
菜心(Brassica rapa ssp. Chinensis)细胞核雄性不育性转育研究

Study on Transfer of Nuclear Male Sterility in Flowering Chinese Cabbage (Brassica Parachinensis Bailey)

【作者】 张海楼

【导师】 沈向群;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究选择1个核质互作不育源和2个核不育源进行不育性的特征特性比较,确定了核不育源A2的不育性表现最稳定。同时利用白菜细胞核雄性不育源A1和A2的核不育基因,根据细胞核雄性不育复等位基因的遗传规律,采用杂交转育方法和回交转育方法将不育基因向菜心品种中转育。经过4年转育,获得如下结果:1.含有不育源A1不育基因(Ms1)的可育株(Msf1Ms1)在长日照低温条件下表现不育,而且其育性受移栽和栽培密度的影响也较大;“甲型”两用系的不育株(Ms1Ms1)和不育系(Ms1ms1)的不育性在不同环境下表现稳定。2.含有不育源A2不育基因(Ms2)的甲型雄性不育“两用系”可育株(Msf2Ms2)在不同温光条件下育性表现较稳定,而且不受移栽和栽培密度的影响;“甲型”两用系不育株(Ms2Ms2)和不育系(Ms2ms2)的不育性表现稳定。是应用于菜心育种的理想不育源。3.通过育性基因型测定,油青四九菜心核雄性育性基因符合复等位基因遗传规律,育性基因型为MsfMsf。4.在菜心核不育系转育过程中,核不育源的选择,应根据被转育亲本基因型考虑不育源的选择,在杂交后代中应同时具有Msf、Ms、ms三个基因。另外应尽量考虑不育源材料与待转育品种农艺性状的相似程度。不育源材料与待转育品种农艺性状越相似,新育成的不育系稳定进度越快,整齐度越高。5.杂交转育的新不育系是单交种,且与待转育品种有较大的遗传差异。这样选育出的不育系在遗传上已不是待转育品种的不育系,而是一个新的不育系或是近似待转育品种的不育系。因此杂交转育只能选育待转育品种的近似不育系或新的不育系。6.在杂交转育中,通过“株系内选择”和“株系间选择”比较,“株系间选择”的样本数是“株系内选择”的几倍,选择空间大,因此选择的同型株与亲本之间,同型株与同型株之间遗传差异较小,所选“甲型两用系”与“临时保持系”之间遗传差异小,这样选出的不育系与亲本更接近,且不育系杂合性小。本文在转育实践中证明了这一点。因此在杂交转育中采用“株系间选择”比采用“株系内选择”效果更好。7.选育的“甲型两用系”与“临时保持系”生物学性状差异较大时,用目测方法很容易鉴别,但在差异较小时,受选育人的判断标准影响较大。而通过各系之间的综合差异指数比较,能够反映出目测无法判断的差异,所选的“甲型两用系”与“临时保持系”之间遗传差异小,配制的不育系遗传杂合性小。其配制的杂交种整齐度更好。8.回交转育是转育油青四九菜心核雄性不育系的理想手段,本试验的回交转育方法Ⅰ和回交转育方法Ⅱ,在转育过程中随着转育代数增加逐步趋向于菜心亲本的遗传特征特性,本试验回交四代植株生物学性状表现与轮回亲本十分接近而且整齐。9.在回交转育方法Ⅰ转育过程中,“株系间选择”在前期世代(回交1-3代)效果明显优于“株系内选择”,主要是由于增大了选择样本容量,增加了选择亲本同型株的机会,加快了选育进度。在后期世代选择不育株和可育株组配“甲型两用系”时,最好选用“株系内选择”的选择方法,避免组配“甲型两用系”时,不育株与可育株存在着遗传差异,增加“甲型两用系”的遗传杂合性。10.每个回交转育世代通过上代自交鉴定回交株遗传杂合性,其选择效果比较理想。通过自交能够使回交过程中不表达的隐性性状在自交后代中部分表达,有利于鉴定回交株的遗传杂合性,提高了选择效果,加快了回交转育进度。11.回交转育方法Ⅱ与回交转育方法Ⅰ相比较,回交转育方法Ⅱ的转育进度明显优于回交转育方法Ⅰ,而且选育“甲型两用系”在第二和第三世代选择样本数少,选育“临时保持系”在第三世代选择样本数少,使转育工作量大幅度减少。回交转育方法Ⅱ早期世代可以通过自交淘汰部分不利性状,加快了回交转育进度。本人认为在回交转育过程中,最好在回交株与亲本相像时进行1-2代的自交后再继续与亲本进行回交转育,这样可以淘汰轮回亲本以外的其他亲本的隐性性状和共显性性状,这样可以获得在遗传上与轮回亲本同质性更好的“甲型两用系”和“临时保持系”,从而可以配制出整齐度高和遗传同质性更好的油青四九菜心100%不育系。12.在回交转育油青四九菜心核不育“两用系”的过程中,回交后代材料农艺性状“株系间选择”比“株系内选择”接近油青四九菜心进度快,提前1-2代达到转育目标。通过“株系间选择”获得的BC2材料植株外部形态已与轮回亲本油青四九菜心无显著差异,而通过“株系内选择”获得的BC2材料植株外部形态仍与轮回亲本有显著差异,主要表现为叶长、叶柄长、开展度、主薹高、主薹粗、单株重等农艺性状仍显著高于轮回亲本。通过“株系内选择”与“株系间选择”两种选择方法获得的BC3材料植株外部形态与轮回亲本相类似,所有调查的植株农艺性状与轮回亲本无显著差异,只是通过“株系内选择”获得的BC3材料主薹粗略高于轮回亲本。通过“株系内选择”与“株系间选择”两种选择方法获得的BC4材料植株外部形态与轮回亲本十分类似,所有调查的植株农艺性状与轮回亲本无显著差异,目测整齐一致,与轮回亲本无差异。总体上来看,“株系间选择”比“株系内选择”效果好,转育进度快。13.在本试验的调查范围内,两种细胞质油青四九菜心核不育系农艺性状和生化指标性状差异不显著。14.大白菜细胞质油青四九菜心核雄性不育系(BA2)一般配合力表现较弱,弱于油青四九菜心(SY)及菜心细胞质油青四九菜心核雄性不育系(CA2)。大白菜细胞质油青四九菜心核雄性不育系(BA2)在株高、薹叶数、叶长、叶宽、叶柄长、叶柄宽、叶柄厚、主薹高、主薹粗、单株重等10个性状上表现为负效应,开展度表现为正效应。15.菜心细胞质油青四九菜心核雄性不育系(CA2)在株高、薹叶数、叶长、叶宽、叶柄长、叶柄宽、叶柄厚、主薹高、主薹粗、单株重、开展度等11个性状上表现为正效应,并且与油青四九菜心(SY)数值接近,表明两者都有较好的配合力,而且两者之间一般配合力表现基本一致。进一步表明油青四九菜心转育成核雄性不育系后,核不育基因没有对一般配合力产生影响。16两种细胞质油青四九菜心核不育系在特殊配合力上的表现差异较大。17.11个农艺性状的广义遗传力的大小顺序为叶柄厚>株高>主薹高>叶长>叶柄长>单株重>主薹粗>薹叶数>叶宽>叶柄宽>开展度。11个农艺性状的狭义遗传力的大小顺序为叶柄长>单株重>叶长>主薹粗>叶柄厚>主薹高>株高>薹叶数>叶柄宽>开展度>叶宽。各性状的遗传力中等偏高,说明这些性状不易受环境因素影响,遗传稳定性较好。

