

【作者】 陆丽青

【导师】 吕大吉;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 宗教学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 西格蒙德.弗洛伊德(Sigmund Frued,1856—1939)是20世纪创建精神分析学派的著名心理学家。他对包括宗教在内的诸多文化现象进行了研究,从人类思想和行为的最深层的动机出发,对宗教现象进行了不遗余力的考察。尽管有着诸多的缺陷,但毋庸置疑地,他的研究视角和观点不论在宗教学领域,还是在心理学领域,都给予后人许多启发,有着深远的意义。目前,除了他在宗教起源问题上的研究引起了众人的关注之外,其他方面的观点却被学术界普遍地忽视。本文在梳理前人研究成果的基础上,依据弗洛伊德的原著,将他的宗教思想置于理论框架之中,力图真实、全面、深入地对其思想加以阐述,并坚持历史唯物主义的指导思想,对其进行客观中立的评价,以期对宗教学及其宗教心理学的研究做一点微薄的贡献。本文包括六个部分。“绪论”部分对前人的研究做了比较系统的梳理,并指出了前人研究的局限性,以此作为本研究的出发点。第一章为弗洛伊德的生平和著作简介。笔者将弗洛伊德的一生划分为三个阶段,并对其生平、精神分析理论的形成和发展以及重要著作进行了简要的介绍。第二章,从思想渊源、理论前提和发展脉络三个方面对弗洛伊德宗教思想的形成和发展进行阐述。思想渊源和理论前提的概括旨在呈现其理论形成的背景,而发展脉络则意欲纵向展示其宗教思想的概貌。第三章主要介绍弗洛伊德在宗教起源和发展问题上的观点。尽管先前学者对其宗教起源问题上的观点已经给予了很多的关注,但笔者力图将其放置于比较宗教学和精神分析理论这两个背景中去追根溯源,以便更全面地揭示其宗教起源问题上的观点。笔者在该章中还梳理了弗洛伊德在宗教发展问题上的思想,并详尽地述评了他在犹太一神教形成问题上的观点。第四章“宗教的本质”,笔者以我国宗教学家吕大吉教授的“宗教四要素说”为框架,分别对弗洛伊德在宗教观念、宗教经验、宗教行为和教会组织等问题上的观点作了深入细致的阐述和客观的评价。第五章重点介绍了弗洛伊德的宗教文化观,并对其在宗教和道德、宗教和科学的关系问题的观点做了进一步的分析和评价。本文的创新之处主要体现在以下五个方面:第一,对弗洛伊德宗教思想的渊源作了比较全面的说明。以往的研究者往往顾此失彼,未能对形成的背景作一个全面的交待。本文认为,弗洛伊德宗教思想的形成,既有家庭环境的熏陶,又有启蒙思想家费尔巴哈的深刻影响,更离不开比较宗教学领域研究成果对其研究的推动作用,当然贯穿于其中的主轴乃是其精神分析理论。第二,对弗洛伊德宗教观的理论前提进行了比较详尽的阐述。本文认为,从弗洛伊德的宗教思想建立在两个理论前提之下,即原始人、儿童和神经症患者心理状况的一致性,和“记忆痕迹”理论。以往研究者虽然提及了第一个假设,但关于“记忆痕迹”理论,鲜有学者提及。第三,将弗洛伊德宗教思想概括为三个阶段,对其发展脉络做了比较清晰的梳理。这在前人的研究中是未被涉及的。第四,本文将弗洛伊德的宗教思想置于一个比较完整的框架中,分别从宗教的起源和发展、宗教的本质(宗教观念、宗教行为、宗教经验和教会组织)、宗教和文化的关系等视角对弗洛伊德的宗教思想进行了比较全面、系统、深入的研究。突破了中外学者仅局限于阐述其宗教起源观的局限性,使其思想得以完整地体现。第五,将宗教学和心理学两个领域的研究方法和研究成果有效地融合。从目前的研究成果来看,心理学领域的研究者倾向于用精神分析理论去诠释弗洛伊德的宗教观,用心理学领域最先进的研究方法和统计工具去验证弗洛伊德宗教思想的可靠性。宗教学领域的学者则更多地从人类学、民族学、历史学和哲学领域去追溯和评价他的宗教观。这两种倾向缺乏有效地整合。事实上,民族学、人类学等的研究资料是构成弗洛伊德宗教观的砖瓦,而精神分析方法是弗洛伊德宗教思想的骨架。只有对两个领域的研究方法和研究成果进行有效地融合,才能更为准确、更为全面地把握弗洛伊德宗教研究的意义。对弗洛伊德的宗教思想进行客观地评价也是本文较突出的一个创新之处。

