

Study on Some Related Techniques and Methods in Planning and Design of the Rehabilitation and Water-saving Reform Projects in Large-sized Irrigation Districts

【作者】 蒋晓红

【导师】 程吉林;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 农业水土工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国现有大型灌区434处,是我国农业灌溉的骨干及我国重要的商品粮、棉、油基地,在农业和农村经济发展中及改善生态环境等方面有着十分重要的地位和作用。为了改善灌区工程与管理状况,遏制灌溉效益衰减趋势,提高灌溉水利用效率和农业综合生产能力,1998年,国家启动了《全国大型灌区续建配套与节水改造规划》项目。今后大型灌区续建配套与节水改造规划设计的任务仍然艰巨,对其相关技术和方法进行研究显的尤为重要,为此,本文开展了以下工作:(1)本文提出了一般渠段、轮灌渠道及续灌渠系的纵横断面优化设计方法。大型灌区续建配套与节水改造中,由于灌溉渠道系统的投资在整个灌区改造总投资中占相当大的比重,特别是渠道的开挖及衬砌费用投资很大,因此其设计的科学与否将直接影响到水资源利用效率的高低以及农田水利工程在农业生产中效益的发挥。在目前的灌区续建配套与节水改造中,渠道纵横断面参数,特别是纵坡的选择十分重要,这对灌区改造完成后的管理运行具有重要的经济价值。本文基于遗传算法,以工程量最小为目标函数,考虑不冲不淤及首末水位约束,提出一般渠段横断面及轮灌渠道纵横断面的优化设计模型和求解方法;对骨干输配水渠系的纵横断面优化设计,针对灌区改造中常用的断面形式,首次考虑了渠段的最小水位、干支渠分水口水位衔接校核,以工程量最小为目标函数,提出了二级骨干输配水系统动态规划模型及求解方法。(2)本文首次建立了基于BP神经网络的灌区建筑物工程量估算模型,开发了辅助设计模块,方法简便、实用。按照国家《大型灌区续建配套与节水改造2009~2020年规划》,至2020年尚存近1200亿投资要实施,为了科学安排灌区投入资金,在规划阶段对灌区建筑物工程进行投资估算就显得十分重要。对水利工程的造价估算,我国通常采用工程概算估价法,该方法是根据已建类似工程的工程量,结合拟建工程的实际情况,首先估算其工程量,再按不同的单价估算其价值量,编制概算,从而得到它的投资估算。灌区建筑物工程概算估价法关键是工程量估算。论文通过分析灌区各类建筑物工程影响工程量的主要因素,在分类建立主要灌区工程数据库(工程主要技术参数、主要工程量、主要材料用量等)的基础上,首次建立了基于BP神经网络的工程量估算模型,开发了辅助设计模块,方法简便、实用。(3)本文首次建立了灌溉泵站群优化布局调整的动态规划模型,针对此模型首次提出了耦合约束具有明确边界的动态规划降维方法。在大型灌区续建配套与节水改造规划中,经常会发现有些灌区骨干灌溉干渠(河)两岸的灌溉泵站提水能力接近或大于渠道引水能力,造成灌溉高峰季节,引水渠(河)道水位急剧下降,致使无法正常灌溉,且使引水渠(河)道生态恶化的现象。本文针对该类灌区内灌溉泵站群的特点,以耗能最小为目标函数,以满足灌溉引水要求及生态需求为约束条件,首次建立了灌溉泵站群优化布局调整的动态规划模型,为此类灌区灌溉泵站群的优化布局及灌溉渠道规划调整提供科学依据。论文针对灌溉泵站群优化布局调整动态规划模型的特点,首次提出了耦合约束具有明确边界的动态规划降维方法,丰富了动态规划优化理论。(4)为了提高大型灌区续建配套与节水改造规划设计的工作效率,论文首次采用“VB+MapX”开发完成了基于GIS的灌区规划计算机辅助设计系统。系统采用面向对象的编程方法,以Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0作为开发平台,采取人机对话的方式,实现了多种软件(Visual Basic 6.0、MapX控件、Microsoft Access等)的跨平台集成。系统可协助灌区规划人员对灌区进行全过程规划设计,包括设计代表年的选择、作物需水量计算、作物灌溉制度计算、灌水率计算、灌溉渠系GIS实时规划、渠系设计流量推算、渠道纵横断面设计、渠系纵横断面优化、排水沟道GIS实时规划、排水流量计算、排水沟道断面设计、渠系建筑物GIS实时规划、灌区建筑物工程造价估算、经济分析等。

