

【作者】 樊端成

【导师】 郭毅生;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 广西壮族自治区地处我国南疆,境内有壮、汉、瑶、苗、侗、京等12个世居民族。作为一个沿边的多民族省区,由于特殊的地理环境及复杂的历史原因,历史上广西经济的发展与东部沿海及广大中部内陆地区相比,处于相对落后、封闭的状态,小农经济仍占绝对优势。近代以后,外国资本主义入侵,自然经济开始逐步解体,广西农业经济结构出现了较快地的演变。农业经济结构的变化,不仅影响着农业不同层次生产要素配置格局及产业结构的变化,而且将通过连锁效应和乘数效应波及到整个农业增长的各个方面,使农业增长所依赖的动力结构发生根本性的转变。近现代广西农业经济结构的演变是一个农村土地所有制和经营方式不断变迁、农业产业结构不断优化、传统农业逐渐现代化的过程。农业经济结构的这种演化在近现代促进了广西农业经济的发展。本文在相关研究成果的基础上,借助跨学科的理论和方法,以土地所有制结构、农业经营结构、农业产业结构为重点,从七个方面对近现代广西农业经济结构演变进行研究,力图从理论上较系统地揭示近现代广西农业经济结构演变的轨迹、历史特质与动力机制,以期对当前在中国—东盟自由贸易区背景下广西及周边地区农业经济结构战略性调整有所借鉴和启迪。本文认为,近现代广西农业经济结构演变总的趋势是不断优化,促进了农业经济的发展,但在某些时期某些方面也出现曲折和失误,又造成了严重的消极影响。近现代广西土地所有制结构由共有、地主私有、自耕农私有三种形态并存的封建土地所有制演变为“耕者有其田”的农民所有制,1956年实现社会主义土地集体所有制;农业经营结构由以封建小农经营为主向互助合作经营、社会主义集体和家庭承包经营演变。这种变化为广西农业向着现代化发展奠定了基础。但由于过早地将农民土地所有制变为集体所有制,过早地将互助合作经营形式上升为集体经营形式,超越了农村生产力发展水平和广大农民群众的觉悟程度,在一定程度上挫伤了农民生产积极性,给农村经济发展带来了巨大的损失。家庭承包经营责任制,提高了农民生产积极性,促进了广西农业的发展。但由于集体土地所有权主体虚位,农民土地使用权脆弱,加之广西人多地少,第三产业发展落后,土地流转困难,经营规模狭小,又制约了农业进一步发展。家庭承包责任制与农业规模经营之间没有矛盾。世界上很多国家的农业包括美国、加拿大等国的大规模现代农业,都是建立在家庭经营制基础上。中共十七届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》允许并鼓励土地承包经营权流转对扩大家庭土地经营规模有重大意义。农业产业结构由以粮食为主的单一的结构逐步演变为以种植业为主,林、牧、副、渔全面发展的产业结构;随着农产品商品化程度不断提高,农产品市场结构也不断优化,拉动了农业生产的发展。但人民公社时期特别是“文化大革命”期间,“以粮为纲”,社员家庭副业和集市贸易被限制,日趋合理的农业经济结构遭到破坏,农业生产又受到影响,农民生活水平下降。这种状况直到改革开放后才逐渐有所改变。近现代广西农业经济结构演变的原因是多方面的。与近代相比,现代广西农业经济结构演变较快,主要是因为政府政策和市场需求影响比较大。而以政策推动农业经济结构变化,有的脱离了实际,超越了广大农民群众的认识和觉悟水平,又造成了一些消极影响。受地理环境与历史等因素的影响,近现代广西农业产业和农产品市场结构变化与广西沿边及对外开放有直接关系,是广西农业经济结构演变不同于内陆其他地区的重要个性特征。综观近现代广西农业经济结构演变的历史,吸取其中成功的经验和失误的教训,今后广西应根据生产力发展要求,不断完善农村土地产权制度和经营方式,以制度创新促进技术改进和农业经济发展;根据趋利避害原则,构筑符合经济区域化、全球化的农业产业结构;同时,农业经济结构调整要计划手段和市场手段并用。

