

Comparison of Photothermal Responses among Different Ecotypes of Soybean in China and the Analysis of GmFT Gene Expression

【作者】 费志宏

【导师】 张宝石; 韩天富;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 大豆是喜温短日作物,短日照和高温促进大豆的生长发育,光周期和温度对不同生态类型大豆品种生长发育的影响不同。为明确不同生态类型大豆品种光周期效应、温度效应和光温互作效应,进一步揭示光周期和温度对不同类型大豆生长发育的影响及其相互关系,通过自然光照、短日照(12h)和长光照(16h)三种光周期处理,并以春播模拟低温、夏播模拟高温条件,形成长日+低温、长日+高温、短日+低温、短日+高温的光温组合,对国家大豆品种区域试验的15个不同生态类型的对照品种进行了光温反应特性研究。同时对不同类型大豆品种农艺性状、产量性状和品质性状在各种光温条件下的反应进行分析。GmFT基因在大豆光周期反应中起关键作用,其表达水平和表达模式受光周期直接调控。为进一步揭示大豆生长发育过程中光周期和温度的相互关系,以光周期反应钝感的黑河27和光周期反应敏感的自贡冬豆为实验材料,在人工气候室进行不同光温处理,分析GmFT基因在单叶中的表达变化与光温反应关系。本文主要研究结果如下:1.大豆品种开花前、后光周期反应敏感性及开花前短日后效应,在不同生态类型间表达强弱上具有较强的一致性,品种的光周期反应敏感性在出苗至生理成熟期间表现较稳定。缩短日照加速大豆品种生殖发育,延长日照促进营养生长。供试不同生态类型大豆品种开花前光周期的敏感性和开花前短日后效应强弱均为:南方夏大豆>黄淮海夏大豆>南方春大豆>北方春大豆区。延长初花后光照时间,使大豆品种成熟延迟。供试不同生态类型大豆品种开花后光周期敏感性强弱顺序为:南方夏大豆>南方春大豆>黄淮海夏大豆>北方春大豆,其中黄淮海夏大豆的开花后光周期敏感性与南方春大豆接近。2.大豆品种出苗至开花阶段,高温促进大豆发育,不同生态类型大豆品种开花前感温性表现为:南方夏大豆>南方春大豆>北方春大豆>黄淮海夏大豆。高温促进大豆种子萌发出苗,缩短播种至出苗的时间,这种效应在不同生态类型大豆品种中没有明显区别。3.光周期和温度对大豆发育存在明显的互作,高温能够加强短日照对发育的促进效应,低温则弱化短日照对发育的促进效应;短日照能够增强高温对发育的促进作用,长日照则减轻高温对发育的促进作用。升高温度对光周期反应敏感性的促进效应、缩短日照对温度反应敏感性的促进效应随品种适宜推广区域纬度的降低而减弱。4.长日照和高温使初花节位升高、植株高度和底荚高度增加、主茎节数增多。供试不同类型大豆品种初花节位、株高和主茎节数对光周期反应的敏感性强弱表现为:南方夏大豆>黄淮海夏大豆>南方春大豆>北方春大豆区。在品种能正常成熟的前提下,长日照使品种单株荚数、单株粒数、单株粒重增加;短日照使北方春大豆和黄淮夏大豆百粒重增加、南方夏大豆百粒重减小、对南方春大豆无明显影响。供试不同类型大豆品种单株产量对光周期反应敏感性强弱为南方夏大豆>黄淮夏大豆>南方春大豆>北方春大豆。缩短光照使北方春大豆的蛋白质含量下降、南方春大豆和夏大豆的蛋白质含量有小幅增加。开花前经过短日诱导、开花后延长光照使北方春大豆蛋白质含量增加、南方春大豆和夏大豆蛋白质含量降低。缩短光照使北方春大豆、黄淮海夏大豆和南方夏大豆的脂肪含量增加。开花前经过短日诱导、开花后延长光照使北方春大豆和黄淮海夏大豆脂肪含量降低、南方春大豆和夏大豆脂肪含量增加。北方春大豆蛋白质和脂肪总含量随日照长度缩短而降低;南方夏大豆蛋白质和脂肪总含量随日照长度缩短而增加。5.GmFT是植物PEBP基因家族FT-like亚家族的基因,具有与FT、Hd3a等FT-like基因相似的功能,为促进大豆开花的成花诱导基因。短日照促进光周期反应敏感品种自贡冬豆GmFT的表达;在短日照条件下,低温促进自贡冬豆GmFT的表达;在长日照条件下,温度的高低对自贡冬豆GmFT的表达没有明显影响。不同光周期处理对光周期反应钝感品种黑河27GmFT的表达影响较小;高温促进黑河27GmFT的表达。

