

Research on Leisure City Development in China Based on City Leisure Index

【作者】 吕宁

【导师】 魏小安;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪,伴随着社会生产力的快速发展和科学技术的不断进步,人类的生活发生着根本性的变化。从空间角度看,是城市的世纪:城市的发展产生了更高的集中度,深刻影响着人们的生活生产、价值观念等全方位的转变。从生活角度看,是休闲的世纪:休闲追求更高的自由度。在集中度和自由度之间,客观存在着冲突,因此对城市的发展提出了新的要求。休闲必然成为现代城市的重要功能,而休闲目前已成为衡量经济发展、社会和谐和人的全面发展的重要指标。工业化发展过程,使工业在生产和经济中的作用不断凸显,在城市化发展中使城市的休闲功能逐渐丧失,在带来经济高速发展的同时,也伴随一系列如环境、社会、伦理、价值观等方面的恶化和丧失,影响人和城市的持续发展。城市的休闲功能是城市应具备的基本功能,工业城市中城市休闲功能的弱化是城市管理者短视的表现。在一个疾风暴雨式的城市化过程之后,我们不能不感慨我们的破坏力之强大,我们不能不反思到底为了什么而发展?大高楼、大马路、大广场、大绿地等等城市管理者引以为荣的东西,只是工业化过程中的肤浅追求,更进一步是弱势民族弱势心理的集中表现。口口声声以人为本,时时处处与人为敌,是在中国城市中随处可见的现象。因此,城市休闲功能的强化和休闲城市的发展,不只是城市生活品质提高的客观要求,首先是治理理念的革命。本文围绕“城市休闲和休闲城市”这一对相互联系、又相互区别的概念,运用复合系统理论与建模方法,建立城市休闲系统的结构和功能模式,研究城市休闲系统对城市休闲功能的完善与提升;通过对休闲城市的理论解析,采用分层次的评价方法构建了基于城市休闲定性描述的城市休闲指数评价指标体系,运用统计方法对39个直辖市、省会城市和计划单列市的城市休闲指数与分指数进行比较评价和分类模型分析,提出一整套中国休闲城市的分类评价模型和发展模式,由此指导休闲城市的创建和发展。导言部分对论文缘起和国内外城市休闲与休闲城市发展研究现状进行了分析,在人的需要理论、城市经济学理论和可持续发展理论的指导下,阐明论文的研究背景和研究意义,提出休闲城市是关乎民生与品质的可持续的城市发展观。第一章是全文研究的充要条件和逻辑基础。从人的休闲需要与城市发展的关系入手,在分析并概括出人的需要决定城市的产生、决定城市的发展方向、决定城市功能完善之后,揭示出休闲与城市的关系:城市是现代人类活动的主要场所,也是人类聚集产生现代休闲需要的主要空间载体,休闲经济的发展促进城市休闲功能的发展,休闲是城市的基本功能。第二章搭建城市休闲系统的基本框架,为城市休闲指数的评价指标体系构建奠定了研究基础。从城市系统论的角度对城市休闲系统进行了分析,第一次完整的提出城市休闲系统的概念和内容。通过城市休闲系统的人本性、人为性、人文性、人居性特征的分析,对城市休闲系统的主体、城市景观、空间、产业、公共服务与管理的结构体系进行详细分析,并阐述了系统的功能及其要点。第三章对城市休闲与休闲城市的系统理论辨析是全文的重点和亮点。通过休闲城市内涵与特征的理论解析,并与相关城市形态概念进行理论辨析后,提出休闲城市建设的基本要求,即休闲城市必须是宜居城市、人文城市、特色城市、和谐城市,进而按照现代城市类型的分类标准对休闲城市进行了分类,将休闲城市的建设提到“休闲,让城市更美好”的更高意义。第四章城市休闲指数评价指标体系和休闲城市发展综合评价模型,是休闲城市创建的指导和宏观战略的导向。城市休闲指数评价指标体系的研究是从休闲城市科学发展的角度提出的必要议题。本文第一次正式定义城市休闲指数(CLI),它是反映一个城市休闲功能的发育情况和发展潜力的定量指标,是城市休闲系统五个分体系的转化归类后用来测量城市休闲发展所必须具备的综合实力、休闲需要能力和休闲环境潜力发展水平的相对指标,提出从目标层、系统层、领域层和指标层四个层次构建城市休闲化评价指标体系。在排除主成分分析法后,运用层次分析法、模糊评价法、聚类分析法等对评价体系的权重进行规定与分配,建立基于城市休闲指数的休闲城市发展综合评价模型。第五章是全文的实证分析部分,也是定性与定量、理论与实践的结合点。城市休闲化体现城市发展质量和民众生活品质,为保障中国休闲城市建设和城市休闲功能完善的目标顺利进行,本文从39个城市的指标数据着手,多角度、多层次、多领域分析城市休闲指数的评价和结果,得出城市休闲指数的总体得分及排序,通过相关分析对分指数和主要领域评价结果的比较研究,进而运用聚类法和象限法,构建中国休闲城市分类评价模型,根据总体得分情况,将中国城市按不同休闲化的模型划分为不同的休闲城市类型与发展模式。最后,对国内外休闲城市建设与发展概况进行回顾与分析,并以北京为实证研究对象,通过比较研究说明其在休闲城市建设中存在的问题,横向比较分析在城市休闲化培育和休闲城市创建中的结构与层次问题,找出各自发展的矛盾,并从政府指导工作的层面提出具体的对策建议,营造实现人全面而自由发展的休闲环境和可持续发展的和谐休闲城市。本文的研究是在前人已有的理论成果上进行的,因而文献研究是文章展开的基础。本文以系统思想为指导,综合采用了理论分析与逻辑推理相结合、定性描述与定量统相结合计、归纳与演绎相结合、理论与实践相结合等方法,以城市功能完善为背景,构建了中国休闲城.市发展类型与模式的研究框架。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of social productivity and the ongoing advancement of science and technology, human life experiences fundamental changes in the 21 century. From the perspective of space, it is a century of cities. City development becomes more concentrated and transforms people’s life, productivity and value. From the perspective of life, it is a century of leisure which pursues more freedom. Objectively there are conflicts between concentration and freedom, therefore new development in cities is required. Leisure must be the important function of modern cities and an indicator of economic development, social harmony and comprehensive development of human beings.Industrialization makes industries more obvious in production and economy, and urbanization makes cities lose their leisure functions, which bring in a series of deterioration or lost on environment, society, ethics and value, affect the sustainability of human beings and cities, though accompanied by high speed economic development. Leisure is the basic function of a city. The weakening of leisure function in a city is the result of myopia of city managers. After the thunder storm of urbanization, we have to face with the strong destructive power and introspect what development is for? Skyscrapers, highways, squares and lawns that city managers are proud of are only superficial pursuit and evidence of the weak mentality of a wean nation. "People oriented" in mouth often turns into "people hostility" in action anywhere and anytime. Therefore, strengthening leisure functions and development of leisure cities is not only the requirement of improving the living quality of a city, but also the revolution on the concept of city governance.Through the discussion on the interrelated but distinct concepts of "Leisure City" and "City Leisure", the research adopts systematic theory and models to study how the leisure system improves the leisure functions in a city by establishing the structure and model of city leisure system. Through theoretical analysis of leisure cities, a hierarchic evaluation method constitutes the city leisure evaluation index based on the qualitative description of leisure cities. By using statistical tools to compare the leisure index and sub-index of the 39 municipalities directly under the Central Government, provincial capitals and cities specifically designated in the state, a set of classified evaluation prototypes and development models of leisure cities is proposed to guide the establishment and development of leisure cities in China.Through the analysis of the development of city leisure and leisure city