

【作者】 阿布都那扎尔·阿布都拉

【导师】 买提热依木·沙依提;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 维吾尔语是黏着语,它的构词手段主要是在词根和词干上附加构词词缀。构词词缀是维吾尔语词法的重要部分。因此学习和研究维吾尔语词法,首先要学习和研究构词词缀。构词词缀大体上可分为两类,一是构成静词的词缀;二是构成动词的词缀。本文研究的是维吾尔语中构成静词的词缀。迄今为止,突厥学研究领域已取得令人瞩目的成就。国际上,在突厥语历时和共时研究方面颇有成果。但是,在国内维吾尔语研究领域,至今仍然是共时研究占主要地位。维吾尔语中的构词词缀十分丰富,但还没有学者从历时角度对它进行过专题研究。本文主要从历时角度研究维吾尔语中构成静词的词缀在古代突厥语、早期回鹘语、晚期回鹘语、察合台语和现代维吾尔语等五个时期的文献语言中的形式和用法等方面的演变过程。本文除了绪论、总结和附录外,共分4章。绪论部分介绍选题的目的、意义、维吾尔语构词法的研究概况、采用的研究方法、所选定的文献及文献名称的缩写及采用的符号等,并探讨了维吾尔语的历史分期。总结部分主要是在4章内容的基础上总结出13项结论。附录部分给出本文所研究的120个构词词缀的历时比较表。第一章维吾尔语词素的分类。本章首先介绍了维吾尔语词素研究的概况,并对前人的词素分类法进行了分析和总结,然后对维吾尔语词素进行了重新分类,并论述了每一类的特征及它们之间的关系,着重论述了附加词素的特征及其相互关系,最后论述了维吾尔语的词干并列出它的10种构成形式。第二章由静词构成静词的词缀的历时比较研究。本章及后面两章是本文的最重要部分。本文将构成静词的词缀分三组研究,即由静词构成静词的词缀、由动词构成静词的词缀和外来构词词缀,本章论述了维吾尔语中由静词构成静词的47个词缀和其它4个词缀。第三章由动词构成静词的词缀的历时比较研究。本章论述了维吾尔语中由动词构成静词的37个词缀。第四章外来构词词缀的历时比较研究。本章论述了在维吾尔语历史发展的不同时期,从不同语言进入维吾尔语,而且到目前为止还在使用,并且比较常用的36个外来构词词缀。本章还探讨了常用维吾尔语语法书中指出为构词词缀的其他4个外来成分。本文认为,维吾尔语中的附加词素(词缀)可以分为构词词缀、构形词缀和构形构词词缀。换言之,本文将附加词素分为三类。传统语法对附加词素的“二分法”不适合维吾尔语的实际情况。维吾尔语中的构词词缀一般不能附加在构形词缀之后,但少部分构词词缀(+sXz、+lXG、+(?)an、+(?)(a|¨)、+GUr、+mAn等,主要是前两个)有时附加在构形词缀之后。然而构词词缀都能附加在构形构词词缀的前和后。笔者研究了维吾尔语五个时期具有代表性的文献和相关资料,筛选出120个构成静词的词缀(其中84个是维吾尔语原有的构词词缀,36个是外来构词词缀),并论述了它们在各个时期的形式、用法和来源。根据120个构成静词的词缀在各个时期文献中的分布情况来看,有的词缀使用于维吾尔语的所有时期,有的使用于维吾尔语的部分时期,有的只使用于某个时期。在维吾尔语原有的84个构词词缀中,从古突厥语时期一直使用到现代维吾尔语的有25个,使用于四个时期的有16个,三个时期的有9个,两个时期的有17个,只使用于一个时期的有17个。外来构词词缀最早开始使用于早期回鹘语时期,36个外来词缀中使用于四个时期的有4个,三个时期的有8个,两个时期的有20个,只使用在一个时期的有4个。构成静词的词缀在各个时期文献语言中的使用数量不同。维吾尔语原有的84个构成静词的词缀中,在古代突厥文文献语言中使用的有43个,在早期回鹘文献语言中有73个,在晚期回鹘文献语言中有52个,在察合台语中有47个,在现代维吾尔语中有53个。36个外来构词词缀中,在早期回鹘文献语言中使用的有4个,在晚期回鹘文献语言中有12个,在察合台语中有32个,在现代维吾尔语中有36个。维吾尔语原有的84个构成静词的词缀中,使用在古代突厥文文献语言的43个词缀中的25个在现代维吾尔语中继续使用,使用在早期回鹘文献语言的73个词缀中的37个在现代维吾尔语中继续使用,使用在晚期回鹘文献语言的52个词缀中的38个在现代维吾尔语中继续使用。由此可以看出,现代维吾尔语是从古代突厥语和回鹘语直接发展而来的。还可以看出,从晚期回鹘语时期开始,维吾尔语原有的构词词缀的数量开始减少。同时,外来构词词缀的数量开始增多。

