

Study on the Academy of Classical Learning of Northern Song Dynasty

【作者】 李劲松

【导师】 黄书光;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义为指导思想,以翔实史料为依据,注意哲学、教育学、社会学、政治学等多学科的研究视野,着力运用文本解读、个案考察、人物性格分析等方法,将北宋著名书院及其相关学术大师、书院教育家作为重点考察对象,努力揭示北宋书院的时间变化和空间分布状况、运行机理、书院教育与学术文化传承的内在关联,以及早期中国书院的社会历史效应。论文抓住了“书院教育一学术大师”这根主脉进行论述,探讨了书院教育与学术发展的辨证关系,突显了书院与北宋社会、文化、政治、官学等方面的互动过程。同时,论文还十分注意书院自身教育教学理论与经验的变化发展,特别是著名学术大师和书院教育家的教育教学经验的特点以及相关教育哲学思想的理论提升。此外,论文还非常关注他们的学术立场、价值导向、人才素养、研究成果,以及书院教育思想对南宋以后中国书院发展的内在影响。

【Abstract】 This article is lead by the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism,using the abundant historical materials,combined with the research views of many subjects,such as philosophy,education,sociology and politics.It will emphasize methods of explaining the text,reviewing historical cause,analyzing the person’s thoughts and characteristic,taking the Academy of Classical Learning, correlated academic masters and educators of the Academy of Classical Learning of Northern Song Dynasty as the study object,also about the context of social history.It will fix out the space-time status of its development,its function system,the internal relationship between the impart of academic culture and the Academy of Classical Learning education,and the the social historical effect of the early Academy of Classical Learning in China.This article holds the clue of“the Academy of Classical Learning education-academy master”,discussing the dialectical relationship between the education of Academy of Classical Learning and the development of academy, emphasizing the the mutual process of Academy of Classical Learning with the society,culture,politics,and official academy at Northern Song Dynasty.At the same time,it pays attention to the change and development of teaching theory and experience in Academic Institution,especially the teaching traits and the philosophy thoughts improvement of famous academic masters;it also notices their academic position,value orientation,human accomplishment,research achievement,and the inner influence of the later Academy of Classical Learning development in China.

  • 【分类号】G649.299
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1464