in China and abroad, based on the theories of human needs, city economy and sustainable development, the research proposes that leisure city concerns sustainable development of cities with quality life of people.Firstly the research analyzes the relation between the leisure need of human and city development, after summarizing that human needs determine the emergence, development and perfection of city functions, the relationship between leisure and city is revealed as that city is the major place for human activities, space for people gathered for modern leisure demand, and that leisure economy promotes the leisure functionality of cities which set leisure as basic function. Chapter one sets the preliminary condition and logic foundation for the whole research.By scientifically explaining the relevant concepts of city leisure, the research analyzes the city leisure system from the point views of systematic city development, and systematically proposed the concept and content of city leisure system for the first time. Through the analysis on the characteristics of city leisure system from the point view of people’s needs, the research elaborates the subjects, landscape, space, industry, public service and management of the city leisure system, then depicts the function and key points of the system. Chapter two sets up the fundamental framework of the city leisure system and lies the foundation for the establishment of an evaluation system for city leisure index.Through the theoretical analysis of the connotation and characteristics of leisure city and other forms of cities, the study drafts the fundamental criteria of leisure city constructions-livable, humanitarian, unique and harmonious. Furthermore, leisure cities are classified in line with the standards of modern cities, and the construction of leisure cities is endowed the meaning of making city better and more attractive. In chapter three the systematic theoretical elaboration on city leisure and leisure city is the key point and highlight of this research.Research on city leisure evaluation system is the necessary topic for the scientific development of leisure cities. After analysis on the connotation of city leisure, the research formally defines the City Leisure Index (CLI)for the first time. The CLI is a quantitative indicator of the development and potential of the city leisure system and a relative barometer to measure the comprehensive capability, consumption and environmental potential of city leisure after transforming and classification of the five sub-system of the city leisure system. Guided by the character and principles of city leisure evaluation, the research brings forward the construct of leisure city evaluation system with four layers-target layer, system layer, field layer and indicator layer.The dissertation explores the contents of development evaluation of leisure cities, using hierarchical analysis method, illegibility evaluation and clustering analysis to weight the factors of the evaluation system, and establish the general evaluation model of leisure city development based on the city leisure index, after excluding the main content analysis. The evaluation system and the general evaluation model of leisure cities in chapter four are guidelines for leisure city development and strategic initiatives.Leisure city development shows the quality of city and people’s lives. To ensure the objectives of construction and functionality of leisure cities, the research analyzes the evaluation results of the leisure city index from different point of view by data-mining the 39 cities index, then ranks them.Through comparative analysis on relevant sub-index and main field score, by using clustering and quadrant methods, the research constructs the model of classification and evaluation in Chinese leisure city. According to the general scores, Chinese cities are classified to different types and models. Finally, the research reviews and analyzes the construction and development of leisure cities in China, then takes Beijing as a case for study, by comparatively exploring the problems in the process of leisure city construction to identify various key issues in germination, construction and development of different cities, then proposes policy outlines for governments to guide relevant issues so as to create the harmonious leisure cities of leisure environment and sustainability where people can live freely and comfortably. Chapter five is the empirical study part and the combination of qualitative and quantitative research where theory meets practices. Based on the theory of past researchers, literature review laid the foundation for this research. The study combines the theoretical analysis and hypothesis, qualitative and quantitative methods, induction and deduction, theory and practices, creates the framework of types and models of leisure city development in China backed by the perfection of the leisure functions in cities.


