

【作者】 沈再新

【导师】 许宪隆;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 沔城回族镇是长江中游一个具有典型意义的散杂居多民族社区,其民族多元性和宗教生活多样性,决定了生活方式的多样性和民族关系的复杂性。生活在沔城回族镇的回族人口虽然不多,但在与汉族等其他民族杂居相处时,却能够适应不同的生活环境,吸收、融入其他民族的文化成份,形成自己独特的生活方式,是研究散杂居回族生活方式变迁的典型个案。研究发现,在与其他民族共生共存的社会条件下,新中国成立60年以来沔城回族的生活方式发生了明显的变化。在前人研究的基础上,本文运用民族学、人类学、社会学的相关理论和方法,通过对沔城回族生活方式变迁进行历时和共时的比较研究,分析其生活方式变迁的过程、原因、特点及趋势,透视生活方式变迁过程中存在的老问题新情况、新情况新问题,探讨了构建散杂居少数民族新型生活方式模式,提出了构建散杂居少数民族新型生活方式的现实路径,有助于我们把握少数民族生活方式变迁的内涵,进一步推进对散杂居民族关系和民族问题的研究,为其他散杂居地区民族生活方式的研究以及民族关系的处理提供借鉴和参照。本文有10章,共计28万字。第一章,导论。在导论中,主要论述选题缘由和意义、理论观照和研究方法;对生活方式和民族生活方式的概念进行一般理论探讨;述评国内外有关生活方式的研究现状和研究成果;提出本文研究的理论设想及基本思路、主要内容,并就本研究的重点、难点、主要观点及创新之处进行了阐述。第二章,沔城回族散杂居格局的形成与发展。论述中国及湖北回族散杂居格局的形成与发展的历史;梳理沔城回族的源流和民族关系史;讨论回族散杂居格局的未来发展趋势以及对回族的发展的意义。第三章,沔城回族镇概貌。介绍沔城回族镇的区位条件、地理环境、自然资源、物产、历史沿革;通过分析当地民族、宗教、传统文化和基本社会情况,彰显沔城回族镇的多元文化特征。第四章,经济生活方式的变迁。以新中国成立60年来生产关系的变革为主线,分析沔城回族经济生活方式的变迁和调适过程。沔城经济结构的演变过程,就是沔城回族生产、生活方式的变迁过程。沔城商贸经济和乡村工业化的发展,以及打工经济、旅游经济的出现,构成了当地回族社会生活变迁加剧的主要因素。农业经济在消解传统的同时,又重构和延续了传统,表现出与传统的复兴具有某些同构的趋势。这是在新的历史条件和文化背景下,对于传统经济生活方式的继承、扬弃和调适。第五章,政治生活方式的变迁。阐述沔城回族镇管理体制的变革过程,分析国家制度安排下的政治生活方式变迁。探讨民族乡背景下沔城回族镇的政治结构及其功能,以及村级政治结构和村民自治中的权力运作格局。并就政治参与问题,从政治认知能力、政治信息的获得、村民政治参与状况、选举取向、村务参与的动力及其影响因素分析等方面进行了讨论。第六章,消费生活方式的变迁。从分配制度和经济收入水平的变化来讨论沔城回族消费水平、消费结构、消费观念的变迁。消费结构的变迁包括消费结构内部的变化和消费总量结构比例的变化,以及消费结构发展的趋势和问题。沔城回族的消费观念既有共同性变化,同时也存在代际差异。第七章,婚姻家庭生活方式的变迁。在阐述沔城回族传统婚姻观念的基础上,讨论择偶观念、婚姻的缔结与变动、性爱观念等的变迁,分析婚姻生活变迁的原因。探讨沔城回族宗族、家族的消解过程。分析家庭规模与结构、家庭关系、家庭权威、分家机制、生育观的变迁。第八章,宗教生活方式的变迁。首先,分析沔城宗教信仰现状、各民族对宗教的态度。其次,从清真寺和寺坊的结构和功能、宗教信仰的遵守情况、宗教信仰的代际差异这三个方面讨论沔城回族宗教生活方式的变迁。再次,探讨沔城回族宗教生活方式变迁的特点和原因。第九章,闲暇生活方式的变迁。基于对闲暇这一概念和内涵的分析,阐述沔城回族传统闲暇生活方式,并按时间分期,从“集体”时代、“后集体”时代、茶馆时代、家庭闲暇时代这四个时期探讨沔城回族闲暇生活方式的变迁。第十章,沔城回族生活方式变迁的模式与构建。笔者认为,沔城回族生活方式的变迁是外部因素和内部因素共同作用的结果,也是一个从自在到自觉的文化调适过程。通过对散杂居地区生活方式变迁模式的理论探讨,笔者提出了散杂居少数民族新型生活方式构建的本质规定、发展取向、基本模式、建构过程,并探讨了创新沔城回族生活方式的主要途径。

