

【作者】 刘玉民

【导师】 宋才发;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 少数民族经济, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 司法公信力已经成为人们关注的热点问题。司法公信力是社会公众对司法主体、司法程序、司法运作过程和司法裁决的尊重和认同,是司法在公众心目中建立起来的信服状态。公信力之于司法犹如信仰之于法律。缺少信仰的法律形同虚设,缺少公信力的司法形成不了法律救济的应有权威和实效,也难以产生法律公正和社会正义的形象。公信力是司法的内在逻辑要求、题中应有之义和其生命力的保证。论文从社会主义市场经济体制与司法的辨证关系入手,深入研究了司法公信力的概念特征、结构形态、构成要素、表现形式和评价标准等基本理论,实证分析了我国司法公信力的现状,剖析了司法公信力缺失的滞阻因素,提出了我国司法公信力建设的总体构思,进而对民族地区司法公信力问题进行了研究。关于司法的概念,学术界一直存在不同的看法。论文认为司法仅指法院依据职权和程序处理纠纷的诉讼活动,其由司法权力、司法权威和司法公信力三方面构成,具有终结性、独立性、中立性、消极性、交涉性、多方参与性、个别性和专属性等特征。公信力是指公共权力的主体在与公众交往活动中获得信任的能力以及公众对公共权力的心理认同。司法公信力是指社会公众普遍地对司法权的运行及运行结果具有信任和心理认同感,自觉地服从并尊重司法权的运行及运行结果的一种状态和社会现象。它是司法与公众之间的动态、均衡的信任交往与相互评价,表明了社会公众对司法的信任和尊重程度,具有主体交互性、开放性、制度性、资源性、合法性五方面特征。司法公信力是现代法治国家的重要基础,是稳定社会秩序、提高司法效率、节约审判资源的必要手段,是改善投资环境的重大举措。司法公信力的表现形式包括:社会公众习惯于到司法机关解决公力救济问题;司法机关行使权力具有独立性,只依据法律和公理对社会纠纷作出自己的判断;社会公众对生效裁决充分的尊重,自动及时地履行司法机关生效的裁判,裁判的既判力和权威得到了充分的确立和尊重。司法公信力有两个评价标准:司法公正是司法公信力质的评价标准。它既是影响司法公信力的价值因素,也是司法公信力的首要评价标准。司法满意度是司法公信力的量化标准。司法满意度是指公众对司法有一定亲身经历或了解的基础上,对司法(包括程序、裁判、执行)的满意程度,这是对公众法律心理的量化与统计。司法公信力在其演化过程中不可缺少理论层面的论证与支持。从哲学方面分析,实事求是是司法公信力提升的哲学基础,统筹兼顾是司法公信力提升的哲学方法,以人为本是司法公信力提升的哲学原则。在经济学方面,从供给需求理论分析司法公信力,实现司法供求最优效益的途径是加强诉权的保护范围,降低诉讼成本,建立多元化纠纷解决机制。从成本效益理论分析司法公信力,司法成本与效益综合优化的途径是确定诉讼经济的基本原则,实施案件审理程序分流,降低司法成本,优化司法资源配置。从“经济人”理论分析司法公信力,应当通过规则、程序限制法官权力非正常方式使用,加强法官道德法律意识修养,建设精干高效廉洁的法官队伍,以制度约束来控制“经济人”理性的张扬,以素质提升来引导法官自律“经济人”理性。我国司法公信力的现状。通过调查得到的系列实证数据分析来看,社会公众对司法现状的整体满意度是偏低的,司法机关在社会公众心目中还未建立起应有的信服状态。这主要表现为法官职业公信力偏低、法院审判管理公信力较低、法院裁判公信力较低、司法程序公信力偏低和法院执行公信力偏低五个方面。司法公信力缺失的内部原因是司法不公、司法效率不高、司法不廉洁、法官整体素质不高和司法透明度低。司法公信力缺失的体制性成因,主要是司法模式行政化、司法权运行地方化、司法活动功利化和内外部监督机制不规范。社会法律文化底蕴不足也是司法公信力缺失的重要原因。一是群众缺乏法治的传统和观念;二是当事人的偏面认识与误传、误解;三是法制不健全及社会对司法的过高期望。着力推进司法公信力建设。坚持司法为民理念是本质目标,应注重提高司法为民意识,以积极的态度救济民权,以优质的服务减轻民负,以快捷的审理解除民忧,以公正的裁判保障民权,以有力的执行实现民愿;推进司法独立是制度基石,要弱化对法官的行政化管理,改革司法权的地方化,实现司法机关的内部独立;提升法官素质是重要内容,应从建立法官选任制度、完善法官继续教育制度、完善法官惩戒制度、改革法官管理制度、提高法官司法能力和推进法官职业道德建设六个方面,努力造就政治坚定、业务精通、纪律严明、作风优良、品格高尚的职业化法官队伍;改革审判机制是内在要求,应从推进审判程序公开机制改革、建立和完善审判效率机制、建立科学的审判管理机制和加快执行工作运行机制改革四方面积极推进;优化司法环境是外部保证,应当理顺法院与党委、人大、政府、检察院的关系,规范法院与新闻媒体的关系,努力营造维护司法公信力的社会基础和氛围。在民族地区加强司法公信力建设要注意其特殊性。除了具有其他地区司法机关的共性外,民族地区还存在着本身的独特性。一是民族经济发展落后,经费保障严重不足;二是宗教影响较大,民众法治意识薄弱;三是民族地区条件艰苦,人才断层流失严重;四是司法考试制度实施,对民族地区法院影响严重。解决这些问题,一是加速发展民族经济,加强对司法机关的支持和投入;二是建立健全符合民族地区特点的审判制度;三是准确执行“两少一宽”刑事政策,确保民族自治地方的和谐稳定;四是加强法律政策的宣传教育,培养民族地区群众的法治信仰;五是加强司法人才资源开发,提高民族地区司法人员素质;六是采取有力的措施,积极应对国家司法考试制度的实施。

【Abstract】 The hot topic judicial credibility has been concerned by more and more people. The judicial credibility is the esteem and recognition of public citizens for judicial body, judicial proceeding, operating and its decision, and it is the believable conditions which built up in the mind of citizens. Credibility for justice is just as belief for law. The law without belief can not really work. The short of credibility of judicature will not have authority and come into force, also can not build up its equity and social justice. Credibility is the inner logical requirements of judicature and it should be the guaranty for judicature to work. This article made the deep study about the concept, the characteristics, the elements and the judgments of judicial credibility from the beginning of dialectical relations between socialism market economic system and judicature. The author empirical analyzes the present situation of judicial credibility construction in China, promote the general conception of judicial construction and try to study the one in minority areas of China.For the concept of judicature, the academic fields have their own different opinions. In this paper, the author thinks the judicature should be the law suit activities of the court proceeding by his authority, and it should be composed by judicial power, authority and judicial credibility, with the characteristics of terminality, independence, natural feature, negatives, negotiable, multi-participates, specific