

Re-considering the Relations between Contemporary Chinese Basic Education and Its Cultural Tradition

【作者】 袁德润

【导师】 叶澜;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 文化传统是民族立身之基。中国文化传统在一个多世纪的时间里,曾经成为批判和摒弃的对象,但由于文化传统自身所具有的浸漫性特征和中国文化系统自身的开放性和包容性,使它在中国人的生活中历经摧折而不灭,直到今天仍然是缭绕在我们日常生活中的文化底色。文化的构成既有表层的,又有深层的。表层文化以可见、可感的载体充满人类生存的空间,并以浸漫的方式通过个体的活动内化成个人的精神存在,氤氲成民族生活中深层的心理结构。文化通过物的载体和人的载体不断地进行着与人类生活之间的转换,在持续的转换中实现更新,成就了文化自身特具的内源性、稳定性和更新性。中国文化传统在封建时代的发展过程中,统一的语言、绵长的科举考试传统和中国传统士人“平天下”的理想以及因此而形成的“教化”传统,使大、小传统之间存在高效的沟通渠道,使中国文化在历史发展过程中广泛地被精英和大众阶层接受,表现出强大的生命活力。儿童对民族文化传统的个性化占有主要通过家庭和基础教育。在儿童文化图式形成的过程中,中国式的独特的“缘”形成了围绕儿童的不同层次和性质的文化环境,其中的影响既有直接的、显性的,也有间接的、浸漫的。在当代儿童的家庭生活和基础教育生活中,民族文化传统的影响依然巨大,其中既有积极因素也有消极因素。在当代社会转型背景下,基础教育的使命不仅仅是传递知识,更重要的是为社会新文化建设做出贡献。通过改变学校日常生活的方式,通过儿童主动、积极、自主地参与学校生活,形成他们看待世界、自身、群体、他人的新的方式,形成新的学校文化。当代中国基础教育的新文化建设应该建立在中国自身文化传统的基础之上,“新基础教育”改革实践对此进行了积极的尝试,它通过班级建设实现儿童品格发展中群性与个性的整合,通过开发学科教学的育人价值、改变师生参与课堂生活的方式实现成人之学与成事之学的整合,为当代基础教育改革探索出一条融通民族文化传统与现代社会需求的理论与实践之路。

【Abstract】 The cultural tradition is the basis of a nation. In more than one century, the Chinese cultural tradition was once the aim which was animadvert on and that part of the nation even tried to slam the door of our life to it. However, as a result of the penetrating pervading character of culture and the inimitable open character of Chinese culture, our cultural tradition is still with us today.The structure of culture contains surface and deep-seated layers. People are always surrounded by the surface layer that can be easily seen and felt, and which penetrates every part of people’s life. Through life practice, the cultural information carried by them will become the spiritual part of life gradually, and thus forms the mental construct of a nation. The transition between culture and life engenders the culture’s characteristics of endogenesis, stability and creativity.The development of Chinese culture in the feudal era makes it widely accepted by both elites and the masses on account of using the same language, the long-last imperial examinations tradition and the intelligentsia’s pursuit of making ancient China a peaceful and wealthy country, which made it more energetic to assimilate cultures of different characters.In social life, children possess the culture mainly by way of his family and the school. In the developing of children’s cultural skema, the special "relationship" plays an important part. The relations between children and the people who are related to them influence the children directly or indirectly, obviously or latently, among which are negative factors and positive factors.Under the background of social transform, basic education should not only transfer the knowledge accumulated in the history of human race, but also give contribute to the innovation of culture. By changing children’s way of school life, we can help them find new ways to view the world, themselves, the groups they are related to and the others. "New Basic Education" has tried to integrate individuality with collectivity through children’s class-activities and integrate learning knowledge with moral growth through the students’ active involvement in class-teaching, both of which are based on the consideration of Chinese cultural tradition.

  • 【分类号】G639.2;G122
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1745