【Abstract】 Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is a famous psychologist who established psychoanalysis school last century. His research covered various cultural phenomena including religion; from the deepest motivation of human thoughts and behaviors, he spared no effort to observe religious phenomena. Although there were many limitations, no doubt, his research aspects and views were enlightening and influential for later generations both in religion and psychology. Nowadays apart from his research on the origin of religion, his views in other aspects are generally neglected by academic fields. Based on former researches by others and according to the original works of Freud, the author tries her best to demonstrate his thoughts put in a theoretical frame in the criterion of reality, wholeness and profoundness, makes some objective and neutral comments in the direction to historical materialism, and expects to make some contributions to religious studies and psychology of religion.This paper includes six parts. The part of "Introduction" systematically introduces former researches and points out their limitations, and makes them as the starting points of this research. The first chapter is a brief introduction about Freud’s life and works, divides his life into three stages, and briefly introduces his life, the formation and development of psychoanalysis theory, and his important works. The second chapter expounds the formation and development of Freud’s religious views from three aspects of the origins, theoretical preconditions and developing clues. The first two aims to introduce the backgrounds of formation of his theory, and the last one aims to show the general picture of his religious views in different stages. The third chapter mainly introduces Freud’s views on the origin and development of religions. Although former scholars give much concern about this issue, the author tries to trace it back based on comparative religious studies and psychoanalysis theory, in order to comprehensively explain his views on this issue. The author also introduces Freud’s views on the issue of religious development, and reviews his views on the formation of Jewish monotheism. Based on the theory of "Four Elements of Religion" of Chinese famous religious scholar Professor Lv Daji, the fourth chapter "the Essence of Religion" respectively makes a specific explanation and objective evaluation for Freud’s view on religious notion, religious experience, religious behavior and church organization, and etc. The fifth chapter emphatically introduces Freud’s view of religious culture, and analyzes and evaluates his views on the relations of religion and ethics, religion and science.The innovative points of this paper are mainly demonstrated in five aspects as follows:Firstly, it explains the origins of Freud’s religious thoughts in a comparatively whole way. Former researchers always attend to one thing and lose another, didn’t wholly introduce the formation backgrounds. The author claims that the formation of Freud’s religious views were influenced by the edification from his family, the profound influence from the enlightening thinker Feuerbach, more importantly the research fruits from comparative religious studies, and definitely the principal axis was his psychoanalysis theory.Secondly, it expounds the theoretical preconditions of Freud’s views on religion. The author thinks that Freud’s religious views has two theoretical preconditions, that is, the consistency of psychological status among the primitive, children and neurosis patients, and "memory trace" theory. Although past researchers mentioned the first one, they seldom noticed the latter one.Thirdly, it divides Freud’s views into three stages to make its development clearer, which is not involved by former researchers.Fourthly, it puts Freud’s religious views in a comparative whole frame, makes a whole, systematical and deep research respectively from the origin and development of religion, the essence of religion(religious notion, religious experience, religious behavior and church organization), and the relation between religion and culture. It breaks through the limitations of other scholars from home and abroad, whose views only focus on the origin of religion, and consequently makes his views fully demonstrated.Fifthly, it effectively combines the research methods and research fruits from both religious studies and psychology. Seen from actual research fruits, researchers of psychology were inclined to explain Freud’s view on religion using psychoanalysis theory, and they employed the most advanced research methods and statistical instruments to validate the reliability of his views. On the other hand, researchers of religion inclined to trace back and evaluate his view on religion from anthropology, nationality, history and philosophy. These two lack of effective combination. In fact, research materials of nationality and anthropology are essential parts of Freud’s view of religion, while psychoanalysis theory is its framework. Only through the effective combination of the two, we can grasp the meaning of Freud’s religious research. Objective evaluation for Freud’s religious views is another innovative point of this paper.


