

【作者】 赵茜

【导师】 徐平;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 国际劳工组织宣言称:“没有社会的安定,就没有社会的发展;而没有社会保障,就没有社会的安定”。社会保障作为保障人的基本生存权利、平衡社会差距、促进社会公平、维护社会稳定的重要工具,在经济社会发展中担负着越来越重要的作用。而对于兵团这个肩负特殊使命的组织,为了保证屯垦戍边队伍的稳定和不断发展壮大,这就需要在兵团建立完善的、满足广大职工需要的社会保障制度,从而实现兵团的繁荣与稳定,以维护新疆乃至中国的稳定与发展。社会保障制度的建立与发展,对一个地区乃至一个国家来说,都是至关重要的,特别是对于兵团这个担负特殊使命的组织来说,就更加重要。由于兵团的政治敏感性,以及兵团自身的封闭性,使外界不容易介入,去了解兵团的真实而貌,所以,长期以来对于新疆生产建设兵团的调查研究并不多,专门针对兵团社会保障制度的研究可谓是屈指可数。因此,笔者就兵团社会保障制度的形成与发展进行专门研究,将兵团社会保障制度放在宏观背景下进行分析,特别是放在兵团体制下分析,找到兵团社会保障制度问题的特殊性,而不是孤立地分析兵团社会保障制度本身。笔者认为,通过对兵团社会保障制度的研究,对兵团今后社会保障制度的制定与实施,有一定理论和现实意义。更为重要的是,通过对兵团社会保障制度的研究,来突显兵团体制与市场经济的深层矛盾,对于这一问题的解决,无疑对兵团今后的发展方向起到指示作用。本文的结构框架如下:第一部分:导言,主要包括选题意义、有关概念的界定,并对相关文献研究现状进行了总结。第二部分:包括第二和第三章。主要通过对新疆生产建设兵团成立与发展的历史进行描述,进一步对兵团体制在计划与市场两种经济体制下的实践进行深入分析。第三部分:包括第四和第五章。主要对兵团社会保障制度的演变进行描述,来分析兵团社会保障的现状与问题。第四部分:包括第六、第七和第八章。对兵团失业保障制度、养老保障制度以及医疗保障制度的建立和发展的描述,对它们的现状和问题进行深入分析,从中找到兵团这些保障制度困境的真正根源。第五部分:结语及对兵团社会保障制度未来发展趋势的展望。

【Abstract】 International Labor Organization (ILO) allege: "No developed if no stabilized; no stabilized if no social security". The social security which acts as important tool that guarantees the right of hominine basic existence, balances society difference, promotes society equality and vindicates society stabilization shoulder very important effect in developing process. For XPCC shouldering special mission to open up wasteland and guarding the frontier, it needs to establish perfect and satisfied social security system in XPCC, so it realizes XPCC’s prosperity and stabilization to vindicate stabilization and development of Xinjiang province up to whole China.In addition, the academic research about XPCC is few, and the academic research to social security system is blank, but it is well known that establish and development of social security system is very important to one region and nation, which is more important to XPCC-special organization. Therefore, I specially research establishment and development about social security system of XPCC, take social security system of XPCC into the special regime background of XPCC to research, that is to analyze relation between special system and social security system of XPCC, in the end find the particularity among development of social security system and problem. In essence, it is occurred owing to special regime of XPCC, not to analyze establishment and implement of social security system of XPCC. Wherefore, when researching social security system of XPCC, you must contact special regime of XPCC together. Only this done, you can build up social security system according with development of XPCC. According to researching social security system of XPCC, I think it has academic and realistic significance for establishment and implement of social security system of XPCC in future. More important, it can open out deep-seated contradiction between special regime of XPCC and market-directed economy according to this research. Simultaneously for solving this problem, it has effect on caution for development of XPCC later.The framework of the dissertation is as follows: Part one: introduction. Analyze the significance of this research topic, define the relevant concepts, and introduce the current research situation and research method.Part Two: This part mainly introduces the stage of foundation and the development of XPCC, exhibit special history condition and geography environment of XPCC based on special regime, and reader can know genuine history and realistic significance from the stage of foundation and the development of XPCC. At the same time, I deeply analyze practice of special regime of XPCC in planned economy and market-directed economy, and readers can deeply become aware of contradiction and conflict between special regime of XPCC and market-directed economy, which make XPCC face unprecedented plight.Part Three: It mainly introduces evolvement of XPCC’s social security system. Basing on knowing well history of social security system, so as to analyze actuality and problem of social security system in XPCC.Part Four: Being base upon analysis from Part three, it describes foundation and development of XPCC’s unemployment insurance, endowment insurance and medical care insurance, deeply analyze actualities and problems of these system so as to find genuine root.Part Five: Conclusion and the prospect of XPCC’s social security system.