【Abstract】 Miancheng Hui ethnic township, situated in the middle reaches of Yangtze River, is a typical multinational community. Its ethnic and religious plurality leads to the multiformity in people’s lifestyle and the complexity in ethnic relations. The population in Miancheng is small, yet when they live together with other ethnic groups, they can adapt themselves to the mixed-living enviroment, assimilating different cultural elements and forming the lifestyle of their own. Therefore, The Hui ethnic group living in Miancheng constitutes a typical case when investigating the changing lifestyle of the Hui people mixed among other ethnic groups.Research shows that, it is because of co-living and co-existing with other etnic groups that the lifestyle of the Hui people living in Miancheng has undergone marked changes since PRC was founded in 1949. This dissertation is based upon the research findings made by other people and the methods and theories used in it are those widely used in ethnology, anthropology and sociology. Through the synchronic and diachronic comparative study, the author analysizes the process of the Hui people’s lifestyle changes, its reasons, characteristics and developmental tendency. On the basis of this analysis, the author hopes to identify the new problems as well as the old ones with new phenomena appearing in the process of lifestyle change, to explore the mode of and the practical ways in constructing the new lifestyles for dispersed and mixed ethnic groups, and to make effective and practical policies and measures. The author hopes this research will deepen our understanding of the ethnic groups’ lifestyle changes, promote the research on the ethnic relations and ethnic problems, offer a frame of reference for the research on the ethnic lifestyle and the approaches to ethnic relations in other dispersed and mixed communities. This dissertation is composed of ten chapters, and the number of Chinese characters contained in it is approximately 280,000.Chapter 1. Introductory Remarks. In this chapter, the author makes a brief introduction of the reasons for project selection, its significance, theory basis and research methods, discusses the concepts of lifestyle and the lifestyle of the ethnic group, makes a review on the research status and research results on lifestyles, and introduces the theories which will be used, the basic roadmap for the dissertation-writing and the main content of the dissertation, and describes the dissertation’s research focus, research difficulties, major points and innovative points.Chapter 2. Formation and Development of the Pattern of Dispersed and Mixed Hui People. In this chapter, the author deals with the formation and development of the layout of dispersed and mixed Hui People in Hubei Province and other districts of China, makes a review on the origin of the Hui ethnic group and the history of ethnic relations in Miancheng, and discusses the developmental tendency of the pattern of the dispersed and mixed Hui people and its significance for the development of the Hui people.Chapter 3. An Overview of Miancheng Hui Ethnic Township. This chapter introduces the geographic conditions, natural resources, natural products and the history of Miancheng Hui ethnic township. The author hopes to present the cultural diversity in Miancheng through an analysis of the local ethnic groups, the religion, traditional culture and the basic social conditions.Chapter 4. Change of Economic Lifestyle. Centering around the revolution of production relations since the PRC was founded in 1949, the author analyzes the changes of economic lifestyle and the accommodation process of Miancheng Hui people. The process of the economic structure change is also the process of the production mode and lifestyle change witnessed by Miancheng. With the development of commercial economy and village industrialization, and the appearance of tourism economy and part-time economy, the social life has also undergone radical change. Agricultural economy has served as a dismantling of tradition, but at the same time it is helpful in reconstructing and preserveing tradition. This shows that it has similar tendencies as the revival of tradition. This is the inheritance, sublation and accommodation of the traditional economic lifestyle under the new historical conditions and against a new cultural background.Chapter 5. Change of Political Lifestyle. In this chapter, the author discusses the process of the management system reform of Miancheng Hui ethnic township, analysizes the change of political lifestyle decided by the national system, explores Miancheng’s political structure and its functions as well as the village political structure and the pattern of power operatiom in the villager autonomy system. And the author also discusses the issue of political participation from the perspectives of political cognitive ability, the access to political information, the politics participation conditions of the villigers, voting preferences and the motivation for participation in village affairs and the factors influencing the participation enthusiasm of the villagers.Chapter 6. Change of Consumer Lifestyle. In this chapter, the author discusses the changes of Miancheng Hui people’s consumption level, consumption structure and consumption concept influenced by the change of distribution system and the income level. The change of consumption structure includes such issues as the change of consumption structure, the change in the structure and proportion of the gross consumption, and the developmental tendency and problems of consumption structure. The change of consumption concept formed by Miancheng Hui people shares some similarities as well as intergenerational difference.Chapter 7. Change of Marital and Family Lifestyle. Based on the description of the traditional marital concepts formed by Miancheng Hui ethnic group, the author discusses the change of the spouse-searching standards, marriage convention and its change, and the change of sexual values. Then the author analyzes the reasons for the change of married life. The disintegration of Hui religion and Hui family have been discussed. The changes in the family size and family structure, family relations, family authority, the rules of breaking up the family and procreation values have also been expounded.Chapter 8. Change of Religious Lifestyle. Firstly, the author analysizes the status quo of Miancheng Hui people’s religious faith and the different ethnic groups attitudes towards the religion. Secondly, the author discusses the change of religious lifestyle from the perspectives of the structure and function of mosques and temples, religious observances and the intergenerational differences in religious faith. Thirdly, the author explores the characteristics of Miancheng Hui people’s religious lifestyle.Chapter 9. Change of Leisure Lifestyle. Based on the analysis of the concept of "leisure", the author describes the traditional ways in which Miancheng Hui people spend their leisure time. In order to discuss the change of leisure lifestyle, the author divides their leisure lifestyles into four periods-collective age, post-collective age, tea-house age and leisure family life age - and discusses the four periods respectively.Chapter 10. Modes and Construction of Change of Lifestyle. The author holds that both external factors and internal factors have contributed to the change of Miancheng Hui people’s lifestyle, and the change is also a process from the narural cultural accommodation to the conscious cultural accommodation. Through the theoretical exploration on the change of the lifestyle, the author explores the nature, the developmental orientation, the basic modes and the construction process of the new lifestyle suitable for the dispersed and mixed ethnic groups. And the author also explores the main ways of creating new lifestyle for Miancheng Hui ethnic group.

【关键词】 散杂居回族生活方式变迁
【Key words】 dispersed and mixedHui ethnic grouplifestylechange

