

【作者】 吴雁

【导师】 金宜久;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 宗教学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 伊斯兰新柏拉图主义在国外的相关学术领域并没有系统化的研究,在中国伊斯兰哲学研究领域更是具有填补空白的作用,因此需要有人走出第一步。这是本文写作的出发点。对伊斯兰新柏拉图主义要从它广义定义的角度来研究,即从研究它和新柏拉图主义思想来源的共通部分和新柏拉图主义本身出发来研究,并与新柏拉图主义作对比,与影响它的其他文化(如中国文化)作对比,而不仅是只对新柏拉图主义做研究,才可能对伊斯兰新柏拉图主义的现实意义和理论意义有比较深刻的认识。新柏拉图主义的来源比较多,有柏拉图理念论和柏拉图主义,还有亚里士多德主义等。新柏拉图主义以对神秘事物的信仰为出发点,提出了“三一”式流溢的宇宙生成说:认为宇宙是由“一”流溢而生成为精神、灵魂和自然事物三层,它们具有形而上学的自然等级,并且在各层中还有各自不同的等级,有高下远近之分。人的灵魂是除了纯精神灵魂之外最高的等级。它还认为哲学认知追求的目标是终极真理,即接近和达到那个“一”,这是一种要达到其所信仰的神秘事物的哲学---宗教哲学。伊斯兰新柏拉图主义不同于新柏拉图主义。如果说新柏拉图主义是希腊哲学到晚期自然而然产生的一种宗教哲学,这样的一种理论缺乏与一种真正的宗教相结合的经历,因为只有与一种真正的宗教相遇和作用之后,新柏拉图主义才可能有真正意义上的发展,那么伊斯兰新柏拉图主义则具有这样的价值。所以它不仅仅是一种宗教哲学,而且是一种被实践的哲学,是活的哲学。在希腊-阿拉伯翻译运动过程中,伊斯兰教吸收了希腊哲学中来源于亚里士多德、柏拉图主义和其他思想的新柏拉图主义思想及直接吸收和发展了亚里士多德和柏拉图思想。可从伊斯兰逻辑学的出现为分界点,将伊斯兰新柏拉图主义的形成和发展分为之前和之后两个阶段。在之前第一阶段的发展中,哲学家们主张哲学应该作为一门独立于宗教的学科来研究,即信仰不能代替理性,虽然信仰当然也是必要的;认为灵魂需要正义和知识才能达到快乐的状态;并且事物中存在着矛盾等等,这都为第二阶段伊斯兰宗教伦理学和逻辑学的形成做了一些理论上的准备。第二阶段是系统性的伊斯兰柏拉图主义形成并发展的高峰期,出现了伊斯兰逻辑学、伦理学、调和论、“完人”理论和社会历史哲学方法论等等,这些未成熟和成熟的理论首先反映了一种新的宗教哲学由形成到发展的过程。其次,反映了它所吸收的希腊哲学在它内部发生的改变和产生生的结果。它来自这样的哲学、为它所作用,但同时反作用于它---将它消化、吸收和改造成自身所必需之物,从而最终从积极的意义上消解和传播了前者,改变了世界。伊斯兰新柏拉图主义从两种不同的方向上得到了发展:其一是走向西方,对西方宗教哲学和以后的哲学形成和发展起了重要作用。另一走向东方,特别是中国,并在明末清初的“汉文译著”过程中用“以儒释回”的形式得到发展,其中刘智的中国伊斯兰新柏拉图主义哲学最为系统化和精细。他运用了中国传统文化中的理气概念等元素,将传入中国的伊斯兰新柏拉图主义在自己的理解下进行了详细阐述,这样做的结果事实上是把伊斯兰新柏拉图主义宗教哲学思想与中国传统文化元素相揉合,使这两种文化在一种特定的历史环境中,能在其最精华的部分找到平衡点,且和平共处,也被称为“回回理学”。它是伊斯兰新柏拉图主义在中国的特色化。其后再无更大发展。总之,伊斯兰世界以新柏拉图主义思想的传入为线索,继而对真正的柏拉图和亚里士多德为主要代表的希腊哲学进行思考与吸收,在一种试图把亚里士多德和柏拉图思想相调和(以法拉比思想为代表)的背景下,结合伊斯兰教而形成的一种哲学,也可以叫宗教哲学,便却是广义的宗教哲学。这种宗教哲学与历史上的新柏拉图主义有相似的希腊哲学来源,并且事实上也接受了“新柏拉图主义”一些典型的宗教哲学理论,但却是宗教哲学在广义上的发展,名之为“伊斯兰新柏拉图主义”。研究伊斯兰新柏拉图主义,不仅可以了解希腊哲学对于伊斯兰文化的影响(从宏观上讲是了解哲学对于宗教的影响),而且可以了解伊斯兰新柏拉图主义作为一种宗教哲学对于世界哲学发展所产生的意义,更可以了解不同的哲学在它们相遇之初是以何种方式相结合的,最有可能达到什么样的状态,对于这个过程的研究更可以帮助我们了解当代一些重大的政治和思想理论问题,并起着理论指导作用----因为伊斯兰宗教哲学思想在当代依然面临着相遇和被相遇的问题,而这样的问题同样对其他的思想和理论产生着作用和反作用。

