

【作者】 贾娅玲

【导师】 宋才发;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 少数民族经济, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 城市化进程的不断加快,推动了农村经济的快速发展,提高了农民生活水平但是也引发了诸多矛盾和问题。在现有的土地权利结构和制度框架下,农地保护状况不容乐观,农地面临着严峻的挑战。我国还没有单独的农地保护的法律、法规,也没有为农地单独立法。对土地的行政管理虽然实行垂直管理,但是在农地纠纷解决过程中,并没有单独的农地纠纷解决机构。有关农地(土地)行政执法过程中由于执法者自身的素质问题、执法力度及执法规范等严重影响了农民农地权利的正常行驶,也影响了农地的正常使用,严重损害了农民的农地权益。论文研究从分析农地保护的基础理论入手,分析总结农地保护法治构建的理论支撑体系。从政治、经济、法律和社会文化四方面为农地保护理论提供新的理论依据。本文立足于农地保护的现状,分析农地保护存在问题及其产生的原因,较全面地分析、总结了当前农地保护各个过程中存在的问题和弊端,并提出从法治的角度强化农地保护,保障农民权益,从根本上解决农民利益受损的问题。研究农地保护的法治化需要以一定的政治、经济、法律以及文化基础理论为背景。在政治上,农民在我国政党执政过程中始终处于重要的基础作用,保障农民权益是稳定执政党执政的根基。从经济视角看,农地供给与需求的平衡才能有效发挥农地的价值,成本收益理论是保证农地权利人利益最大化的基础,它们也构成了农地保护的经济基础理论。从法律角度出发,农地保护首先要保护农地本身,保护农地的质与量,进而保护农地权利人的利益,均衡国家、集体和个人的权益。农地保护不仅要有政治、经济和法律理论做支撑,农地本身还蕴含着丰富的宗教和文化因素。从古代的土地崇拜到现代社会的土地文化,农地已经不仅仅是农民生存之本,从某种程度上还是一种信仰的寄托和文化的渗透。基于当前我国农地开发与利用的现状,从法治的角度出发,我国农地保护在立法、司法、执法中存在的问题是实现农地保护法治化的障碍所在。我国是一个多民族的人口大国,同时也是一个发展中的农业大国。这种国情决定了农地不仅与农民息息相关,而且关系到整个国家的粮食安全、社会保障以及可持续发展,关系到国家的经济发展,社会稳定。农地保护工作在一定程度上取得了不小的成就,但同时也存在着保护不力、管理不当、贯彻不严等一系列棘手的问题。造成农地保护工作不力,农地管理不当的原因有多种。从法治的角度出发,其原因主要表现在农地保护的立法、司法、行政执法以及法律监督四方面。立法缺失、司法不力、执法不严、法律监督不到位都是阻碍农地经济利用、威胁农民权益保障的直接原因。发达国家农地保护的成熟理念与实践经验,为我国农地保护法治化建设提供了有益的参考价值和借鉴意义。通过分析美国、英国、法国、日本和我国台湾地区等具有代表性国家的农地保护政策及其各国农地保护的法治理念,可将其法治实践归纳为四类,即建立土地分区管制制度;制定科学用地评估办法;通过立法完善农地法律法规体系以及设立财政税收激励等政策鼓励公众在农地保护中的参与性。美国的农地保护成功之处在于使土地所有者和相关权利人都能成为农地保护的受益者。英国最具代表性的农地保护措施是通过规划来协调城乡发展和实现农地保护。法国的土地优先购买权理念、农地流转理念、农联盟组织及其土地规划立法是农地保护的有益实践。日本农地保护的法治理念主要体现在其土地征用制度、土地交易制度及土地整理方面。我国台湾地区主要采取法律、行政命令等手段来加强农地保护。通过限制农地转移、变更使用、限制农地分割,科学利用农地以及以维护农业生产环境等实现对农地资源的科学利用与保护。结合我国当前农地保护的法治现状以及农地保护法治化工作中存在的种种问题,我国农地保护的法治化建设需要从农地保护的立法、执法和司法全方位入手。农地保护工作应当从实际出发,探索在我国实现依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家过程中的新思路。通过制定农地保护专门法、完善农地保护的相关配套法律法规、及时修订农地保护相关法律来健全农地保护法律体系。切实履行农地保护中的行政执法职责,提高行政执法人员的职业素质和普法能力,有效落实农地保护的责任追究机制,完善国家农地利用与保护的行政执法环境以及建立、健全我国农地保护的长效监督体系。加强司法独立、避免行政干预,完善农地司法纠纷解决制度,尝试创建多元化农地纠纷解决途径。通过我国农地保护中的法治问题以及农地保护法治化建议,选取青海省为农地保护法治化的特例进行分析,为青海省农地保护法治化进程提供具体的实施建议。在样本地农地利用与保护的实践过程中,农地宏观调控政策的指导作用未能得到有效发挥。农地权利保障尚不到位、农地依法行政尚未落实、农地权利救济渠道不畅是阻碍样本地农地保护法治化的具体表现。推进样本地农地保护的法治化进程,应当从以下几个方面入手。首先从宏观政策层面出发,进一步深化样本地征地制度改革、完善样本地农地承包经营权制度和农地流转制度,依法保护民族地区的农地资源。其次,制定因地制宜的农地宏观调控政策。坚持节约集约利用农地原则,注重样本地政策落实的实效性,因地制宜、制定向民族地区倾斜的土地调控政策,实现农地资源可持续利用。再次,健全农地纠纷解决机制。力争健全农地承包纠纷解决制度,完善样本地农地纠纷的司法、行政、仲裁和协商等解决途径,以创建多元化的农地纠纷解决体系。最后,加强维护农民土地权益的法制性。通过完善农地保护法律制度来保障农民权利救济,推进依法行政以保障农民的农地权益,并加强和改进行政复议工作