【Abstract】 Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) is a short-day crop which favors temperate weather, thus, short day (SD) and high temperature (HT) may promote its growth and development. Previous studies showed that photoperiod and temperature (photothermal) exert different effect on growth and development of soybean cultivars from different ecological regions. To define the photoperiodic, thermal and photothermal interaction effects on the soybean from different ecological regimes, to discover their effects on growth and inter-relationship of them, three photoperiodic treatments of natural day length, 12h (short day or SD) and 16h (long day or LD) were conducted and integrated with two thermal conditions, HT (sown in the summer in Beijing) and low temperature (LT) (sown in the spring), i. e., combinations of LD+ LT, LD+ HT, SD+ LT and SD HT were performed. Using 15 control cultivars of the national soybean cultivar regional trials as materials, photothermal responses of them were investigated. In addition, varietal variations in agronomic, productive and quality traits grown in different photothermal combinations were analysized.GmFT is a key gene for soybean photoperiodic reaction, and the expression level and pattern of this gene are regulated by photoperiodism. In order to make a further illumination of the inter-relationship of photoperiod and temperature in soybean growth and development, soybean cv. Heihe 27 and Zigongdongdou (ZGDD) which are insensitive and sensitive to photoperiod, respectively, were treated with different photothermal combinations in phytotrons. The relationship of GmFT expression and photothermal response was analysized.The main results are summarized as below:1. Sensitivity of photoperiod response prior to flowering as well as post-flowering, in addition to post-effect of SD before flowering, is strongly kept in agreement between different soybean ecotypes. In addition, sensitivity of photoperiod response of varieties is stable during emergence and physiological maturity. SD hastened the reproductive development, and LD hastened vegetative growth. Photoperiod response sensitivity before flowering and of different soybean ecotypes decreased as follows: Summer Sowing Soybeans from South, Summer Sowing Soybeans from Yellow-Huai-Hai River Valleys, Spring Sowing Soybeans from South and Spring Sowing Soybeans from North.2. Higher temperature hastened the development of soybean from sowing to blossoming. The order of thermal sensitivity before flowering in soybean ecotypes are as below: Summer Sowing Soybeans from South > Spring Sowing Soybeans from South > Spring Sowing Soybeans from North > Summer Sowing Soybeans from Yellow-Huai-Hai River Valleys. High temperature promoted seed germination and emergence, and shorted the time from sowing to emergence. In terms of time from sowing to emergence, there is no significant difference between varieties collected from different ecological regions.3. Obvious interaction effects of photoperiod and temperature on soybean development were found in this study. Higher temperature enhanced the promotion effect of short day on development; while low temperature weakened this effect. Short day may enhance the promotion effect of higher temperature to development; while LD may weaken the effect. The promotion effect of elevated temperature on photoperiod response sensitivity, as well as the promotion effect of shorted day length on thermo response sensitivity, decreased as altitude of cultivar regimes.4. LD and high temperature led to a higher number of node to first flower, plant height, pod height at bottom, node number of main stem. Photoperiod response sensitivity of the number of node to first flower, plant height, pod height at bottom and node number of main stem in soybean varieties decreased as follows: Spring Sowing Soybeans from South > Summer Sowing Soybeans from Yellow-Huai-Hai River Valleys >Summer Sowing Soybeans from South > Spring Sowing Soybeans from North. As to the varieties that may be mature under LD, LD increased the pod number, seed number and seed weight per plant; SD treatment increased the seed weight of 100 seeds of soybean varieties from Spring Sowing Soybeans from North and Yellow-Huai-Hai River Valleys; but decreased the seed weight of 100 seeds of the Summer Sowing Soybeans from South; and no significant effect on Summer Sowing Soybeans from South. Photoperiod response sensitivity of productivity per soybean plant of different ecological regions decreased as Spring Sowing Soybeans from South > Summer Sowing Soybeans from Yellow-Huai-Hai River Valleys > Summer Sowing Soybeans from South > Spring Sowing Soybeans from North. LD led to a protein quantity of Spring Sowing Soybeans from North, however slightly increased the protein quantity of varieties from Spring Sowing Soybeans from North and Summer Sowing Soybeans from North. LD treatment after flowering in addition to SD before flowering led to a increased the protein content of varieties from Spring Sowing Soybeans from North, nevertheless, a decreased the protein content of varieties from Spring and Summer Sowing Soybeans from South. SD treatment increased the fat acid content of varieties from Spring Sowing Soybeans from North, from Yellow-Huai-Hai River Valleys and Summer Sowing Soybeans from South. LD treatment after flowering in addition to SD before flowering led to a decreased fat acid content of varieties from Spring Sowing Soybeans from North, from Yellow-Huai-Hai River Valleys, while fat acid content of varieties from Spring and Summer Sowing Soybeans from South increased. Total protein and fat acid content varieties from Spring Sowing Soybeans from North decreased as day length shortened, and it is opposite to varieties from Summer Sowing Soybeans from South.5. GmFT is a member of FT-like sub-family in PEBP gene family, and exhibited similar function as FT that promotes flower initiation in model plant of Arabidopsis. Expression of GmFT in photoperiod-sensitive cv. ZGDD was promoted by SD, as well as lower temperature. However, under LD condition, temperature did not affect the expression apparently. Photoperiods did not affect the expression of GmFT in Heihe 27, but HT may increase the expression of GmFT in this photoperiod-insensitive soybean variety.

  • 【分类号】S565.103.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】358
  • 攻读期成果