and specialization. Credibility means the ability which the subjects of public rights can obtain the trust through the public affairs, and the reorganization of the public citizens for the public rights. Judicial credibility is the condition or the social phenomena which the publics heave trust in and recognize the jurisdiction and its decision, then obey and esteem. It is a kind of dynamic and balanced trusting communication and evaluations; also it shows the degree of trust and esteem of publics. Judicial credibility has the characteristics of alternation, openness, systemic, resource and validity. It is the important basic of the modern nomocracy country, the way to constitute the steady social order, promote the judicial efficiency and save the trial resource, is the magnitude act to perfect the invest surroundings. Judicial credibility is the ability of judicial power to win the public trust and reliant by its constraining, sense, self-restraint and judicial eliminating. It is shown as the following aspects, the publics be used to find the public relief in judicial offices; the judicial department has their own rights to exert, and only based on the law and axiom to made the justice judgments; the publics respect the efficient decision, and perform the judicial decision self-motional and immediately. There are two criterions to evaluating the judicial credibility; one is justness, it is not only the value elements to influence the judicial credibility, also the primary criterion to evaluate. Another quantum criterion is judicial satisfaction which means the satisfactory degree of publics including the satisfaction for proceeding, decision and executing. This is to quantize and stat the situation of publics’ legal consciousness.The judicial credibility need the theoretic demonstration and support to evolvement. In the view of philosophy, the base of judicial credibility should be promoted by persisting in the world view of seeking truth from the facts. To persist overall consideration as its philosophical rule, and adhere people oriented to its philosophical principle. In the point of economical view, to analyze the judicial credibility with the theory of supply-demand to obtain the optimal of judicial supply, to lower the suit cost and constitute the multiple dispute resolution mechanism. By the way of cost-benefit theory to analyze the judicial credibility, confirming the basic principle of suit economics, distributing the proceed of case inquisition, decrease the judicial cost and optimize the distribution of judicial resources are the way to get the integrating optimal of judicial cost and benefits. With the theoretical angel of economic-man, it should limit the judge to perform his rights illegally with the rules and proceed, should enforce the training work of judge’s legal conscious and build the high effective and honest staff to control the rational stink of economic-man by rules and lead its ration of self-discipline by advancing the judges’ quality.By the data analyzing of practical inquisition, the satisfaction of publics for judicial situation is quietly weak, and the judicial agency has not build the due confidence in their mind. It is shown as following points, the lower professional credibility of judges, the lower managing ability of the court, the lower judging ability of the court, the little confidence of judicial proceeding and the lower executing credibility of the court. The inner reasons of credibility absence are the unfair of judicature, the low efficiency, the dishonest, the poor general quality of the staff and seldom opening for the public. The administrating of judicial mode, the localize of judicature proceed, the utilitarianism of judicial activities and un-standard internal and external supervising mechanism are the systematic reason of judicial credibility