认真加以解决的问题。从实质上说,这是协调各个利益主体及其相互地位和关系的问题,是多民族国家内部的民族发展和民族政治问题。在一个多民族的国家中,如何协调各民族的利益关系并整合各民族的力量共同致力于国家的繁荣发展,是民族国家在构建和发展过程中面临的永恒主题。多民族国家普遍面临的民族与国家关系的纷争,不仅仅是民族的身份认同与公民的政治认同在国家共同体内碰撞与调适的反映,它实质上提出了民族群体的利益诉求与国家的利益分配机制如何协调的问题。相比国外学者针对这一问题进行的如火如荼的研究,国内学界对这个问题的研究敏感度相当有限,更缺乏系统的研究。本文开展民族利益问题研究,当是对理论的积极回应和对现实问题的深切关照。本文坚持马克思主义利益的观点和利益分析的方法。利益分化和协调是政治学回避不了的问题,在研究中从政治学的基本概念出发揭示和分析民族集团内部以及它们之间关系变化和调整的规律。本文在研究中借助哲学、政治学、民族学、经济学等学科的理论知识,把利益分析作为本文的一条主线。在整个研究过程中,以现实中的民族利益关系为中心,探讨民族利益主体、民族利益矛盾、民族利益调节、民族利益分配等重大理论和现实问题,最终把落脚点放在民族利益关系的调控上,提出当前民族利益关系协调的有效措施。本文由导论、正文、结论组成。主要内容如下:第一部分是导论。主要介绍了选题的根据和意义,在分析大量已有文献的基础上,明确本文的重心和方向,提出本文的分析框架,并指出论文的创新之处。第二部分探讨民族利益与民族政治。从利益的角度探讨民族问题是论文的出发点。本部分主要通过梳理利益与民族的关系,从学理上探讨利益与民族的天然联系,证明民族利益存在的合理性。本文认为民族利益是产生民族矛盾的根本原因,民族利益矛盾影响民族国家认同、制约着民族国家政治稳定、决定着民族国家合法性的建构。本文认为只有从民族利益的视角才能深入探讨民族关系的生成和变化发展的原因,这既是一种民族政治学的学理性探讨,也是民族利益协调可能性的理论分析。第三部分探讨民族利益矛盾的表现,并对其原因进行梳理。本文认为经济发展不平衡及经济资源争夺、生态恶化是导致民族利益矛盾经济原因;权力分配不平衡和政策滞后是民族利益矛盾的政治方面的原因;文化差异、宗教因素和文化资源争夺是民族利益矛盾的文化原因。在分析民族利益矛盾原因的基础上,提出了必须对民族利益矛盾进行协调。否则会阻碍经济协调发展、政治和谐稳定、文化多元共存。第四部分主要对多民族国家民族利益协调实践模式进行了比较分析。民族问题是当今世界普遍存在的问题,也一直是各国政府所关注的问题。各个国家在解决本国民族问题过程中都探索出了一些特殊的模式。当然这些国家的实践,有的比较成功,一定程度上消弭了民族矛盾和问题。而另外一些国家却失败了,使国家陷入解体。作为“它山之石”,其它国家在民族利益协调实践中的经验和教训,对我们国家民族利益协调提供了可资借鉴的资源。在对主要民族国家的民族利益协调实践考察的同时,对建国以来我们国家协调民族利益实践进行了追踪。总结了我国民族制度和民族政策的优势,并客观分析了我国民族政策制定和执行过程中存在的问题。第五部分指出了民族利益协调的路径选择。任何问题的出现都包含着对解决问题的办法的启示。随着民族利益意识的觉醒和增强,各民族的利益诉求——包括政治权利、自治权利和民族发展等方面的要求日益突出,以至民族关系变得更加复杂、更加敏感,协调的难度也更大。在“多元一体”作为当前我国民族利益协调的理论纲领的前提下,明确提出当前国家利益协调的价值取向,并在此基础上提出民族利益协调的机制建设问题。本章是论文的落脚点,目标是建立一套相对完善的利益协调机制,以实现社会和谐,国家稳定。第六部分是“结论”。回应开篇提出的问题,并对论文进行总结,推演出基本结论:利益冲突是人类社会一切冲突的最终根源,也是所有冲突的实质所在。民族是一种利益集团,民族利益是一种客观存在,不容回避,也不能否定。当代中国的许多社会问题都折射到以民族利益为核心的民族问题上。多民族国家要解决民族问题、实现国家整合和社会和谐,必须对民族利益进行有效的协调。

【Abstract】 Benefit is always the hot problem that politicians and scholars pay attention to. For what people try to gain all have something about their benefit. However, all kinds of benefit conflicts exist inevitably during people pursue their own benefit. Benefit conflict is the origin of all the conflicts in the human society, and it is also the essence of all conflict, so benefit problem becomes the beginning point to study social problems. Now economic society of our country is in a multi-shift period, social shift period is a period that social contradictions and conflicts appear frequently. The experience of other countries indicates that shift period, the golden time of economic growth or the period that social contradiction happen frequently, is a high-risk social period which is quite pivotal in the history of one country, contradictions and crisis existed for a long time will break out and be fatal for social harmonious. Nation is also a benefit bloc, the national activities is the activity that nations compete for, carry out and defend their benefit. Recently many social problems can be considered as national problems national benefit of which is core. Generally speaking, the conflict between ethic and country is what multinational countries face, many social problems can be considered as national problems in which national benefit is the core. Nation-state relations and disputes the multi-ethnic country generally faced are not just showing that national identity and political identity of citizens collide and adapt in the national community, they also essentially put forward the problem that how to coordinate the interests of ethnic groups and distribution mechanism of national interests. Compared with studies aboard, studies about this problem is less at home. Hence to adjust the national interests from the benefit perspective responds to theory positively and care questions of reality deep.This paper uses the method of benefits analysis to keep point of interest. Benefits analysis is a main line of this article. The main body of the national interests, national interests’ contradictions and national interests’ adjustment and distribution mechanism of national interests have been analyzed. At the same time, practical analysis has been done for serving the practice.This article is consisted with body, conclusion and other parts except preface. The body can be divided into four chapters, main content of them are:The first part is about preface. In this part it complains why choose this subject and significance of it, then