【Abstract】 Uyghur language is an agglutinative language, its main method of word-formation is adding word-forming suffixes to roots and stems. Word-forming suffixes are important parts of morphology in Uyghur language. Therefore, priority must be given to the study and research on the word-forming suffixes in Uygur Morphology. Word-forming suffixes are mainly divided into two types: the nominal suffixes and the verbal suffixes. The thesis deals chiefly with the nominal suffixes of the Uyghur language.So far, the research field of Turkic studies has made remarkable achievements. Internationally, diachronic and synchronic studies of Turkic languages are fruitful. But, domestically, the research field of Uyghur language is still basically on synchronic studies up to now. Word-forming suffixes in Uyghur language are very rich, however, few scholars conduct a research from the diachronic perspective. The thesis mainly conducts a research from the diachronic perspective on forms and usage of nominal suffixes in five periods: old Turkic period, early ancient Uyghur period, late ancient Uyghur period, Chagatay period and modern Uyghur period. This thesis is divided into four chapters altogether in addition to introduction, summary and appendix.In the introduction, it introduces the purpose and significance of the topic, the research on word-formation of Uyghur language, research methods, selected documents, short titles for historical documents and references studied in this thesis, marks used in this thesis, and discusses historical stages in Uygur language. In the summary, it concludes 13 argumentations based on the four chapters. In the appendix, it gives a diachronic comparison table of 120 word-forming suffixes studied in this thesis.The first chapter introduces categories of morphemes in Uyghur language. In this chapter, firstly, the author introduces the research on morphemes in Uyghur language and makes analysis and draw conclusion about categories of morphemes by previous scholar. Then, it reclassifies morphemes in Uyghur language, describes characteristics of each category of morpheme and relationship among them, focuses on features of the additional morphemes and relationship among them. Finally it discusses stems in Uyghur language and lists 10 kinds formation of stems.The second chapter is about the research on diachronic comparison of denominal nominal suffixes. This chapter and following two chapters are important parts of this thesis. The thesis divides nominal suffixes into three kinds: denominal nominal suffixes, deverbal nominal suffixes and loan suffixes. This chapter describes 47 denominal nominal suffixes, and other 4 suffixes.The third chapter is about the research on diachronic comparison of deverbal nominal suffixes. This chapter describes 37 deverbal nominal suffixes in Uyghur language.The forth chapter is about the research on diachronic comparison of loan suffixes. This chapter describes commonly used 36 loan suffixes from different languages into Uyghur language in disparate historical periods of Uyghur language up to now. The chapter also discusses the other five loan components which pointed out in the common Uyghur grammar books.In this thesis, additional morphemes categorized into word-forming suffixes, form-forming suffixes and form-word-forming suffixes. It also considered that "dichotomy" of additional morphemes in traditional grammar is not the case in Uyghur language. Word-forming suffixes aren’t added to after the form-forming suffixes, but few word-forming suffixes (+sXz、+ 1XG、+ (?)an、+(?)(?)、+GUr、+ mAn etc., mainly the first two) can be added to sometimes in Uyghur language. However, word-forming suffixes could be added to before and after form-word-forming suffixes.The author studied representative documents and relative materials in the five periods of Uyghur language, selects 120 nominal suffixes (84 original nominal suffixes and 36 loan suffixes) in total in Uyghur language, and depicts their forms, usage and source in various periods.According to the distribution of 120 nominal suffixes in varous periods, some suffixes used in all historical periods, some are employed in certain part of the period, others are used in some period in Uyghur language. In the 84 original nominal suffixes, there are 25 suffixes which are used from the period of old Turkic to the modern Uyghur language, 16 used in four periods, 9 in three periods, 17 in two periods, and 17 only in one period of Uyghur language. Loan suffixes first are used in the time of early ancient Uyghur period. There are 4 loan suffixes which are used in four periods, 8 used in three periods, 20 in two periods, and 4 only in one period in the total number of 36 loan suffixes.The numbers of nominal suffixes in the documents in various periods are different. In the numbers of 84 original nominal suffixes in Uyghur language, there are 43 suffixes used in the documents of the Old Turkic period and 25 of them continue to appear in the modern Uyghur language, 73 ones used in the documents of the early ancient Uyghur period and 37 of them keep using in the modern Uyghur language, 52 ones used in the documents of the late ancient Uyghur period and 38 of them continue to employ in the modern Uyghur language, 47 ones used in the documents of Chagatay, 53 ones used in the modern Uyghur language. In the numbers of 36 loan suffixes, there are 4 loan suffixes used in the documents of the early ancient Uyghur period, 12 ones in the documents of the late ancient Uyghur period, 32 ones in the documents of Chagatay, 36 ones in the modern Uyghur language. Therefore, it is concluded that the modern Uyghur language is directly developed from the Old Turkic and the ancient Uyghur language. It is also seen that, the number of original Uyghur nominal suffixes began to decrease from the period of the late ancient Uyghur language; while the number of loan suffixes started to increase from the period of the late ancient Uyghur language.