【Abstract】 This study one nucleoplasm interaction sterile sources and two nucleolus sterile sources sterility of the characters compared to determine the source of nucleolus sterile source A2 sterility of the most stable performance.At the same time,the use of chinese nuclear male sterile source of A1 and A2 nuclear sterile gene,genetic male sterile gene is employed as the male sterile source in the study,while the hybridization transfer method is adopted to transfer male sterile gene into flowering chinese cabbage varieties according to the Multiple Allele Hypothesis of the genetic male sterility.After four-year transfer,results obtained are as follows:1.Fertile plants(Msf1MS1) containing a sterile source A1of infertility gene(Ms1) in long-day conditions of low temperature performance of infertility,and the fertility by transplanting and planting density have a greater impact;"Type A" dual-use infertile plants(Ms1Ms1) and the male sterile line(Ms1ms1) of sterility performs stability undern different circumstances.2.Fertile plants(Msf2Ms2)containing a sterile source A2of infertility gene(Ms2)of "Type A" Male Sterility dual-use lines indifferent temperature and light conditions,fertility performance of a more stable and free from transplanting and planting density;"Type A" dual-use infertile plants(Ms2Ms2) and the male sterile line(Ms2ms2) of sterility performs stability undern different circumstances.The cabbage is used in breeding the ideal source of infertility.3.Through fertility genotype determination,Nuclear Male fertility gene in Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49 is in line with the laws of genetic alleles, genotypes for fertility MsfMsf.4.During the transferring Cabbage of the Nuclear sterile lines,infertility source of the nuclear option Should be in accordance with parental Genotypes to consider the source of infertility option.In the hybrid should have at the same time Msf,Ms,ms three gene.Another consideration should be sterile source material to be trasferring varieties with agronomic characters similar to the extent.Sterile source material to be trasferring varieties with agronomic characters similar,a new breeding sterile line of stability faster, the higher the degree of uniformity.5.A new sterile line by hybrid transferring breeding is single cross hybrid,and it,s breeding is a greater variety of genetic differences.This selection of a sterile line in the genetic is not to be a sterile line of trasferring varieties,but a new sterile lines or similar types of to be trasferring varietie.Therefore,hybrid transferring breeding can select to be trasferring varietie or a new infertility line.6.During the transfer process,’Selection within a unique line’ and ’Selection among lines’ are compared.And the sample amount of ’Selection among lines’ that has a bigger selection space are several times more than that of ’Selection within a unique line’.As a result,a relatively smaller difference in genetic background between the same type plants and parents,between selected ’AB line TypeⅠ’ and ’temporary maintainer line’,and between selected male sterile line and parents,as well as the low heterozygosity would be achieved depending on ’Selection among lines’,which has been proved in the transfer practice of the study.Therefore,’Selection among lines’ has better performance than ’Selection within a unique line’ in the selection of progenies during the hybridization transfer.7.Breeding"AB line typeⅠ" with "temporary maintainer line"biology of different characters, using visual methods to identify easily,but the difference in the small,the selection criteria of people have a greater impact.The departments through an integrated difference between the index,to reflect the visual can not determine the difference. Selected "AB