

【作者】 张兴无

【导师】 刘永佶;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族经济, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 为什么改变西南少数民族地区经济面貌的工作如此之难?很多研究、报告都指出,原因在于西南少数民族商品经济观念落后,市场经济意识不发达。我的问题是,既然少数民族群众缺乏市场经济意识,而每个人、每个群体都是有意识的,那他们有什么样的经济意识?财富是经济学研究的核心概念,财富观念是经济意识的基本组成部分。在西南少数民族地区,很多发展政策失败的背后是我们忽略了少数民族群体可能和我们拥有不一样的“经济学”,即他们拥有自己的一套财富观念。财富观念既是文化的一部分,也是经济的一部分。财富观念根基于社会,是社会的产物。因此,论文首先对西南少数民族社会的经济文化特点进行了探讨,指出西南少数民族社会因其地理、历史原因在文化上体现出山地文化、迁徙文化的特征,在此基础上,由于生存压力等多种现实原因共同促使西南少数民族社会形成了注重集体的、互助的“村社主义”文化。西南少数民族社会注重财富的实用性,体现在以牲畜、稻米、银饰等为财富标准的传统财富观念上,这是其财富观念的基本特点。这些根源于传统的财富观念在实行民主化改革50余年之后仍然对人们的经济行为产生着影响。在西南少数民族的财富观念中,作为自然财富为人们提供生活资料的森林,不仅仅是可利用的自然物,也不仅仅是可以从中牟利(赚取资本)的自然资源。在他们的生活和观念里,森林满足着人们多样化的需要,有着远为生动、丰富的含义。在不同农耕文化类型的民族,山林在其经济中所起的作用也有所不同。在西南少数民族中,由于共同生存、共同劳动的需要,人们以村社为单位共同占有和使用土地的现象普遍存在,土地公有而非私有是其土地制度的主要特征。无论旱地耕作的民族还是水田稻作的民族都是如此。土地公有的传统历史根源深厚,公有的传统至今仍然对很多民族的土地利用方式形成种种制约。在财富的生产上,西南少数民族把财富的生产看作是人与自然中的神灵相互联系和作用的过程,看成是一种合力(勤劳、互助、神灵佑护等力量)作用的结果。在传统生产方式下,西南少数民族中普遍存在着农耕礼仪,但这并不表示生产上的迷信,其中更多渗透着的是生产中的技术和智慧。西南各少数民族都认可劳动在生产中的决定性作用。在西南少数民族中,盛行互助与合作的传统,西南少数民族经济发展应该重视和发挥合作传统的重要作用。西南少数民族社会的基本特点(生存环境的相对恶劣;生存严重依赖于集体)以及基于人性的普遍需要共同决定了其社会的消费观念。其消费观念具有多型态的特点。各少数民族通过文化习俗对民族成员的基本需要进行限制,使人们在日常生活中形成求俭黜奢的消费观念。人性中普遍存在的希图胜过别人的欲望则通过奢侈性消费得以实现。人们进行财富竞赛或炫富籍此得到他人的尊重和赢得自尊;这在各少数民族是普遍的现象。酒的消费有着重要的社会意义,满足着人们对社会交往的需要,给人们带来生活而不只是“活着”的感觉。宗教消费满足信徒自我实现的需要,宗教消费不仅仅是对个人需要的满足,同时也是对“社会”需要的满足。积累是消费的另一面,资本积累对社会具有破坏性。西南少数民族社会通过奢侈性消费和宗教消费消耗掉财富剩余,破坏积累,维持着社会经济的简单再生产。受其消费观念的制约,西南少数民族社会成为一个不积累(资本)的社会。西南少数民族社会虽然相对内地贫穷,却是一个穷中有富的社会。凭借集体的力量,人们通过内部互惠的交换——礼物的流动、汇集,创造出丰裕家庭,使得每一个融入社会的家庭都能够体面度过人生的重要场合、节庆时刻。外部交换也是创造丰裕家庭的必要手段,在西南少数民族社会,外部交换主要是出于使用的目的,而不是为了盈利。外部交换在西南少数民族社会的历史上也曾经十分发达,但这并不必然带来市场经济。市场经济必须建立在市场社会的基础上,而西南少数民族社会是一个建立在互惠基础上的社会。在这样的社会中,家庭规避风险,看似不求进取,小富即安。闲暇也是富裕的一种表现,西南少数民族社会以节日众多著称,并以欢庆节日盛典来向世人展示自己的社会(在外人眼中贫穷的社会)是一个有丰裕的社会。论文最后部分是对发展和富裕的反思。论文指出西南少数民族社会有着自己的一套财富观念,并有贯彻这些观念的相对完善的制度和规范,在有限的物质生产能力基础上,有效率地维护着社会、经济的基本运行和循环。在匮乏的条件下,人们使村社内的每一个家庭成为“丰裕家庭”,并从其中寻找到温暖、友爱以及人生的意义。他们的制度是有效率的制度。他们并非没有创造性,缺乏生机和活力,只能等待外界的力量来推进其发展。他们的社会也是一个内部有着生机和活力的世界,有着自己社会的高尚的精神追求——值得每一个优秀民族尊重的人生和社会追求。富裕不是建立在财富之中的,而是建立在人与人之间的关系上,建立在人与人之间具体的交流之中的。市场经济破坏的可能是他们的丰裕家庭和社会,送给他们的可能是市场中的“富裕”——一种相对于市场中富裕阶层的令人绝望的贫困。这是最有可能的发展的结果,因而构成了进入市场的巨大成本,它不仅可能摧毁人们的经济信心,也可能摧毁他们的人格和社会的自信。这正是一个贫穷的社会为什么在一些时候看起来会拒绝富裕和发展的原因。然而,发展是辩证法的铁律。财富观念的更新是一种必然的选择,无论是迫于发展的外在压力,还是出于内生的对发展和幸福的渴望。在此意义上,对于西南少数民族而言,发展是一种残酷的选择。

