

【作者】 赵淑岩

【导师】 滕星;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族教育, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本论文依据结构主义人类学理论范式和视觉人类学理论范式,解释人类学研究方法论,参与式行动研究主位和客位相结合的研究方法,以牧区学校的个案教师(侧重于家庭构成的多民族性)在校本课程研发过程中的心路历程及行为转变为线索,遵循文本撰述和影像采集相结合的民族志表述方法,对甘肃省肃南县皇城镇肃南二中校本课程建构过程(包括所在牧业社区的经济文化类型重新划分过程、校本课程需求性调查过程、地方性资源整合过程、校本课程研发动员及理论研讨过程、校本课程教材编制过程、校本课程评价及其试行过程等)进行深描,并从教育人类学者的立场上给予意义解读,进而建构自由多元的牧区教育理论。第一章,笔者从皇城牧区多民族的民风民俗、地缘特征及文化生态入手,访谈各民族代表性老人,对藏族、裕固族、回族、蒙古族、满族、土族及汉族的族源及生存现状进行深入探究。从语言使用、宗教信仰、生活习俗、族际通婚、族群意识、权力分配等方面解析皇城牧区各民族关系。从历史的维度,把中国的民族关系发展划分为四个阶段:同化论阶段(1949年以前)、多元论阶段(20世纪50年代初至70年代中后期)、多元一体论阶段(20世纪70年代末至90年代末)和自由多元论阶段(21世纪以后)并进一步阐述中国和美国国内民族关系发展的异同。第二章讨论的主题是国内外校本课程发展的历史,校本课程衍生的社会学意义分析。笔者在梳理了国内国外校本课程发展的历史脉络基础上,有理有据地分析了牧区校本课程建构的利弊。在校本课程衍生的社会学分析中,笔者以资本观透视社会场域中各种关系的动态变化所引起的原有社会结构失衡,教育场域内部组织制度的转型,从而为校本课程建构提供详实深刻的社会学理论及事实依据。在第三章中,笔者就校本课程研发过程对异族通婚的教师夫妻(任职肃南二中的藏族教师A和裕固族教师B)进行跟踪访谈和口述实录;对全体研发人员在校本课程教材的资料搜集、整理及编制过程中的体会进行问卷统计分析,并提出校本课程评价、校本课程成果推广及校本教材实施的具体的操作性建议。第四章,在诠释了牧区教育特殊性的外部影响因素,如牧区地理位置的独特性、牧业生产形态、语言文字、牧民的思想观念、牧民宗教信仰等及牧区教育系统内部影响因素,如教育目的、教育体制、教育内容、教材编制、教学方法、教学用语、教师队伍、学生毕业流向等的基础上,笔者概括出牧区教育的特殊性—自由和多元,进而建构“自由多元的牧区教育理论”并提出理论建构的重要意义。

【Abstract】 In this paper, based on the structuralism anthropology and visual anthropology theory paradigm and research methodology of interpretative anthropology, participatory action research methods of emic and etic research combined, through track interview to the case of a pair of mixed ethnic couple (focusing on the family composition of multiethnic characteristic) in the school-based curriculum development process of thought, attitude and behavioral change for a clue, follow the ethnographic text and image acquisition to pose a combination of research methods, deep-scanning process of school-based curriculum construction in Sunan II Junior Middle School in Imperial Town, Sunan County, Gansu Province, process of school-based curriculum construction includes re-demarcation of economic and cultural patterns, the investigation of needs for school-based curriculum development, theoretical discussions and mobilization of compiling curriculum materials, and trial process of teaching materials and evaluations etc., and from educational anthropologist’s position, author interprets, and constructs freedom and pluralism education theory in pastoral areas.In the first chapter, the author, in Imperial Town pastoral areas, from multi-ethnic folk customs, geographical features, economic and cultural patterns to start to interview the senior representativeness of all ethnic groups, with research methods to conduct in-depth inquiry of origins and the survival status quo of Tibetan, Yugur, Hui, Mongolian, Manchu, Tu and Han group. From the use of language, religion, customs, ethnic intermarriage, ethnic awareness, distribution of power etc., in areas of the Imperial Town to analyze the ethic relations among various ethnic groups in pastoral areas. And from a historical dimension, the development of ethnic relations in China is divided into four stages: Assimilation Theory Stage (1949 years ago); Pluralism Stage (early 1950s to late 1970s); Diversified Unity Stage (the end of the 1970s to end of the 1990s) and the Liberal Pluralism Stage (after 21st century) and further explained domestic ethnic similarities and differences in the development of ethnic relations between China and the United States.Chapter two discusses the topic of historical development of school-based curriculum at the foreign and domestic context and sociological analysis from which School-based curriculum derived, and analysis of needs for school-based curriculum development in the western pastoral areas of favorable and unfavorable factors. Author concepts of capital perspective of the dynamic relationships of changes in the social domain caused by the imbalance of the original social structure, re-organization of education field region, and the provision of detailed theoretical and factual basis of the smooth school-based curriculum construction.In the third chapter, author takes a pair of mixed marriage (serving Sunan II School Tibetan teacher A and Yugur teacher B) to track the interview and make oral record of process of school-based curriculum development, and recommends the specific implementation and universalizes school-based curriculum research and development knowledge, fully reflects the expansion of school-based curriculum development and sustainability.Chapter four, based on describing external factors that affect on the special nature of pastoral education, such as the geographical uniqueness of pastoral areas, livestock production development, language diversity, the thought concept of herdsmen, pastoralists and the diversity of religion etc., and internal influential factors, such as educational aims, education system, educational content, teaching materials, teaching methods, teaching language, and the flow of graduates, the author generalizes the special nature of pastoral education: freedom and pluralism, and then constructs a "freedom and pluralism education theory" and states the importance of theory building.