line typeⅠ" with "temporary maintainer line" between the small genetic differences,the preparation of the genetic male sterile lines of heterozygosity small.The preparation of the hybrid better uniformity.8.Backcrossing is a ideal method of Nuclear Male Sterility lines in Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49.This test of Backcrossing methodⅠand Backcrossing methodⅡ,in the transfer process algebra with the cabbage tend to gradually increase parental genetic characteristics,This test Backcrossing the forth generation plant biological characteristics and performance of the reincarnation of the pro-Recurrent very close and neat.9.During the Backcrossing methodⅠ,"selection among lines" in the pro-Recurrent (Backcross1-3generation) better than "selection in a unique line,mainly due to increased choice of sample size,an increase of pro-choice with this type strains of the opportunity, To speed up the breeding rate.In the latter-generation choice of infertility and fertility distribution "AB line typeⅠ’",the selection of the best is"selection in a unique line".while distribution group to avoid "AB line typeⅠ",infertility and fertility there is a genetic differences and increase "AB line typeⅠ’" genetic heterozygosity.10.Each backcrossing generationg through the pre-generation self-bred strains to identify backcross plant genetic heterozygosity,it’s choose is ideal effect.Through the self-bred to make the process of backcrossing is not the expression of recessive traits in the self-bred offspring in part,it is conducive to backcross plant genetic heterozygosity,and increased the effect of choice,to speed up the progress of the backcrossing.11.Compareing Backcrossing methodⅡwith Backcrossing methodⅠcomparison, Backcrossing methodⅡmuch better than the speed of Backcrossing methodⅠ.And breeding "AB line typeⅠ" in the second and third generations to choose a small sample size,selection ’temporary maintainer line’ in the third generation Select a small sample size so that fertility to reduce the work load significantly.Backcrossing methodⅡ. pro-Recurrent can be self-bred out of some of the negative traits,speed up the progress of Backcrossing.I think in the process of Backcrossing,the best way of the Backcross plant and the parent of the 1-2 for the slef-bred and then continue to Backcross with the parent,this will eliminate recurrent parent other than the parent’s dominant and recessive characters,in this way we can get more better"AB line typeⅠ" and ’temporary maintainer line’ that it’s homogeneity in the recurrent parent genetic.we can get a high degree of genetic homogeneity of Sterility 100%lines in Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49.12.In the process of backcross Nuclear Sterility dual-use lines in Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49,the speed"selection among lines" faster than "selection in a unique line’"’ and fast advance 1-2 on behalf of to achieve the goal and backcross generations materials agronomic traits closer to Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49.There is no significant difference Recurrent parent Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49 with BC2 material plant exterior shape by selection in a unique line.but BC2 material plant exterior shape by selection among lines has significant difference