【Abstract】 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region locates in China’s southern frontier. There are twelve nationalities living in here for generations, such as Zhuang, Han, Yao, Miao, Dong, Jing. As a multi-national bordering Province, due to special geographical environment and complicated history, its development of regional economy was in relatively backward and closed state. Compared with the situation of coastal area and vast hinterland of central China, its small-scale peasant economy is still dominant. In the modern times, the foreign capitalist invaded, and this leaded to the gradual disintegration of natural economy. Guangxi agricultural economy structure changed quickly. The evolution of agricultural economy structure not only affected the allocation pattern of agricultural production factors at different levels and the change of industrial structure, but also spread to all aspects of the whole agricultural growth by the multiplier effect, which led the agricultural growth power structure to change fundamentally.The agricultural economy Structure evolution in modern Guangxi was a process of rural land property systems and management styles changing continuously, agriculture industrial structure optimizing, traditional agriculture modernizing. It promoted agricultural economy in modern Guangxi. On the basis of relevant research results, the present dissertation adopts interdisciplinary theories and methods to take land ownership structure, agricultural management structure, agriculture industrial structure as focal points, analyzing agricultural economic structure evolution of modern Guangxi in seven aspects. It reveals the track of the evolution of agricultural economic structure, historical characteristics and power mechanism in modern Guangxi theoretically. It is expected that the research should provide a reference on agricultural industry structure adjustment in Guangxi and the surrounding provinces under the background of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.The present article argues that, the general trend of the agricultural economy structure evolution in modern Guangxi was optimizing constantly, and promoted the development of agricultural economy. But there were some complications and errors in the process at certain time, and caused severe damage to the development of agriculture. The land ownership structure of modern Guangxi evolved from the feudal ownership of land by landlords to the ownership of land by farmers, the former consisting of communal ownership, private ownership by landlords and private ownership by yeomen, and the latter emphasizing the farmers have their own lands as its essence. In 1956, the socialist collective ownership of rural land was established. The agricultural management structure evolved from the feudal small-scale farmer management to socialist mutual aiding and cooperative management, socialist collective management, household contract responsibility system. The change had laid foundation for the agricultural modernization in Guangxi. However, because of the precocious reform of the ownership of land by farmers to socialist land collective ownership and the premature escalation of the mutual aiding and cooperative managerial style to the collective managerial style, which was not fit to the level of rural productive forces, the enthusiasm of production of farmers was dampened to a certain extent, and the development of rural economy was damaged seriously. Household contract responsibility system improved the enthusiasm of farmers’ production, and promoted agricultural production development. Because of the weak position of collective land ownership system, the right to use the land of farmers is fragile. Moreover, with a large population and a small quantity of farming land and the backward state of the tertiary industry, Guangxi rural land transfer was difficult and the scale of management was small. This in return checked the further development of agriculture. There is not any contradiction between household contract responsibility system and the scale management of farmland. The agriculture in many countries, including the large-scale modern agriculture in the United States and Canada, is based on household contract responsibility system. The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Issues concerning the Improvement of Rural Reform and Development" adopted by the third plenary session of the 17th CPC central committee permits and encourages rural land contracted management rights to be transferred. This is of great significance for household land operation scale to be enlarged.The industrial structure of agriculture evolved gradually from the single structure of grain to the structure in which forestry, livestock breeding, fishery and sideline production developed comprehensively, and crop industry was the major variety. With the commercialization of agricultural products improving constantly in modern Guangxi, the market structure of agricultural products optimized constantly. This encouraged the development of agricultural production. But in the period of people’s commune especially during the Cultural Revolution, grain production was emphasized overly, and family sidelines and country fair trade were restricted, which disrupted the economic structure of agriculture that had been rational more and more. As a result, the agricultural production was influenced, and the living standard of farmers decreased. This situation turned for the better gradually since the economic reform and opening-up.There are many causes for the evolution of the economic structure of agriculture in modern Guangxi. The speed of change of the agricultural economic structure was relatively rapid in Guangxi since 1949 mainly because of governmental policies and the considerable effects of market demand. The practice of adopting policies to promote the structural changes in the agricultural economy divorced from reality and was beyond the consciousness of vast farmers. It had some passive influence. Because of the influence of geographical and historical factors, the change of agricultural industry and products market structure in modern Guangxi had direct relations with the location of Guangxi in China’s southern frontier and opening-up to the outside world. This is an important characteristic different from those of coastal areas of southeast China and the hinterland.Taking a Chronological Survey on the history of the evolution of agricultural economic structure in modern Guangxi, learning Lessons and extracting experiences from it, in future, Guangxi should improve the rural land property rights system and the mode of operation constantly according to the requirement of the development of productive forces, promote the advance of technology and the development of agriculture by the innovation of institutions. According to the principle of pursuing advantages and avoiding detriments, the agricultural industrial structure that conforms to economic regionalization and economic globalization should be constructed. At the same time, both marketing method and planning method should be used to adjust agricultural economic structure.