【Abstract】 With the fast stepping of urbanization, the county economy has grown rapidlyand the living standard of the peasant has raised much. On the other side, it has stirred many contradiction and knotty problems. Under the current land rights structures and systems, the situation of rural land protecting is not satisfied, and thesupply the rural land meets the serious challenge. In China, it still has not the specific laws and institutions for rural land yet. The administrative managing of land is the vertical management, but dispute settlement of land has no independentagency to hear. The personal quality of administrative employee, the executing power executing rules during the administrative enforcement have strongly damage the rural land rights of peasants. In this article, the author analyzes the theoreticalsystem to rule the rural protection by law in the political, economic, legal, and culture view of rural land protection. According to the current situation of rural land use, the researcher analyzes the problems and its reasons, advices the suggestions to solve the problems of peasants’ rights and benefits damaging by enforce the rural land protecting, guarantee the rights and benefits with legalizing view.The study on legalization of the rural land protection must be based on the political, economic, legal and cultural theory. In the political view, the peasantsstill occupied the important position during the CPC ruling, so to guarantee the rightsand benefits of peasants is the base to stable the ruling. In the economic way, the balance between rural land supply and demand can lead to effectively use of rural land, and the cost—benefit theory is the root to optimal the benefits of oblige. Fromthe angel of legal view, rural land protection should keep the quality and quantity of rural land firstly, then protect the rights and benefits of rural land oblige and balance the right and benefits among nation, community and the individuals. By the way,the rural land has not only the meaning of political, economy and jurisprudence, but also the meaning of religious and cultural elements. From the ancient land worship to modern land culture, the rural land is not only the necessarily for peasants to live on, but a kind of belief and cultural fertilization somehow.With the corresponding situation of rural land developing and using, theproblems in the field of legislation, judicatory and law executing are the barrier tolead the rural land protection by law. China is a developing agriculture country with rich nationalities. This situation has decided that the rural land is nor only related withthe peasants, but closely related with the national food safety, social guarantee and sustainable development. Also it has related with the national economic development and social stability. In recent years, the rural land protection has achieved muchprogress, but still has the knotty problems, such as protecting competently, misadministration and not strictly implement. The reasons lead to such situation, are the absence of specific law, the jurisdiction is not executing accurately, the improper executing and non—enough legal supervision. All of these are the directcause to block the efficient use of rural land, and threaten the rights and benefits ofpeasants.The idea and the successful experience of developed countries and Taiwan of China to protect the rural land can give the mainland of China much useful andvaluable reference. By studying the rural land protecting rules and concepts, it can be concluded in four points. Such as, to institute the zoning regulating system, to set up the land evaluating rules, perfect the legal system by legislation and build up the incentive policy to encourage the publics to join in. The successful point to protect the rural land in US is to guarantee the land owner and all the related land oblige. The representative rural land protecting measures in UK is to coordinate the rural land andurban land development by planning. In France, the government protects the ruralland by adapting the preemption, land circulation, FNSEA, and other land legislation. The concept to protect rural land in Japan is shown as land requisition system, and land consolidation. In Taiwan of China, the local government protects the rural land by law or other administrative order. To limit the rural land change into the nor—farm land and transferable use, limit the land division, and protect theagricultural producing environment.The legal construction of rural land protection in China needs to start withlegislation, administration and judicator way. To institute the specific law of ruralland protection, perfect the corresponding institutions, and amend the current law to build up the legal system of rural land protection. To enforce the administrating responsibilities, advance the professional quality of administrating employees,carry out the responsibility investigation, perfect the administrational surroundings and build up the long—term supervising system. To enforce the independence ofjudicature, avoid the administrative intervention, perfect the judicial disputesettlement system and try to construct the diversified dispute settlement methods.The case study of Qinghai Province gives the specific suggestions to rule therural land protection by law. In Qinghai Province, the macro—control policies of rural land have not played the effective role. The absence of rights guarantee, theadministration by law does not work well, the way of right relief is not available. Several points should be done to push the legal ruling proceed of rural land protection. Firstly, in the view of macro policy, to deepen the requisition system revolution, perfect the contracted management right of rural land system and rural land circulation institutions, and protect the rural land resources of minority areas.Secondly, release the macro—control policy according to the local current situation. Sustain the saving and intensive use land policy, pay attention to the effects of policy carrying, institute the particular land control policy for minority areas, and keep the sustainable use of rural land resources. Thirdly, perfect the rural land dispute settlement system. To perfect the dispute institutions of contracted management right, and perfect the judicature, administrating, arbitration and negotiation system toconstruct the diversified dispute settlement system. Finally, enforce the legal effect of rights and benefits guarantee. To perfect the rural land protecting legal system to relief the peasants rights, to push administration by law to guarantee the peasantsrights and benefits, and enforce to improve the administrative reconsideration.

【关键词】 衣地农地保护法治化
【Key words】 rural landrural land protectionrule by law
  • 【分类号】F301;D922.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】861
  • 攻读期成果