【Abstract】 China has 434 large-sized irrigation districts, which not only is the backbone of China’s agriculture irrigation and a important production base of commodity grain, cotton and oil, but also has a very important position and role in agriculture and rural economic development and ecological environment improvement. In order to improve the situation of irrigation engineering and management, contain irrigation efficiency attenuation, and improve irrigation water use efficiency and agricultural comprehensive productivity, the country launched a " rehabilitation and water-saving reform planning in national large-sized irrigation districts from 1998 " project. As the arduous task of rehabilitation and water-saving reform projects in large-sized irrigation districs in future, the research on related techniques and methods is extremely important.Therefore, the paper has done following works:(1) This paper proposes an optimization design method for general canal cross section and rotation canals and distribution system. The Paper During the rehabilitation and water-saving reform in large-sized irrigation districs, the cost of irrigation canal systems accounts for a large proportion of the total investment, especially the canal excavation and lining costs greatly , therefore, whether its design is scientific impacts the water resources use efficiency and the play of the irrigation and drainage engineering in agricultural production. In the current irrigation districs rehabilitation and and water-saving reform, the determination of parameters of canal profile and cross section , especially the longitudinal slope, has important significance, also has important economic value in irrigation area management after the reform completion. Based on GA, this paper proposes an optimization design model and solution method for general canal cross section and distribution canals profile and cross section, which takes the minimum engineering quantity as objective function and considers the constraints of non-scouring, non-silting and initial and ending water level; as for the optimal design of the profile and cross section of the main delivery and distribution canal, according to the common section form in irrigation districts reform, this paper first proposes a dynamic programming model for two-stage backbone water delivery and distribution system, which takes the minimum engineering quantity as objective function and considers the minimum water level connection and level constrains of the trunk and branch canals flow division.(2) The paper first constructs a quantities estimation model based on the BP neural network. According to“national large-sized irrigation districs rehabilitation and water-saving reform planning(2009~2020)”, there is an investment of nearly 120 billion to be implemented until 2020. For the sake of arranging the invested funds scientifically, it is quite important to estimate the investment of building projects in irirgation area. As for water conservancy cost estimation, the project estimate appraisement method is usually adopted in our country. The method firstly estimates the quantities in accordance with the quantities of similar constructed projects, while considers the concrete conditions of the planning building engineering, secondly estimates the value quantity by different unit price and then compiles the estimation, thus obtains the investment estimation. The key problem of the method is to estimates the quantities of the planning building engineering. Through analyzing the main factors that influence the quantities of all types of building projects in irirgation areas, the papar establishes the main projects classification database including the major technical parameters, main quantities and the quantity of main materials, then first constructs a quantities estimation model based on the BP neural network, which has filled in the black of building cost estimation method in the planning stage and has a stronger application value.(3)The paper first constructs a dynamic programming model of the layout adjustment optimization of irrigation pumping station group, and firstly puts forward a dimensionality reduction method for the dynamic programming model. During the rehabilitation and water-saving reform in large-sized irrigation districts, as the water level in the main diversion channel (river) is usually low, farmland irrigation depends on the small irrigation pumping stations along the two sides of the main canal. In irrigation peak season, that the capacity of the stations is close to or greater than the transfer capacity of the canals causes a sharp level drop and ecological deterioration in the rivers sometimes.According to the characteristics of the irrigation pumping station group in irrigation districts, the paper presents a dynamic programming model of the layout adjustment optimization of irrigation pumping station group for the first time. The dynamic programming model takes the minimum energy consumption as objective function and considers the irrigation diversion demand and ecological requirement, and provides scientific basis for irrigation pumping station group layout optimization and irirgation canals planning adjustment. In view of the the characteristics of the dynamic programming model of the layout adjustment optimization of irrigation pumping station group, this paper firstly puts forward a dimensionality reduction method for the dynamic programming model with coupling constraint with clear feasible region, which enriches the theory of dynamic programming optimization.(4)In order to improve the work efficiency, this paper first uses "VB and MapX" to develop a computer aided design system based on GIS. Using object-oriented programming method and taking Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as the development platform, the cad system realizes the cross-platform integration of various softwares (Visual Basic 6.0, MapX control, Microsoft Access, etc.) by the way of man-machine conversation. This system can help the planners to carry out the whole planning and design process of the irrigation area, which includes the choice of the design typical year, crop water requirement calculation, deficit irrigation schedule and irrigation rate computation, GIS real-time planning of irrigation canal system, calculate of canal system design flow, design and optimization of profile and cross section, GIS real-time planning of drainage ditch, calculation of drainage discharge, design of drainage ditche section, GIS real-time planning of irrigation area building, estimate and economic analysis of project cost, and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

