

【作者】 孔艳

【导师】 张公瑾;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国的对外汉语教学近二十年得到了很大的发展,但是对外汉语教学中的语篇教学一直以来都是教学中的一个薄弱坏节。理论上,这方面的研究成果还不多;实践上,很多教师没有认识到语篇教学的重要性,或者不知道语篇教学的内容应该是什么,方法如何。而从学生语篇使用中的大量偏误来看,语篇教学确实是一个需要重视起来的问题。本文在大量语料的基础上,以篇章语言学、认知心理学和中介语理论为指导理论,运用数据统计法、描写分析法、偏误分析法等研究方法,分析了英语国家中高级学生语篇衔接手段使用的偏误情况,指出了产生偏误的原因并针对这些偏误提出了具体的教学建议。全文共四章,第一章为绪论部分,第二章到第四章为文章的主体部分,最后一章为结语。第一章为绪论部分。分别介绍了国内外语篇的研究、国内外语篇衔接手段的研究以及英汉语篇衔接手段的对比研究。在这些研究的基础上,介绍了我国对外汉语教学界对留学生语篇衔接手段偏误的研究情况,并指出目前在这一领域的研究中还存在的不足之处,提出了文章的研究内容、价值以及研究方法。第二章是在大量语料的基础上对英语国家中高级留学生语篇衔接手段的偏误进行具体分析。首先对本文所研究的语篇的概念进行界定,并在国内汉英语篇衔接手段理论的指导下,将语法手段、词汇手段和连接成分几种语篇衔接手段细化分类,具体分析留学生在使用这些手段中出现的偏误情况。第三章对语料中留学生的这几种衔接手段使用的偏误情况进行了数据统计,讨论了留学生的偏误特点,并对产生这些偏误的原因进行了分析。从偏误的情况来看,偏误的特点主要是偏误分布不平衡和出现了“石化“现象。造成这些偏误的原因主要有两个方面:从学生自身来看,第一是英汉思维方式的不同所造成的英汉语言形合意合的特点使学生在学习的过程中出现了母语的负迁移;其次是学生在学习到一定程度之后由于语内干扰出现了过度泛化的现象;此外,学生在使用这些衔接手段的过程中会由于自身原因采取回避策略。从教材教法方面来看,第一是由于教材编写的缺陷,一些教材中课文的选取和练习的设计都不能为学生的语篇学习服务;其次是教师教学理念的陈旧,首先是因为一些教师对语篇教学的内容还不了解,认识不到语篇教学的重要性;同时还受到理论研究不足和其它教学任务过重的影响。第四章根据留学生语篇衔接手段使用的偏误原因提出教学建议。对于学习者个人,可以通过改变思维方式和改进学习策略来防止偏误的产生。从教材教法方面,结合偏误分析的结果,从三个方面提出了教材编写的建议;并在篇章语言学理论的指导下,结合个人实践,对语篇的整体教学进行设计和安排;最后提出了具体的教学方法以及具体的练习形式。最后一部分为结语,对本文所做的研究进行总结,指出其有价值性的地方以及不足之处,提出有待进一步研究的内容。

【Abstract】 TCSL(Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) in China has been making great progress for the twenty years, yet textual teaching in TCSL has always been the weaker part. There are not enough theoretical research products in this field for teachers to consult, therefore practically many teachers haven’t been aware of the importance of TCSL textual teaching, or have no idea about what to teach and how to teach. Many errors made by foreign students in the Chinese text, however, make us realize TCSL textual teaching should be a highlighted problem. Based on the collected data, with textual linguistics, cognitive psychology, and inter-language theory as directing theories, this dissertation applies data-analysis, describe-analysis, and contrastive analysis to explore the cohesion errors made by senior students in English-speaking countries and analyze their causes. It also puts forward some constructive suggestions on the reform of teaching approaches to raising the proficiency of Chinese textual teaching to foreign students.This dissertation is mainly made up of five chapters including the introduction and conclusion.Based on the inductions about textual teaching study, textual cohesion study, and contrastive study on textual cohesion in English and Chinese writings both at home and abroad, the first chapter focuses on the textual cohesion errors in Chinese TCSL, where many problems still exist, then followed by the main contents, the significance, and the research methods of this study.Chapter Two gives detailed analysis on textual cohesion errors made by senior students in English-speaking countries based on the collected data. After defining the textual concept in this study, this chapter firstly classifies the textual cohesion errors based on Chinese-English textual cohesion theory, and then analyzes these errors from the perspective of grammatical approach, lexical approach, and cohesive elements.Chapter Three takes data-analysis on these textual cohesion errors to explore some common features of these errors, and then analyze the causes. The main features are the unbalanced errors and "fossilization" in the process of language learning. The causes which resulted in these errors might be analyzed from both the students’ learning process and the text-teaching process. Given the students’ learning process, firstly negative transfer of mother tongue happened in English speakers’ Chinese writing for English and Chinese belong to different language systems. Secondly over- generation caused by intra-language interference happened to students whose Chinese have reached a certain degree; What’s more, students may consciously or unconsciously take the avoidance strategy in the textual cohesion for their own sake. As for the text-teaching process, firstly many texts and exercises in the textbooks could not serve the purpose of facilitating students’ textual learning. Secondly some teachers’ teaching approaches are outdated: some are not aware of the importance of textual teaching and don’t know how to conduct; others may be lack of theoretical research for the heavy burden of teaching practice.Chapter Four puts forward some constructive suggestions on the reform of teaching approaches to raising the proficiency of Chinese textual teaching to foreign students. Foreign students should change their thought pattern and adjust their study strategies in the Chinese-learning process to avoid cohesion errors. Besides, more theoretical researches on textual teaching should be conducted and better textual teaching plan be designed. Also the textbook must be improved to serve the purpose of textual teaching, and some suggestive teaching methods and exercises forms are provided.The conclusion part summarizes the present study, pointing out both the value of this study and existed problems for further research.

【关键词】 语篇衔接手段偏误分析语篇教学
【Key words】 discoursetextual cohesionerror analysistextual teaching

