

【作者】 徐小江

【导师】 杨圣敏;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人类学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 转型期间,我国的社会结构发生了深刻变化。调整后的新的利益格局与原有社会结构的相互嵌合,势必带来一定的矛盾冲突,引发改革的阵痛。经济体制的变革造就了大量利益受损群体,一些社会成员对社会产生不满和怨恨,但在体制内又找不到制度化的释放渠道,造成社会怨恨的长期积压。在这样的社会情境下,一些弱势群体转向体制外寻找非制度化的表达方式,即通过群体性事件的方式进行利益表达和压力释放。由于缺少制度约束和规范,群体性事件往往会演变成对抗性的冲突,特别是在农村,冲突更加激烈。因此,如何正确认识和处理群体性事件,是一个值得引起高度重视的问题。这些事件的背后,通常隐藏着深层的社会矛盾,能否处理好这些矛盾,直接关系到改革开放的进退兴衰。本文在社会变迁的大背景下,试图从“利益格局”和“权力关系”的脉络中厘清群体性事件发生的内在逻辑及其功能意义。通过对群体性事件中农民问题的研究,展示作为基层政权的县级政府如何与农民群体发生利益冲突并导致群体性事件的动态过程。由此,群体性事件成为折射不同群体利益和权力的独特场域,是在强势集团和弱势集团之间的一场博弈。虽然力量悬殊,但其行动逻辑却是弱势群体迫切渴望通过政治参与,实现利益表达的目的。在理论层面,本文的意义在于将群体性事件作为一个场域,而不仅仅是公安机关界定的治安事件,并在个案研究的基础上阐明了群体性事件形成和发展的特定逻辑。特别是在个案场景的基础上,分析了与群体性事件相关的基层政府、农民、干部、警察等各个群体之间内在的权力关系。理论上为群体性事件的治理应当获取制度和政策支持寻求现实依据。随着经济改革的深入,旧有的政治格局已经不能适应新形势,甚至形成阻碍,因此,从政治的层面推动改革已经势在必行,而且具备了一定的条件。政治改革的方向并不必然导向资本主义,绝非只有一条道路和一种模式可行,各国都在摸索自己的发展道路。我们需要以历史的眼光看待现状和我们的实际情况,在存在中求发展,从中国的改革开放实践中探索新的未来。通过政治改革,为社会各群体和阶层提供强有力的制度供给,以实现社会利益资源的合理配置,达到有效调控和适度满足各种利益要求,协调各层次利益关系的目的,还必须控制、协调和缓解利益冲突,使其不超出社会的承受能力。应在国家法律和政策基本精神的指导下,建构更加合理、科学和制度化的利益整合机制,以确保利益表达、利益竞争、利益实现的有序和社会稳定。在实践层面上,本文力图对公安机关是群体性事件的处置主体进行修正。虽然派警察处理群体性事件早成惯例,但这种治标不治本的应急处置,不能从根本上解决问题。一时能压住,很快还会反弹,反复去压,抗压力越来越强,恶性循环。不但引发敌意刺激矛盾,而且根据边际效益递减原则,还会大大降低警察的威信和威力,不利于整个社会的长治久安。应该从政府的角度,真心实意解决问题,从制度层面上协调、均衡各方利益,促进社会整合。本文提出了一个群体性事件成因的分析框架,包括集体行动动机、机会和制度约束。核心观点是:在社会变迁的大背景下,群体性事件的多发是原有社会结构转型和与之相应的制度变革不同步的结果。集体行动是制度的漏洞,必须从制度的构建上,预防和化解群体性事件。

【Abstract】 During the Transition period, our country’s social structure has undergone profound changes. The adjusted new pattern of interests forms a mutual chimerism with the original social structure, which is bound to bring a certain degree of contradiction and conflict and triggered the throes of reform. Economic system changes impaired the interests of a large number of groups, thus some members of the society show strong discontent and resentment to the society, however, it is hardly able to find an institutionalized channels within the new system for release, resulting in a long-term society’s backlog of resentment. In such a social situation, some vulnerable groups looking for expression of discontent and resentment in a non-institutionalized way outside the system, that is, through the case of group benefits manner of expression and the release of stress. Because of the lack of system constraints and norms, mass incidents are often degenerate into adversarial conflict. Therefore, how to correctly understand and handle mass incidents, are caused by a high degree of attention. In particular are behind these events, hidden deep social contradictions. Whether we can better deal with these contradictions, is directly related to the long term effect of the reform and opening.In this paper, with the background of broader context of social change, we try to sort out the internal logic and functional significance of mass incidents from deep research of the "pattern of benefits" and "power relations". Through case studies, we displayed the dynamic process of as a grass-roots political power at the county level how the Government conflicts with local farmers and members of the public groups and leading to the case of mass incidents. Because of this, the mass incidents become a unique field to refract power and benefit, and also a game between a strong government and weak peasant members. Although disparity exists in the strength, the logic of their actions is an urgent desire of vulnerable groups to achieve the purpose of benefits through political participation.At a theoretical level, this article is of significance in designating the mass incidents as a field, rather than a case defined by the public security organs, and at the basis of case studies the article clarified the specific logic hidden in the mass incidents formation and development. Especially based on an analysis of the case scenario, the article revealed the power-relationship among in grass-roots government, farmers, members of the public and cadres, police, gangs and other groups. Theoretically speaking, the research offered realistic basis for preventing mass incidents in a way that should be supported by system of governance and policy. That is, with the deepening of economic reforms, there is the political structure that can not adapt the new situation, and even hinder the formation, therefore, with certain qualified condition, it has been necessary to promote reform from the political level. Through political reform, providing all groups and sectors of society with a strong system supply to achieve the rational allocation of social benefits and resources, it is able to achieve the purpose of effective control and appropriate meet of a variety of interests and demands of all levels, besides, the benefic conflict must be controlled, coordinated and released within the carrying capacity of society. To ensure that the expression, competing and implementation of interests in an order and the strengthening of the social stability, more rational, scientific and systematic integration benefits system should be constructed in the national laws and policies under the guidance of the basic spirit.At practice level, this article seeks to amend the public security organs are groups in case of disposal of the main. Though the treatment of mass incidents by sending the police into a case early set, but this temporary solution to deal with emergencies, can not fundamentally solve the problem. The above mentioned early-set treatment can hold for some time, but will rebound quickly and repeatedly to pressure, anti-stress becomes more and more strong, and thus a vicious circle. Such a vicious circle not only lead to hostility, stimulate the contradictions, and in accordance with the principle of diminishing marginal benefit, but also greatly reduce the police’s prestige and power, is not conducive to long-term stability of society as a whole. So the optimal choice should be from the Government’s perspective, in good faith to solve the problem, from system level to coordinate the interests of all parties, and promote social integration.This paper presents an analysis framework for the cause of mass incidents, including the collective behavior motive, opportunity and constraint system. The core of opinion is: In background of period when big changes happened in society, it is that the structural transformation of the original social system and the corresponding changes are not synchronized case caused a lot of mass incidents. Mass incidents are results of system vulnerability, and we must build up from the system to prevent and resolve the mass incidents.