based on lots of literature, the main parts and direction of this article become specific and analysis frame comes out.In second part discuss the relationship between ethic interest and nation .Ethic interest is an important part to component social interest and influence national relationship; meanwhile it decides the stability of national politics and nation-state construction. Through carding the relation between benefit and nation, analyzing the quality of national benefit and follow the trail of relationship between national benefit and contradiction, national benefit and contradiction have been explained in this part, and the inner relationship between national benefit and national politics has been studied. This chapter provides theory foundation for coordinating the national benefit.In the third part, the behaviors and reason of national benefit contradiction have been analyzed. To discuss the coordination of national benefit must learn of the behavior of national benefit contradiction and card these reasons. Only carding why national benefit contradiction appeared, the scheme to solve problems could be proposed. This article thought that the reason of national benefit contradiction appeared not only ascribe the economic reasons but also political right distribution and politics, of course, it also includes some culture reasons.Chapter four is mainly about comparison and analysis of national benefit coordination models in multi-nations. Ethnic issues are prevalent problem in today’s world, governments are always concerns. In practice, individual countries have explored a number of special models. The practice of these countries, some more successful, and to some extent, they eliminate the contradictions and problems, while others have failed and plunged the country into disintegration. As a "stones from other hills," the coordination of multi-ethnic country experiences and lessons of the national interests provide reference resources for our country’s national benefit coordination. Through studying the national benefit coordination since our country’s foundation, re-examining the national benefit coordination and carding related theories and politics, our country’s national system and national police have been examined. Through comparative analysis of theories and practice of main multi-state national benefit coordination, analyzing the national problem status, evaluating the successful experience and lessons of their national benefit coordination, all of that can provide reference for our country’s national benefit coordination and be good for us to propose more suitable national benefit models.Chapter five is about path choosing to coordinate national benefit. Any problems appeared contained a solution. With the country’s democratic political construction and development, ethnic minorities, national consciousness, the awareness of benefits is growing. With the awakening of awareness of national interests and enhance, the nation’s political demands - including political rights, autonomy rights and national development, such as requirements have become increasingly prominent, as well as national political relations become more complex, more sensitive and the difficulties of coordination also become greater. Therefore, combing the theories foundation of our national benefit coordination, clearing value orientation of national interest coordination, screening the main contents of the benefit coordination and building mechanisms of benefits coordination, are the essential path to coordinate national interests. This paper proposed that the national benefit coordination is carried out through establishing a comprehensive benefits coordination mechanism.Chapter six is about the "Conclusion." In response to questions raised at the beginning, then it summed up the article. The conclusion is that interest conflicts are all finally the root causes of conflicts in the human society, but also the essence of all conflict. Ethic is also a kind of national interest groups, much of contemporary Chinese social problems are refracted to national questions in which national interests can be core. Multi-ethnic country must coordinate national benefit if they want to achieve national integration and social harmony.