【Abstract】 It is not a systematic study that the research of Islamic Neo-Platonism in the related academic fields outside of China.In China,the role also needs someone to take the first step filling the blank in the field.This is the starting point for writing the thesis.Philosophy of Religion has always been an extremely important topic in the study of religion.The Islamic Neo-Platonism is a religious and philosophical question.It is possible to get some insightful conclusions by not only studying the Neo-Platonism,but also studying the Greek philosophy source and comparing it with the Neo-Platonism and other cultures,such as Chinese culture which deeply influenced it.Islamic Neo-Platonism and Neo-Platonism are different. Neo-Platonism is a religious philosophy which appeared in the late of Greece Philosophy,which had in some certain degrees of natural direction to develop.However this theory lacks the experience of combination with a true religion.Only by encountering with a real religion and influence to each other,the Neo-Platonism may have a complete development.In contrast to this,the Islamic Neo-Platonism has such value.Islamic Neo-Platonism and neo-Platonism have similar sources of Greek philosophy,similar characteristics and the historical role of thought.However,Islamic Neo-Platonism combined with Islam.It is not only a religious philosophy,but also a practical religion philosophy,which is a lived religious philosophy.In this two times Hellenistic processes,Islam absorbed the Neo-Platonism thoughts which originally came from Aristotle,Plato and others thought of the Greek Philosophy,and at the same time directly absorbed and developed the thoughts of Aristotle and Platonism.Kindi and Razi played a pioneering role in the beginning of these processes.Furthermore,Al-Farabi set up an Islamic logic which based on that of Aristotle and tried to reconcile Aristotle and Plato thought.In this way a new religious philosophy,this existed in the content of the Islamic and was with the Greek philosophy’s background,formed gradually.Searched on that,we can find that they have the similar Philosophical sources,similar species of religious philosophy and a similar philosophical structure.Since then the Islamic Neo-Platonism gradually formed as the most core part of Islamic philosophy.At the period of Ibn-Sina(Avicenna),it reached its systematic stage.After a long-term development as a religious philosophy,the Islamic Neo-Platonism caused Islamic religious circle, especially the philosophy of Al-Ghazali’s thinking.He would draw out the religious elements thoroughly from the theory of religious philosophy,Islamic Neo-Platonism has gradually become a religious theory and practice of system and it has more functions of religion’s thoughts rather than the characteristic of philosophy.Islamic Neo-Platonism developed towards two different directions:one was toward the West,which has played an important role in Western Philosophy’s subsequent formation and development; the other one moved toward the East,especially to China,and in late Ming and early Qing dynasty as "back to Confucianism,Buddhism," the form get the development,of which Liuzhi’s Islamic Neo-Platonism Philosophy is most systematic and sophisticated:it used the Chinese traditional culture elements such as the concept of Qi,together with Islamic Philosophy of Religion which spread to China with Islam to explain the details under his own understanding. In fact the result of doing so combines the Islamic Neo-Platonism doctrine with Chinese traditional cultures in some points keep a right balance at a specific historical environment and also peaceful coexistence,and it is necessary theoretical skills of a high.It is also the Islamic Neo-Platonism Peak period in China,after then there was no significant development.In short,the Islamic Neo-Platonism as the religious philosophy which growing up in this background - attempting to put Aristotle and Plato thought to reconcile(in thought,represented by Al-Farabi),put the Greek philosophy and Islam combining,because it has the similar sources of Greek philosophy with the Neo-Platonism on the history,were at this as a source and developed under the philosophy of religion,and also more or less affected by the new idea of direct Platonism impact,but also because of its religious philosophy is not only a theory,it is also a religious philosophy and theory with practice(with the Islamic religious practice),so this religious philosophy of Islam was named as the Islamic Neo-Platonism.Research on Islamic Neo-Platonism,can not only know about the impact which Greek philosophy has given to Islamic philosophy(in essence,that is,know the impact of philosophy to religion) but can also know the Islamic Neo-Platonism’s significance,as a religious philosophy to the development of world’s philosophy and also know how can the different philosophies combination at the beginning of their encounter,and as how kind of the manner,and the maximum possible extent to what kind of state,for the study of this process can help us understand some of the contemporary major political, ideological and theoretical questions,and plays a guiding role of theory ---- because Islamic religious thought in contemporary is still facing each other and meet the problem,and this same question to other ideas and theories also have the reaction.


