

【作者】 黄治国

【导师】 达力扎布;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 归化城位于漠南蒙古的中心地带,是中原通往西北的交通要道,战略位置十分重要。清朝初期因对准噶尔用兵的需要,于康熙三十一年设置建威将军驻右卫,三十二年设置安北将军驻归化城。此后根据西北战争形势的紧缓,清政府在归化城地区多次临时驻扎军队,以维护北部边疆的稳定,并于乾隆初年在归化城东北修筑绥远城,移右卫建威将军于此,设置绥远城驻防,以防备准噶尔,控制蒙古。绥远城驻防的设置经历了由临时驻防到永久驻防,由防备喀尔喀到防备准噶尔的转变过程。绥远城驻防设置后,绥远城将军的职权不断地得到扩大,逐步蚕食土默特部的传统权力,扩大驻防将军的职权范围。到清朝后期,绥远城将军不但具有管辖土默特二旗的权力,而且兼有统驭乌兰察布和伊克昭两盟,节制沿边诸道厅的权力,使其从一个单纯的军事驻防演变为一个军民兼管、军政合一、以军为主的行政管理体制,绥远城将军也成为该地区兼及行政与军事的最高军政长官。绥远城驻防作为清朝在漠南蒙古地区设置的重要军事驻防地,对清朝绥服蒙古,维护其在蒙古地区的统治发挥了重要作用。本文在文献资料和已有研究成果的基础上,对绥远城驻防的起因、经过、组织机构、运行机制及驻防将军的职能演变等进行了分析,力图多角度的勾画出绥远城驻防的历史发展轨迹,以期更好地认识清朝对蒙古统治政策演变的历史。本文由绪论、正文和结语组成。绪论介绍论文研究的主要问题、研究现状、研究方法、重难点及史料来源等,并对绥远城驻防制度的界定、绥远城将军的称呼沿革问题进行了阐述。第一章介绍绥远城驻防设置前的漠南蒙古概况、归化城在北疆历史上的地位、皇太极统一漠南蒙古和其对归化城土默特的统治政策等。第二章论述历史上归化城地区战略地位的形成,归化城驻军由临时驻防到永久驻防的历史演变,绥远城修筑的过程等。第三章从政治、经济、宗教、军事等方面阐释绥远城驻防的设置原因。第四章对绥远城驻防的组织机构及职能、驻防官员的管理、驻防官兵的数量及俸饷等进行了论述。第五章主要从政治、经济、军事、文化、交通、商务、垦务等诸多方面对绥远城将军的各项职权进行了全方位的归纳总结。同时关注绥远城驻防将军职能范围不断扩大的历史。结语部分对绥远城驻防进行了简单的评述,对其在历史上所产生的利与弊进行了分析。本文的主要观点是绥远城驻防并不是唐突设立的,而是和清前期对准噶尔用兵过程中的历次临时驻防密切相关,在归化城临时驻防和右卫驻防的基础上,最终实现归化城的永久驻防;而且对绥远城驻防设置的原因也不应简单的进行线性因果分析,它的设立是政治、经济、军事、宗教等各种因素综合作用的结果;对归化城历朝驻兵所防范对象的转变也给予了充分的重视;清朝对土默特部传统权力的剥夺从清入关前就已开始,而在绥远城驻防设置以后呈现异常加速趋势,在不到三十年的时间里,将土默特部权力剥夺殆尽;绥远城驻防将军的职权在其设置初期与后期发生了很大变化,使其从一个单纯的军事驻防将军演变成了绥远城地区主持、监督或控制一切事务的最高军政长官,笔者对这一过程进行了较详细地论述和分析。此外,为了更好地把握绥远城驻防的性质和特点,认清绥远城驻防在不同历史时期的功能和作用,本文还利用了历史学、文献学、地理学、军事学等学科的研究成果对绥远城驻防进行多视角的分析。同时还借鉴统计学的相关研究方法对绥远城驻防将军、归化城都统等进行统计分析,以清楚认识绥远城驻防的相关问题。

