

Research on Suitable Density for Maize Hybrid with Different Plant-types and Arrangement of Regional Test

【作者】 张宇

【导师】 张宝石;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着玉米育种和栽培水平的不断提高,玉米的单产也在不断提高。目前在辽宁省育成及推广的品种中,紧凑型、半紧凑型和平展型三类品种并存。在提高产量的诸多途径中,通过增加密度使群体增产已逐渐被大多数育种家和广大农民所接受。但就辽宁省而言,在不同生态地区选用什么样的品种和相应的种植密度才能发挥最大的产量潜力,各类品种的区域试验密度如何设置等问题尚缺乏试验依据。本试验于2006年和2007年在辽宁省沈阳、铁岭、朝阳、大连和丹东等五个不同生态地区连续进行两年。试验采用二因素裂区试验设计,选用目前生产上大面积推广的三个不同株型的代表性品种,平展型品种连玉16、半紧凑型品种丹玉39和紧凑型品种郑单958,每个品种设置六种密度。通过统计分析产量及产量构成因素、农艺性状和品质性状,获得以下主要结论:1.通过品种间、密度间及品种与密度互作的产量分析比较,获得各个试点适宜种植的品种与密度。(1)沈阳试点三种不同株型品种的共同适宜种植密度为4500株/667m~2,品种选用以郑单958为代表的紧凑型品种为主,适宜种植为4500-5000株/667m~2;以平展型品种连玉16和半紧凑型品种丹玉39为辅,其适宜种植分别为3200-4500株/667m~2和3800-5000株/667m~2。(2)铁岭试点三种不同株型品种的共同适宜种植密度为3800-4500株/667m~2;首选品种是以郑单958为代表的紧凑型品种,适宜种植密度3800-5000株/667m~2;其次是半紧凑型品种丹玉39和平展型品种连玉16,各自的适宜密度分别为3800-4500株/667m~2和2600-3200株/667m~2。(3)朝阳试点适宜种植的品种仍然是以郑单958为代表的紧凑型品种为主,适宜种植密度为3800-4500株/667m~2;其次是半紧凑型品种丹玉39和平展型品种连玉16,各自的适宜密度分别为2600-3200株/667m~2和2600株/667m~2。三个品种共同的适宜密度为3800-4500株/667m~2;(4)大连试点三个品种共同的适宜密度为2600-3800株/667m~2;品种选用以丹玉39为代表的半紧凑型品种为主,同时也可大面积推广以连玉16为代表的平展型品种和以郑单958为代表的紧凑型品种,它们各自的适宜密度分别为3800株/667m~2、2200-2600株/667m~2和3800-4500株/667m~2。(5)丹东试点三个品种共同的适宜密度为3200-4500株/667m~2;首选品种也是以郑单958为代表的紧凑型品种,其次是以丹玉39为代表的半紧凑型品种和以连玉16为代表的平展型品种,它们各自的适宜密度分别为3800-5000株/667m~2、3200-3800株/667m~2和2600-3800株/667m~2。2.通过对三个不同株型品种在不同地点和不同密度下的产量稳定性分析,提出了省级区域试验的设置方法。三个品种在辽宁省同一熟期组不同生态地区的共同适宜密度分别是,平展型品种连玉16为3200株/667m~2;半紧凑品种丹玉39为3800株/667m~2;紧凑型品种郑单958为4500株/667m~2。在不同地点和不同年份,三种不同株型(耐密性)品种共同的适宜密度为3200株/667m~2、3800株/667m~2和4500株/667m~2,其中3800株/667m~2密度的高产和稳产性的综合表现最佳。依据上述试验结果,在辽宁省玉米新品种选育程序中,品种比较试验可采用3800株/667m~2的密度对不同株型或耐密性的品种进行统一评价。在省级预备试验中,可采用3800株/667m~2的统一密度对参试品种进行初选,然后对进入区域试验的品种,再根据育种者提供的资料分成平展型(不耐密植型)、半紧凑型(中度耐密型)和紧凑型(耐密植型)分别按3200株/667m~2、3800株/667m~2和4500株/667m~2的密度进行分组试验。3.通过产量、品质和其它农艺性状的比较,阐明了三个不同株型品种的相对差异。(1)以连玉16为代表的平展型品种在本次试验中表现为生育期较长,叶片数较多,持绿性较差,株高、穗位高偏高,果穗着生位置偏高;果穗较大,穗粒数多,百粒重较大。在各个密度下有效穗数少,总粒数较少。籽粒粗脂肪含量较高。以丹玉39为代表的半紧凑型品种表现为生育期适中,叶片数适中,持绿性适中,株高、穗位高适中,果穗着生位置适中;果穗较大,穗粒数较多,百粒重高。在各个密度下有效穗数居于中等水平,总粒数同样居于中等水平。籽粒粗蛋白质含量和籽粒赖氨酸含量较高。以郑单958为代表的紧凑型品种表现为生育期较短,叶片数适中,持绿性好,株高、穗位高适中,果穗着生位置适中;郑单958的果穗较小,穗粒数少,百粒重小。在各个密度处理下有效穗数多,总粒数多。籽粒粗淀粉含量和籽粒容重较高。(2)籽粒品质性状的研究表明,玉米在辽中北地区种植对提高籽粒的蛋白质含量有利,以提高蛋白质含量为生产目的的玉米品种适宜在沈阳和铁岭两地种植;朝阳、大连和丹东试点玉米淀粉含量较高,辽西地区、辽南地区和辽东南地区适宜生产高淀粉玉米。种植高油玉米可以选择朝阳和丹东地区。本文在进行试验结果的统计分析时,在二因素裂区的基础上,将年份和地点视为两个因素,尝试了进行四因素裂区分析的方法,此方法鲜有人使用;根据不同株型和生态条件进行品种密度和品质布局的研究方法,也不多见。本文通过对不同株型品种适宜密度的研究为辽宁省玉米品种布局提出了新的观点,同时也为辽宁省玉米区域试验密度的设置和品种推广提供了理论依据和参考。

