

【作者】 朴美兰

【导师】 黄有福;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 全球化时代,延边朝鲜族人口发展出现了既不同于西方发达国家又有别于中国其他民族的变化,即作为发展中国家边疆少数民族,延边朝鲜族人口生育率不断下降,并出现人口负增长。迄今为止,对延边朝鲜族人口问题的研究多采用人口学的视角,仅呈现了人口发展问题的客观现状,难以全面揭示引发问题的社会根源和文化因素。本文将人口发展问题置于社会变迁、民族文化传统以及族群生活方式等多方联系与互动中,尝试以民族学、人类学的视角进行人口问题研究。将延边朝鲜族人口问题与文化变迁理论相结合,通过民族学传统的田野调查与深入访谈,阐释蕴藏于人口生育行为背后的深层民族文化因素。同时,通过相关文献梳理,揭示延边朝鲜族人口发展变化的规律和趋势,从而对延边朝鲜族人口问题的解决途径做一些粗浅探讨,为今后国家和地方政府制定相关政策提供依据和参考。论文包括绪论、正文、结论三个部分。绪论部分主要介绍国内外相关研究动态及本研究的目的、意义和研究方法等。正文分为五章。第一章,回顾和梳理了1949年以前延边朝鲜移民的迁入史以及移民人口的发展概况。第二章,论述了1949-1990年延边朝鲜族人口发展状况及人口发展特点。第三章,依据田野调查资料,揭示出20世纪90年代以来延边朝鲜族人口发展的新特点——人口负增长,并对这一特点的产生及性质进行阐释。第四章,运用民族学、人类学文化分析的相关理论,从四个方面探析了延边朝鲜族人口负增长的原因。第五章,论述了延边朝鲜族人口负增长所引发的社会影响。结语部分对全文进行了总结:第一,延边朝鲜族人口负增长是人口自然负增长,是长期以来民族人口转变的必然趋势。此次人口负增长不是因战争、灾害、迁移等社会因素所导致的非自然减少,而是由人口出生和死亡所致的自然绝对负增长。由于人口惯性及人口生育观念的彻底转变,人口负增长现象还将持续下去。所有这些特征充分表明,延边朝鲜族人口发展符合人口转变的特点,是长期以来民族人口转变的必然趋势。第二,长期以来,国家计划生育政策和朝鲜族重视教育的文化传统使人们的生育意愿发生彻底转变。同时,20世纪90年代以来伴随全球化出现的大规模人口流动和婚姻家庭生活变迁在客观上抑制了人口的生育行为,最终导致延边朝鲜族人口负增长。第三,延边朝鲜族人口负增长既有其积极的社会影响,也有其不容忽视的潜在危机。一方面,延边朝鲜族人口负增长减轻了区域社会的人口抚养负担,人民群众生活得到巨大改善,人口的文化素质趋向全面提升;另一方面,持续长久的人口负增长也使延边朝鲜族社会在民族人口延续、民族文化传承以及区域经济、政治生活等方面发生了一系列的变化。第四,延边朝鲜族人口发展进程充分表明,人口的生育行为虽然是一种生物现象,却始终受制于社会经济文化的发展水平,人口发展与社会文化变迁密不可分。不同于生物的自然繁衍,人口发展始终是人口对所处的社会文化环境不断调适的结果,人口再生产具有浓厚的文化色彩。通过对延边朝鲜族人口发展问题的深入研究,表明人口生育率下降并不依赖于经济发展的速度,人口生育率的下降会受到工业化发展的影响,但它与工业化实现并不必然同步,甚至可能会先于工业化实现。人口转变还在一定程度上与社会文化发展密切相关,社会文化变迁制约并影响了人口发展。本研究结论,无疑在一定程度上补充、完善了人口转变理论。

【Abstract】 Under globalization, the population development of the Yanbian Korean National Minority has been already different from Western developed country and Chinese other nationality’s change. As one of the national minorities which under developing country, the population of Korean National Minority drops unceasingly. From now on, research about Yanbian Korean National Minority’ population is only studied from demography’s point, but it just revealed the present situation of population development, so it is hard to reveal its social root and cultural element from all aspects.This article put population development with social change, national culture tradition as well as tribal group life style, and attempt to study population problem by the view of ethnology, the anthropology. This article unify the population problem and cultural vicissitude theory of the ethnology, through investigation of ethnology tradition field and thorough interview, explain the psychological factor which hides behind of the population birth behavior. At the same time, through related documents present the tendency and rule of Yanbian Korean National Minority population development change. Furthermore, make some shallow discussions to the Yanbian Korean National Minority population question; carry out some useful reference for the country and the local authority.This article mainly divides into three parts: Introduction, main text and conclusion. The introduction part mainly introduced domestic and foreign related research dynamic and this article’s goal, significance and research technique etc. The main text is including five chapters. First chapter is mainly about Yanbian Korean nationality’s immigration history before 1949 as well as population development survey. The second chapter narrate the characteristic of Yanbian Korean National Minority’s population development condition from 1949 to 1990. The third chapter explain the new characteristic of Yanbian Korean National Minority’s population development from 1990, namely the phenomenon of the population natural negative growth, also further explained the process with author’s data. The fourth chapter utilize ethnology, anthropology’s correlation theories, from four aspects analyzed the reason of population natural negative growth since mid-1990s.The fifth chapter is mainly about social influence which caused by population natural negative growth.The conclusion part makes a conclusion of all of the paper:First, the negative growth of Yanbian Korean National Minority population is the natural negative growth, which is inevitable trend of the national population transformation since long ago. The negative growth isn’t the result of the war, disaster, migration etc which caused by social factor, but it is result of population birth and death lead to nature absolute negative growth. Because of the population inertia and the birth idea of population transformed thoroughly, phenomenon of the population negative growth will be continued. All of these characteristics are fully indicated that population development of the Yanbian Korean National Minority conformed to the characteristic of population transformation, and that is inevitable trend of the national population transformation since long ago.Second, the negative growths of Yanbian Korean National Minority population both have positive social impact and negative crisis. On one hand, the negative growth lightened the region society’s population foster burden, so people’s life standard has the huge improvement and population cultural quality promoted comprehensively: on the other hand, everlasting negative growth also lead a series of changes to national culture, region economy, political life etc.Third, since long period, country birth controlled policy and the Yanbian Korean Nation’s cultural tradition cause people’s birth wish to thoroughly transform. At the same time, large scale of population movement and vicissitude family life objectively have suppressed the population birth behavior since 1990s’ globalization, which caused the negative growth of Yanbian Korean National Minority population at last.Fourth, history of the Yanbian Korean National Minority’s population development has fully confirmed that although one’s birth behavior is a kind of biological phenomenon, but it is still restrained by development condition of society, economy and culture. Different to the biological nature multiplication, population development is still the result of adjustment of the social culture environment, so reproduction has strong kind of society and culture.Profound research of Yanbian Korean National Minority’s population development indicated that the population fertility rate does not rely on the speed of the economic development. Dropping population birth rate may influenced by the development of industrialization, but it won’t be developed side by side to industrialization; it may be realized before industrialization. The population transformation is closely related to social culture development at some extent; the social culture vicissitude restricted and influenced population development. The conclusion of this research has supplemented and consummated the theory of population transformation at a certain extent.

  • 【分类号】C924.2;C95
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】911
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