

【作者】 赵文

【导师】 达力扎布;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 明朝自万历年间开始一直到末期,与北边蒙古的关系主要是针对漠南蒙古左、右翼各部来展开。随着形势的变化,明朝政府不时对蒙古右翼的策略进行战略性微调,但总体还是延续了降庆时期的基本做法;而对蒙古左翼的策略,在万历朝及以后的时间里,却经历了种种变化,尤其是万历时期制定的一些策略,直接对天启朝和崇祯朝产生了重要影响。后金势力兴起后,明朝在后金的强大攻势而前屡屡被动,特别是得知后金进一步采取对蒙古进行拉拢和绥服的策略之后,深感失去蒙古的可怕后果,不得不反复调整对蒙古左翼的策略,试图借助蒙古的力量来牵制后金并与之抗衡。但结局是蒙古诸部陆续归附后金,并作为后金攻明的主要辅佐力量,与后金一道推翻了明朝在中原近三百年的统治。系统深入地研究这一时期明朝对蒙古的策略,有助于我们了解明廷对蒙古策略的摇摆性和不一致性,映证出明朝皇帝的不作为以及明朝政府的腐败无能,同时也能清楚地看到后金的努尔哈赤和皇太极作为一股新生政治力量的主要代表,在处理与蒙古的关系上表现出的远见卓识和高超智慧。本论文研究的重点就是进一步探讨明朝万历年间开始到末期与蒙古关系中的政策性因素对明蒙双方产生的重要影响。本文第一章《嘉隆时期明朝对蒙古策略综述》主要吸收前人研究的成果,借助史料专门探讨蒙古达延汗以后蒙古左、右翼的迁徙分布情况,重点分析了以俺答汗为首的蒙古右翼与明朝的对抗以及“俺答求贡”始末,把“俺答求贡”这段历史史实作了进一步的梳理。同时围绕“隆庆和议”,把明蒙之间从多年的战争对抗演变为相互间经济贸易往来的过程进行了集中论述。认为该和议的达成,既顺应了时代发展的潮流,也进一步促进了双方政治、经济和文化的交流,成为明蒙关系史上最大的亮点。同时阐明,由于明朝在对待蒙古左翼问题上显得有些气量不够,采取了“拒贡”政策,这样的做法虽然为明朝后期对蒙古策略的调整留出了很大空间,但同时也埋下了祸根,使明朝为此付出惨痛代价。本文第二章《万历年间明朝对蒙古策略的转变》主要探讨明朝对蒙古右翼策略的战略性微调以及根据形势变化及时改变对蒙古左翼的“拒贡”政策,用比较详实的史料考证了明神宗的“逆革顺赏”策略,强调此举进一步左右了明朝后期对蒙古的策略,其负面影响不容忽视。本文第三章《辽东局势的变化以及明朝对蒙古策略的走向》则把目光聚焦到明朝的辽东地区。这一区域对明朝后期的历史走向至关重要。可以说守住了辽东就等于守住天下,而失去辽东就可能失去天下。本章通过对明朝后期几任辽东督抚经略经营辽东的情况以及这一时期明朝对蒙古采取的策略进行了较为深入的探讨,分析了后金的崛起影响和制约了明朝对蒙古的策略,探讨了明朝最终失去辽东的深层次原因。本文第四章《天启朝对蒙古的策略与效果》专门探究明熹宗在后金强大的攻势面前,与明臣一道加紧对蒙古诸部抚赏策略的调整,以期借蒙古助兵来牵制后金的力量,缓解对明朝的进攻。同时还穿插论述了后金与明朝双方在争取蒙古过程中的一些不同做法,得出了后金采取的策略远比明朝实用的结论。本文第五章《崇祯朝对蒙古的策略与效果》集中论述崇祯皇帝在制定对蒙古左翼察哈尔部策略上表现出的模糊性和摇摆性,分析了王象乾在左右明朝政府对蒙古策略中发挥的突出作用,把明朝对蒙古策略失败的原因归结到政治、经济和人为因素等几个方面。结论部分主要把明朝后期对蒙古策略的变化及其得失做了进一步归纳、分析和总结。