【Abstract】 With breeding level and cultivation level increasing,yields of maize increase constantly.There are three plant-types,flat type,semi-compact type and compact type in Liaoning Province.In many methods to increase grain yields,increasing plant density to get more grain yields is accepted by general breeding scientist and farmers. It is unclear that what kind of hybrids and plant density are suitable to plant in order to elicit latent faculties to get more grains yields in different ecological regions of Liaoning Province.Questions such as how to fix the plant density for each type of hybrid in regional test are lacks of facts.There are five locations in different ecological regions in Liaoning Province are chosen and plant three maize hybrid with different plant-types in six density treatments doing a split block experiment with two effects.Researches on yield,yield components,agronomic characters,ear characters and nutritional characters gain following result.1.According to the results on varieties,densities and variety×density,we can investigate suitable variety and density for each location.(1) The same suitable density for three hybrids with different plant-types is 4500 plants per 667m~2 in Shenyang.The representation of compact hybrid Zhengdan958 is chosen as the main variety.And suitable density for Zhengdan958 is 4500-5000 plants per 667m~2.The representation of semi-compact hybrid Danyu39 and flat hybrid Lianyu 16 are chosen as the secondary variety.And suitable densities for Danyu39 and Zhengdan958 are 3200-4500 plants per 667m~2 and 3800-5000 plants per 667m~2.(2) The same suitable density for three hybrids with different plant-types is 3800-4500 plants per 667m~2 in Tieling.The representation of compact hybrid Zhengdan958 is chosen as the main variety.And suitable density for Zhengdan958 is 3800-5000 plants per 667m~2.The representation of semi-compact hybrid Danyu39 and flat hybrid Lianyu16 are chosen as the secondary variety.And suitable densities for Danyu39 and Lianyu16 are 3800-4500 plants per 667m~2 and 2600-3200 plants per 667m~2.(3) The same suitable density for three hybrids with different plant-types is 3800-4500 plants per 667m~2 in Chaoyang.The representation of compact hybrid Zhengdan958 is chosen as the main variety.And suitable density for Zhengdan958 is 3800-4500 plants per 667m~2.The representation of semi-compact hybrid Danyu39 and flat hybrid Lianyu16 are chosen as the secondary variety.And suitable densities for Danyu39 and Lianyu16 are 2600-3200 plants per 667m~2 and 2600 plants per 667m~2.(4) The same suitable density for three hybrids with different plant-types is 2600-3800 plants per 667m~2 in Dalian.The representation of semi-compact hybrid Danyu39 is chosen as the main variety.And suitable density for Danyu39 is 3800 plants per 667m~2.The representation of compact hybrid Zhengdan958 and flat hybrid Lianyu 16 are chosen as the secondary variety.And suitable densities for Zhengdan958 and Lianyu 16 are 3800-4500 plants per 667m~2 and 2200-2600 plants per 667m~2.(5) The same suitable density for three hybrids with different plant-types is 3200-4500 plants per 667m~2 in Tieling.The representation of compact hybrid Zhengdan958 is chosen as the main variety.And suitable density for Zhengdan958 is 3800-4500 plants per 667m~2.The representation of semi-compact hybrid Danyu39 and flat hybrid Lianyul6 are chosen as the secondary variety.And suitable densities for Danyu39 and Lianyul6 are 3200-3800 plants per 667m~2 and 2600-3800 plants per 667m~2. Stability analysis of three hybrids with different plant-types in different locations and densities