【作者】 常俊之;
【导师】 戴庆厦;
【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学与应用语言学, 2009, 博士
【摘要】 本文以“参考语法”所倡导的语言描写与研究原则为理论指导,吸收融入传统语法的语言描写与研究方法,以伯纳德.科姆里的《语法手册》为语法调查和描写框架,对属于汉藏语系藏缅语族彝语支的苦聪话进行了比较全面和较为深入的共时观察、分析、描写和研究,内容涵盖了苦聪话语言本体的主要方面。论文既全面描写构成语法体系的主要的层面,又重点突出典型的、具有代表性的语法现象。全文共分十七章。第一章是导论。简述拉祜族苦聪支系的概况;前人研究概况;语料来源;理论框架和研究方法;研究的意义和价值。第二章是音系。描写苦聪话的声母、韵母、声调以及音节结构类型。第三章是词汇。对苦聪话的构词方法、外来词及隐语进行描写。第四章至十三章,分别对名词、代词、数词、量词、动词、形容词、副词、助词、连词、感叹词等十大词类的语法特点进行了比较详细地描写。动词、部分连词及助词是语法描写重点。主要关注了动词的“体”、“态”、“趋向”、名物化、特殊小类及语法化。部分连词和助词语法意义十分丰富,分析和描写难度较大,本文逐一对其用法进行了细致描写,并对个别助词的语法化路径进行了探索。第十四章是简单结构。对并列短语、名词性短语的语序、句中其它成分的语序、谓语动词的结构及句子的基本语序进行了描写。名词性短语的语序和连动结构是描写重点。第十五章重点描写了苦聪话的系词句,差比句和话题句。第十六章是句类。主要对苦聪话的四种语气类型进行考察和描写,即陈述句、疑问句、感叹句和祈使句。疑问句是描写重点。第十七章是复杂结构。对关系从句、补足语从句、状语从句和并列复句进行了详细地分析和描写。苦聪话参考语法的意义在于:一、有助于加深对苦聪话共时面貌的认识和了解;二、能够为拉祜族各支系语言的观察与研究提供充足的历时语言材料和参考证据;三、有助于深化汉藏语系语法的研究,尤其是汉藏语系藏缅语族不同语言的语法比较研究和类型学研究;四、能够为民族学等其他学科提供一定的帮助。本文主要采用田野调查、归纳和描写的研究方法,在掌握大量的、真实的语料的基础上对苦聪话的语法体系进行系统的、全面的共时观察、分析与描写,同时对代表苦聪话的一些典型语法现象和典型语法特征进行了重点考察。
【Abstract】 This dissertation aims to synchronically make a comprehensive and systematic study of Kucong, a language of Yi Branch, Tibeto-Burman Group, the Sino-Tibetan Family on the basis of reference grammar, mainly covering its phonological system, parts of speech and syntactic system.The dissertation consists of seventeen chapters.Chapter One offers A short description of the Kucong-speaking nationality and the designing of the dissertation., a general presentation of the language itself, a brief picture of the present situation of language use of the nationality in question and a looking-back of past linguistic researches on the language are simultaneously covered. Chapter Two decribes the phonological system of Kucong, the main contents being consonants(initials), vowels(finals), tonic types and syllable canon.Chapter Three makes a presentation of word-building process of the language, namely, compounding and affixation. The chapter ends with a short inventory of loans (mainly from Chinese)of the language and argot. Chapter Four to Chapter Thirteen is made up of ten sub-sections, focusing on the parts of speech of Kucong, including noun, pronoun, numeral, quantifier, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, particle, and interjection respectively. Each section is a general description of the grammatical features of each part of speech, with special attention to their grammatical functions and peculiar syntactic behaviors, if any. take verb for example, such phenomena as grammatical aspects, grammatical voices, verbal directionality, verb-noun relativization and grammaticalization are given sufficient observation and description. A few of conjunction and particles is given a whole and plausible listChapter Fourteen is made up of coordinate phrase, the order of nominal phrase structure, the structure of the verb complex and the constituent order of the clause.Chapter Fifteen focuses on the copular sentences,comparative construction and topic-comment constructions.Chapter Sixteen concentrate upon syntactic moods, including declarative mood, optative mood, interrogative mood and exclamative mood.Chapter Seventeen analyses and describes relative clause, complement clause, subordinate clause and coordinate clause detailedly.It is strongly wished on the part of the author that the present study will be helpful to the further research of the language and beneficial to the contrastive research and typological study of the Sino-Tibetan Family.
【Key words】 kucong; reference grammar; constituent order; simple and complex structures; moods;