absence. The short of social legal culture details is also the important reason of judicial credibility absence, which demonstrated as the shortage of public’s legal tradition and concept, the party’s unilateralism misrepresent and misunderstanding, incomplete of social legal system and the high expectation of the citizens for judicature.To push the construction of judicial credibility should persist in the idea of serving for people, pay attention to promoting the consciousness of serving the publics, to relief the public’s rights with active attitude, to mitigate the burden of publics with the good service, to ease publics’ worry with high efficient inquistion, to guarantee the publics’ rights with fair judgments, and help the publics’ will with powerful execution. The systemic base of judicial credibility construction is to push the independence of judicature. It should weaker the administrative management for judges, reform the localizing of judicial rights, achieve the inner dependence of judicial department. Advancing the quality of the judges is the core content to construct the judicial credibility. It should be build and perfect the serious employing institution of the judges, develop the continuing-study system of the staff, perfect the punishing and lessoning rules, institute the scientific managing system for judicial staff, and promote the professional skill and ethic construction. And try to organize a group of judicial staff with the quality of firmly obeying for the party, highly mastering of the professional skills, serious disciplining, good behaviors and high quality. The inner demand of judicial credibility construction is to reform the adjudging mechanism. It should reform the opening mechanism of adjudging proceed, build and perfect the adjudging efficiency mechanism, build the scientific managing mechanism and quick the working mechanism of execution. Optimizing the judicial surrounding should be the external guaranty to construct the judicial credibility. It should arrange the legal relationship between the court and party agency, the NPC system, the government and the prosecutorial office. It should to arrange the relationship between the court and the medias and try to build a perfect social base and atmosphere to maintain the judicial credibility.In minority areas, we should pay attention to the particularity to enhance the construction of judicial credibility. The judicial agencies in minority areas have their own particularity except the common characteristics which the judicial agencies in other regions of China. The particularity of judicial agencies in minority areas can be concluded in following four points. One is the backward economic situation of these areas, and the serious shortage of monetary guaranty. Secondary, the weaker consciousness of the publics in minority areas for the social legal system, and they have been deeply influenced by the religious belief. The third, the nature condition is so poor there, the flow and loss of the qualified personnel is serious. The forth, the executing of judicial test will seriously influence the system of judicial staff management. To solve all the problems mentioned before, the six suggestions should be adopted. To quick the economic development of minority areas and enforce the monetary sustain for the judicial agencies. To build and complete the adjudging system, according to the characteristics in minority areas. To accurately carry out the particular criminal policy, ensure the harmonious and stable development of the autonomy areas. To publicize the minority’s religious policy and legal policy, train the legal belief of the minority nationality. To explore the qualified judicial staff, promote the quality of judicial staff in minority areas. To adopt the available measures, face the execution of the national judicial test positively.