【Abstract】 The diplomatic policies towards Mongolia in the northern China of Ming dynasty were mainly directed at the right and left sides of Monan Mongolia(漠南蒙古) since Wanli years(万历) to the collapse of the Ming dynasty.As the change of the situation,the rulers of Ming had to make the subtle strategic adjustments on the policies towards the right side of the Monan Mongolia,but the basic principles in Longqing years (隆庆) were still kept well.On the constrast,the policies towards the left side of Monan Mongolia continued to be changed since Wanli years and its later periods,some tactics established in Wanli in particular directly caused the important impact in the Tianqi(夭启) and Chongzhen years (崇祯).After the Post-jin(后金) force rose,the rulers of Ming felt very passive against its strong attacks.Especially when knowing Post-jin insistently hooked in and pacificated Mongolia,Ming’s government had to repeatedly rectify the policies towards the left side of Mongolia in order to contain and antagonize the force of Post-jin.But the history tells us the tribes of Mongolia eventually submitted to the Post-jin in succession.As the main helpers,the Mongolian troops under the direction of its leading force Post-jin,overthrew the governing of Ming dynasty for three hundred years.Systematic and profound study of the Ming’s diplomatic policies towards Mongolia could help us to further our understanding of its vibration and disaccording,comprehend the nonfeasance and corruption of Ming dynasty,and catch on the foresight and wise of Nurhachi(努尔哈赤) and HuangTaiji(皇太极) of Post-jin as the main representatives of the newly rising political forces dealing the relations with Mongolia.The emphasis of the dissertation is to discuss the important impact of the policy factors on the Ming and Mongolia since Wanli years to the end of the Ming dynasty.The first chapter,Introduction of Diplomatic Policies towards Mongolia of Ming in Jialong years,consulting and absorbing the former scholars’ studies,discusses the migration and distribution of the lift and right sides of Mongolia since DaYanHan(达延汗) years of Mongolia. This chapter analyzes the confrontation of right side of Mongolia to the Ming’s government and constructs the true story of "An-da search for tribute"(俺答求贡).At the same time,focusing on the formation of "Longqing Negotiation"(隆庆和议),this chapter systematically delineates the history of Ming-Mongolia from the wars of many years to the economic interaction and trade,which as the lightest spot in the relations of Ming and Mongolia,catered for the trend of times and promoted the political and cultural communication in both sides.But as un-tolerance and short-sight to the left side of Mongolia,the rulers of Ming implemented the policy of "Refusal of Tribute"(拒贡),giving the space for the adjustment of Ming’s policy towards Mongolia as well as the cost would be paid in the later years.The second chapter,the Change of Ming’s Policies towards Mongolia in Wanli Years,discusses the strategic subtle adjustments made by Ming towards the right side of Mongolia and the change of "Refusal of Tributes"(拒贡) towards the left side of Mongolia.Probing the historical materials,the author analyzes the policy of "Ni Ge Shun Shang"(逆革顺赏) implemented by Emperor Shenzong(神宗) of Ming and noticed that this action basically decided the policies towards Mongolia of later Ming dynasty and caused the un-neglected negative influences.The third chapter,the Change of Liaodong Situation and the Trend of Ming’s Policies towards Mongolia,focuses on the Liaodong areas, which made the key position in the later history of Ming dynasty.It may be said that protection of Liaodong is equal to protection of Ming dynasty. Through the study of Dufu Jinglue(督抚经略) governing Liaodong Area in late Ming and the change of Ming’s policies towards Mongolia,the author analyzes what the rising Post-jin has made on the Ming’s diplomatic policies towards Mongolia and the profound reasons for Ming’s losing the Liaodong Area.The fourth chapter,Policies of Tianqi Years towards Mongolia and its Effect,studies the history in which Emperor Xizong(熹宗) of Ming and his officials adjusted the Fu Shang Policy(抚赏政策)for the Mongolian tribes and used them as the containing force to confront with attack from Post-jin.In this part,the author also discusses some effective ways used by Post-jin to hook in Mongolian government,which was more pragmatic than the ways of Ming’s rulers.The fifth chapter,the Diplomatic Policies towards Mongolia and its Effect in Chongzhen Years,investigates the illegibility and vibration when Emperor Chonezhen made the policies towards the Cha-haer tribe(察哈尔部落) of the left side of Mongolia,analyzes the important function played by the senior official Wang Xiang-qian(王象乾) in the policy-making towards Mongolia,and ascribes the reasons for the failure of Ming’s diplomacy towards Mongolia to the political,economic and personal factors.The concluding part furthers to induct,analyze and synthesize the changes of diplomatic policies towards Mongolia of late Ming dynasty and its success and failures.