with the recurrent parent.The main performance for leaf length、petiole length、angular divergence、main stalk height、main stalk diameter、single plant weightand other agronomic traits still higher than the recurrent parent.The plant morphology of BC3 accessed by the choice of "selection among lines have"and"selection in a unique line" is similar to recurrent parent,all the investigated agronomic traits of plants and recurrent parent was no significant difference.Only main stalk diameter of the BC3 accessed by the choice of "selection in a unique line" was highter than recurrent parent.The plant morphology of BC4 accessed by the choice of "selection among lines have"and"selection in a unique line" is similar to recurrent parent,all the investigated agronomic traits of plants and recurrent parent was no significant difference,Visual neatly in line.On the whole,"selectionamong lines have" more effective and speed than "selection in a unique line".13.During the pilot survey,two cytoplasm Sterility lines in Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49agronomic traits and biochemical indicators of traits no significant difference.14.The combining ability of cytoplasm nuclear male Sterility lines in Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49(BA2) proform weaker than Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49(SY),cytoplasm nuclear male Sterility lines in Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49(BA2).agronomic traits of cytoplasm nuclear male Sterility lines in Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49(BA2) such as plant height,floral leaf number leaf length,leaf width,、petiole length、petiole diameter、petiole deep、main stalk height、main stalk diameter、single plant weight and so on show a negative effect,but angular divergence show positive effect.15.Agronomic traits of cytoplasm nuclear male Sterility lines in Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49(BA2) such as plant height,floral leaf number leaf length leaf width,、 petiole length、petiole diameter、petiole deep、main stalk height、main stalk diameter、single plant weight、angular divergence and so on show a positive effect, close to the value of Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49(SY).it show better co-ordination of them but also between the general performance of the force with basically the same.Further showed that Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49 transfer of nuclear male sterile line bred,sterile gene did not affect the general combining ability.16.Two cytoplasm Sterility lines in Flowering Chinese Cabbage of YOUQING NO.49.in the heart with special force on the performance of different.17.eleven agronomic traits of the broad heritability of the size of the order:petiole diameter) plant height) main stalk height) leaf length) petiole length) single plant weight) main stalk diameter) floral leaf number) leaf width) petiole deep) angular divergence,eleven agronomic traits of thenarrow heritability of the size of the order:petiolelength) single plant weight) leaf length) main stalk diameter) petiole diameter) main stalk height) plant height) floral leaf number) petiole deep) angular divergencer) leadwidthCharacters in the middle-high heritability of these traits easily affected by external factors,genetic stability of the better


