

【作者】 厉新建

【导师】 魏小安;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国已经成长为广受世界各国关注的出境旅游大国,但却依然是旅游业跨国经营的小国。这一大一小反差的结果就是中国300多亿美元的消费流出,几乎相当于中国引进外资额的1/3还多。造成这种反差现象的原因是什么?有没有必要改变这种状况?又有什么途径可以改善这种状况?在战略视角和发展模式上究竟是模仿还是创新?又应该如何创新?等等,这些问题都需要从学术的角度进行剖析。论文以此为出发点,在大量国内外文献检索、典型国内相关企业访谈调研、国际跨国旅游集团成长历程资料整理、国外实地考察和国内游客及专家问卷的基础上,把中国出境市场发展与跨国经营发展之间的关系放在更宏观、更接近“现实世界”的框架下进行解读,第一次系统深入地分析了影响中国旅游业跨国经营发展的主要因素,从旅游业内在的“区位锁定”、“可信赖承诺”等产业特性以及中国作为转型中的发展中大国在发展空间、内需规模、政府影响等特性这两大层面分析了旅游业跨国经营的内在机理。论文对目前国内主流的旅游业跨国经营思想和观点进行辨析性的论证,重新认识了出境旅游向量与跨国经营向量之间的关系,从全球优势交换及局部利益观与整体战略观的视角,解释了“涌进来”与“走出去”并行现象,对不同发展程度国家的声誉信号机制进行了分类化研究,总结了声誉信号机制的主要影响因素。在中国旅游企业现有能力基础和已经变化了的国际竞争环境的前提下,论文提出中国旅游业跨国经营要改善传统的市场跟随模式的战略焦点,反思狭隘的市场跟随模式,着眼“全球本地化”,对跨国经营海外企业进行正确的角色定位并应该通过战略联盟这一桥梁嵌入到东道国的外部网络中去,扭转目前“黑洞”形象,充分发挥海外子公司“潜听哨”的作用,推进跨国经营积极发展。论文还指出,在传统跨国经营优势缺乏的情况下,中国旅游业的跨国经营应该立足于集群共生和融合发展,从百年唐人街发展史中汲取经验,整合运用产业经济学中的模块化理论,构建嵌入集群、新生集群和模块化集群投资等创新模式,形成多产业融合、专业化的多元化等创新思路,有效提升中国旅游业跨国公司成长的能力。从波特钻石模式入手,论文从理论分析了政府在现阶段中国旅游业跨国经营中的角色,从实践上提出应该重视中非论坛等对外援助平台推进旅游业跨国经营发展,同时从规模经济变迁等角度提出规模大小不一的企业可以确定不同的跨国经营目标,获得各自的成功;从国外著名跨国旅游集团的发展实践中,观察到商务性区位相对于休闲性区位对跨国经营的突出价值,发现组织型区位相对于接待型区位的显著意义,初步构建了中国作为发展中国家在跨国经营区位选择上的“旗舰”价值、“领先”价值和“商务”价值等三个判断标准。

【Abstract】 China has grown into a giant outbound tourist generating country which has drawn worldwide attention, but it still remains as a dwarf as far as transnational tourism operation is concerned. The result of this contrast is an outflow of more than 30 billion dollars’ consumption which equals almost one third of direct foreign investment in China. What caused this contrast? Is it necessary to change this situation? What approaches could improve the present case? Should we follow western ways or be innovative from the perspective of strategy and development approaches? How can we initiate the innovation if needed then? All of these questions have to be analyzed from the academic point of view.Based on research review of worldwide publications, investigation of representative domestic tourism enterprises, research on successful development of transnational tourism groups, the author’s on the spot investigation abroad and questionnaire collected from tourists and experts, this paper places the relationship of Chinese outbound tourism market and transnational operation development in a more macro and realistic level. For the first time it systematically and profoundly analyzes key factors that affect Chinese tourism transnational operation and its internal mechanism from tourism industrial features such as area locking and reliable commitment as well as some Chinese specialties in terms of development space, scale of domestic needs and government impact in the stage of industrial transformation. This paper provides argumentation to current major domestic opinions on tourism transnational operation, re-presents the relationship between outbound tourism and transnational operation, and explains the parallel phenomenon of flowing in and going out from the perspective of global advantages exchange, individual benefits and holistic strategy. It also has categorized research on reputation signal mechanism of countries with different development levels, and summarizes key influential factors on this signal mechanism.Considering present capabilities of Chinese tourism enterprises and changed international competition environment, this paper presents the necessity of improving traditional and narrow minded strategy of market following, focuses on global localization, gives transnational operation overseas enterprises correct strategic positioning through strategic alliance to break into host countries’ external networks and take overseas subsidiaries’ role of listening post to the full play, and finally to promote active development of transnational operation. This paper also points out that in the lack of advantage of traditional transnational operation, Chinese tourism transnational operation should be built on cluster symbiosis and inosculation, draw the experience of development of China town in the past hundreds of years, adopts innovative investment approaches such as embedded cluster, newborn cluster and block cluster, forming multi-industry, specialized and diversified innovations and effectively promoting growing capabilities of Chinese tourism transnational operation enterprises.The paper theoretically analyzes the role played by the government at the current stage of Chinese tourism transnational operation from Porter’s diamond model. To promote the development of transnational operation, external aid platforms such as Sino-Africa forum should be made good use of. Enterprises of different size could have diversified transnational operation goals and gain success from the perspective of scale economic transformation. Learned from the development practice of overseas renowned transnational tourism group, business positioning has outstanding value compared with leisure positioning, and organizing positioning is superior to reception positioning, therefore flagship value, leadership value and business value are built as three criteria in the course of positioning choice during transnational operation for Chinese enterprises.

【关键词】 旅游业跨国经营出境旅游创新
【Key words】 tourismtransnational operationoutbound tourisminnovation