【Abstract】 Wealth is the nuclear concept of economics.The idea of wealth is based on society and also the outcome of society.This treatise is on the ethnic minority’s idea of wealth in the southwest of China.On account of distinctive history and geography,the ethnic minority in the southwest of China have developed mountain-culture and movement-culture.They pay more attention on the collective than on the individual and form an atmosphere of communist.In their tradition they consider cattle,rice and silverware and so on as the symbol of wealth.This still restricts their economic behavior nowadays.Although natural wealth provides people life materials,they are not to be considered as natural materials or something others which can only be used.In their opinion,the natural wealth,such as the wood, has more meanings in their life.The meaning of the wood varies as the pattern of agriculture.Traditionally,the ethnics in the southwest of China need work together and live together,so they own together and employ together the land and the wood.No matter which ethnic,seldom is exceptional.Public ownership has a long history in this area,hence it still restrict the way of land utilization.They consider the production of wealth as a process of man,nature and gods’ mutual function,the outcome of forces from diligence,cooperation and gods.In the traditional work style,they have varied cultivation ceremony which does not mean superstition.They pay emphasis on labor.On account of the tradition of mutual aid and cooperation,the important role of them should be realized and be made full use of in the economic development.On idea of consumption,the ethnics in the southwest of China have their characters.Their idea of consumption is a complex which has many characters.Their cultures restrict the basic need and gratify it meantime. In their daily life,they encourage frugality and object luxury.While people have a motivation for respect and self-respect,they attain it from luxurious consumption.Liquor consumption satisfies people’ need of social interaction,hence it produces social meanings.People earn the feeling of "life" but not the feeling of "living".Religious consumption gratifies not only the need of the individual but also the need of society. Accumulation is the other side of consumption.Accumulation of capital may destroy the society.In avoid of this,the ethnics in the southwest oh China use out of the wealth through luxurious consumption and religious consumption,and hence maintain a kind of simple reproduction of economy.With the effect of this,the ethnic society in the southwest of China becomes a society of no accumulation.The last chapter tells the ethnic society in the southwest of China is wealthy while poor.People,by the force of the collective,create the affluent family through inner-reciprocal exchange including gift circulating and collecting.Affluent family means that a family can properly show on the holiday,festival and other important day.Outer exchange was well developed in the ethnic history,while the aim of outer exchange is for use not for profit.Different from market society,the ethnic society in the south west of China is a reciprocity society.In such society,the family evades risk and seems to be conservative,satisfied with their life.Leisure is a manifestation of wealth.The ethnic society in the south west of China is noted for its varied holidays through which they show off their wealth and display that they have an affluent society.In the end the treatise discusses the idea of wealth and development. The ethnic society in the south west of China has a set of ideas on wealth, and has a relatively effective system to make these ideas into fact.On a limited material production,the ethnic society in the south west of China ensures each family to be affluent family.People can find warmness, friendship,amity and the meanings of life in their family and their community.They have an energetic and lively world,and they have lofty ideas which deserve respect.Affluence is not built on the wealth but on the relation among people,on the social interaction and association. Market economy may destroy their affluent family and affluent society and bring them a kind of richness which means a desperate poverty compared with those rich persons in the market.It constitutes a huge cost for entering the market.This desperation not only can destroy their belief on economy but also their self-belief on the personality and society.This is the reason that why sometimes they refuse development and wealth. However development is the iron rule.On the press of competition, Renovation of ideas may be the unconditional choice.Considering that, development is a cruel choice for the ethnics in the southwest of China.