【Abstract】 Guihua city is located in the center of Inner Mongolia, which is on the vital communication line from the Central Plains to the northwest of China, therefore its strategic position is of great importance. To meet the need of the war against Junghar, the early Qing Dynasty set up General Jianwei quartering at the right defense in the 31st year of Kangxi Emperor (1692) and General Anbei at Guihua in the 32nd year of Kangxi Emperor (1693).Later, due to the situation of the war in the northwest, temporary troops were stationed in the Guihua area for many times to safeguard the stability of the northern frontier. In the early years of Qianlong Emperor, the Qing government had Suiyuan City built to the northeast of Guihua City, moving General Jianwei of the right defense here, setting up Suiyuan garrison troops against Junghar to bring Mongolia into control.The setting of Suiyuan garrison underwent a transformation from temporary garrison to permanent one, from against Khalkha to against Junghar. After its setting , the functions and powers of General of Suiyuan City was unceasingly extended and gradually nibbled the traditional power of Tumote Tribe. So its functions and powers enlarged greatly. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, General of Suiyuan City not only possessed the authority of governing the two Banners of Tumote Tribe, but also controlled Wulunchubul and Yikezhao Leagues, restraining the departments of the prefectures along the border, which made it transfer from a pure military garrison into an administration system governing both military and civil affairs, combined military and administrative affairs into one, and focused on military affairs mainly. In a word, General of Suiyuan City became the supreme official in charge of military and administrative affairsl of that area.As an important military base in Inner Mongolia area of Qing Court, Suiyuan City played a significant role in conquering Mongolia and preserving its domination in Mongolia region. On the basis of documentary materials and former researches, the author analyzes the causes, the process, the organization, the running mechanism and General’s functions of the garrison in Suiyuan City, trying to describe the development of historical path of the garrison in Suiyuan City so as to have a better understanding about the evolution of the Qing Dynasty’s policy of governing Mongolia.This article contains three parts: the introduction, the main body and the conclusion. The introduction is mainly about the nuclear problems, the status quo, the methods, the difficult and important points and the history resources of the research; Besides, it also makes a definition about the garrison institution in Suiyuan City and the changes of the names of General in Suiyuan City. In Chapter One, the author firstly makes a description about the general situation of Inner Mongolia before the garrison was set up in Suiyuan City, and then talks about the historical position of Guihua City. In the last part of this chapter, the author makes an argument about Inner Mongolia united by Huangtaiji Emperor and his ruling policy over Tumote tribe in Guihua City. The Second chapter deals with the formation of the Guihua City region’s strategic position in history, the evolution of Guihua City from temporary garrison to permanent one and the construction process of Suiyuan City. The third chapter explains the reasons for the setting of Suiyuan City garrison from the perspectives of politics, economics, religion and military. The fourth chapter is about the organizations and functions of the garrison in Suiyuan City, the governing of the officers, the number of the troops and their pays. The fifth chapter mainly makes a general summary about the functions and powers of General of Suiyuan City in the views of the politics, economics, military, culture, transportation, business, and many other aspects. In the meanwhile the author concerns about the constant expansion of General functions of garrison in Suiyuan City. In the end, the author makes a brief review about the garrison system in Suiyuan City, and gives an analysis about the advantages and disadvantages of the garrison system in Suiyuan City in history. The main opinion of this article is that the garrison set in Suiyuan City was not established abruptly, but was closely connected with the temporary garrisons in the wars against Jungharin in the early Qing Dynasty; On the basis of the garrison of the right defense, temporary garrison was changed into permanent one in Guihua City; The reasons for the city garrison setting should not be a simple linear causal analysis but the result of a variety of several factors; The change of the objects to be on guard should be emphasized in the study and research; The deprivation of the traditional powers of Tumote Tribe by the Qing Dynasty had began from their entry to the central plains through Shanhaiguan, and the deprivation accelerated quickly after the garrison setting in Suiyuan City; The power of Tumote Tribe was deprivated thoroughly in less than 30 years; The functions of Suiyuan City garrison changed greatly at the beginning compared with that of later stage. It evolved from a pure military garrison general to the supreme official in charge of military and administrative affairsl of that area, and the author analyzes this process in greater detail. In addition, to grasp better the character and understand different functions and roles in different periods, the author utilizes achievements in former scientific research, such as literature, geography, military science and other subjects, and make use of the relevant research methods in statistics to give a statistical analysis of the garrison generals in Suiyuan City and the commanders of Guihua City so that we can get a better understanding of the relevant problems of Suiyuan City garrison .

【关键词】 清朝归化城绥远城将军驻防八旗
【Key words】 The Qing DynastyGuihua CityGeneral of SuiyuanGarrisonEight banners