will provide setting methods for provincial regional test.The suitable densities for three hybrids in the team with the same growth period are 3200 plants per 667m~2 for flat hybrid Lianyu16,3800 plants per 667m~2 for semi-compact hybrid Danyu39 and 4500 plants per 667m~2 for compact hybrid Zhengdan958.In different locations and years,the same suitable densities for three hybrids with different plant-type are 3200 plants per 667m~2,3800 plants per 667m~2 and 4500 plants per 667m~2.Comprehensive performance composed of high yield and high stability of 3800 is the best in three treatments above.According the results above,in the procedure of new hybrids breeding in Liaoning Province,3800 plants per 667m~2 can be used to evaluate different plant-types and density-tolerance in variety comparative test.In pre-comparative experiment 3800 plants per 667m~2 can be used in primary selection.According to data which are provided by breeder,varieties selected to attend regional test will be devided into three groups,flat,semi-compact and compact,planted in 3200 plants per 667m~2,3800 plants per 667m~2 and 4500 plants per 667m~2.3 Comparison of yield,nutritional and other agronomic characters illustrates differences among three varieties with different plant-types.(1)Lianyu16 is a hybrid with flat type,which performs long growth period,more total leaves and less green leaves in maturity.Plant height,ear height and location of ear in the plant(the rate of ear height and plant height) are all high.Lianyu16’s ear is the biggest in three hybrids and its ear performs more kernels and heavier 100-kernek weight,In every density treatment Lianyul6 performs less effective ears and total kernels.Its kernel gross fat content is high.Danyu39 is a hybrid with semi-compact type,which performs moderate growth period,moderate total leaves and moderate green leaves in maturity.Plant height,ear height and location of ear in the plant are all moderate.Denyu39’s ear is bigger of three hybrids and its ear performs more kernels and heavier 100-kernek weight.In every density treatment Danyul6 performs moderate effective ears and total kernels.Its kernel gross protein content and kernel lysine content are high.Zhengdan958 is a hybrid with compact type,which performs short growth period,moderate total leaves and more green leaves in maturity.Plant height,ear height and location of ear in the plant are all moderate.Zhengdan958’s ear is small and its ear performs less kernels and light100-kernek weight.In every density treatment Zhengdan958 performs more effective ears and total kernels.Its kernel gross starch content and kernel bulk density are high.(2)The research on nutritional characters shows that planting maize hybrids in Shenyang and Tieling is helpful to increase kernel protein content.Chaoyang,Dalian and Dandong is suitable for the produce of maize starch.It is a good choice to plant high oil maize in Chaoyang and Dandong.In the analysis for results of this research,years and locations are regarded as another two effects.So on the base of split block experiment with two effects,a split block experiment with four effects is performed.This method is used unusually. Doing varieties distribution according to growth period and ecological conditions is traditional method.In this paper combined with the results of this test,new points about maize varieties distribution of Liaoning Province are proposed.Research on hybrids with different plant-types provides references and bases for arrangement of regional test of Liaoning Province.

【关键词】 玉米株型密度布局区域试验
【Key words】 maizeplant-typedensitydistributionregional test

