

Effects of Phosphorus on Soybean Cultivars with Different Phosphorus Efficiency

【作者】 敖雪

【导师】 谢甫绨;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本试验以4个磷高效基因型品种和2个磷低效基因型品种为试材,比较了磷素(P2O5)对不同磷效基因型大豆生理生化性状的影响,从光合生理、抗逆生理和大量营养元素吸收特性上分析了磷高效品种的高产机理,试图为我国大豆磷效率育种和高产栽培提供一定的理论依据。研究结果如下:1磷对不同磷效率基因型大豆光合生理和保护酶的影响磷高效品种整个生育期均具有较高的叶绿素含量、净光合速率和气孔导度,且叶绿素含量、净光合速率和气孔导度在生育后期受磷处理影响较小,下降幅度也较小,而磷低效品种在高磷处理下才具有较高的光合速率。从光合日变化来看,开花期不同磷处理下,两类型品种均没有明显的午休现象,低磷处理下,磷高效品种净光合速率较高;在不同磷处理下,结荚期和鼓粒期磷高效品种上午的净光合速率均较高。磷高效品种整个生育期叶片均具有较高的可溶性蛋白含量,而且在生育后期下降较缓。与低磷处理相比,中磷和高磷处理下,磷高效品种叶片的可溶性蛋白含量在开花期呈下降趋势,而在鼓粒期则呈增长趋势。中磷和高磷处理下,磷低效品种叶片的可溶性蛋白含量在整个生育期均比低磷处理下的高。鼓粒期磷高效品种的可溶性糖含量在不同磷处理下均低于磷低效品种的。在中磷和高磷处理下,生育后期磷高效品种的叶片可溶性糖含量比低磷处理有所下降,而磷低效品种的则有所增长。在低磷处理下,磷高效品种的SOD活性在整个生育期变化都比磷低效品种小,磷高效品种的POD和CAT活性在生殖生长阶段比磷低效品种的高,且在生育后期下降较缓。低磷处理下,磷高效品种的MDA含量显著低于磷低效品种的。2磷素对不同磷效率基因型大豆各器官的氮磷钾百分含量的影响低磷处理下,与磷低效品种相比,磷高效品种的茎秆和整株的氮百分含量在生殖生长阶段都较高,叶片的氮百分含量除结荚期外均较高,荚皮的氮百分含量在鼓粒期显著高于磷低效品种的。中磷和高磷处理下两类型大豆品种的差异缩小。磷高效品种茎秆的氮百分含量受磷处理影响较小,而磷低效品种茎秆的氮百分含量在生育后期受磷处理影响较大。与低磷处理相比,中磷处理下,磷高效品种的叶片和整株的氮百分含量在结荚期显著提高,磷低效品种叶片的氮百分含量在生育后期有所增长,整株的氮百分含量在结荚期和始熟期显著提高。与低磷处理相比,高磷处理下磷高效品种叶片和整株的氮百分含量在各个生育期都没有显著变化,而磷低效品种叶片的氮百分含量在鼓粒期和鼓粒末期会显著提高,整株的氮百分含量也在生育后期显著增加。在低磷处理下,磷高效品种的茎秆、叶片和整株的磷百分含量在生殖生长阶段高于磷低效品种的,荚皮的磷百分含量在鼓粒期极显著低于磷低效品种的。中磷和高磷处理下两者间差异缩小。与低磷处理相比,中磷和高磷处理下,磷高效和磷低效品种的茎秆、叶片和整株的磷百分含量在生殖生长阶段均有所增长,但磷高效品种增幅较小。中磷处理下,磷高效品种籽粒的磷百分含量在始熟期和成熟期都比低磷处理有了显著的增加,磷低效品种籽粒的磷百分含量在成熟期有所增加。高磷处理下,磷高效品种的籽粒的磷百分含量在成熟期比低磷处理显著增加,磷低效品种的在鼓粒末期和成熟期都有显著增加。低磷处理下,磷高效品种的茎秆和整株的钾百分含量在不同生育期均高于磷低效品种的,荚皮的钾百分含量在始熟期和成熟期显著高于磷低效品种的。与低磷处理相比,中磷和高磷处理下,磷低效品种的茎秆、荚皮和籽粒的钾百分含量在不同生育期均有所增长,且增长幅度较大,磷高效品种的茎秆、荚皮、籽粒和整株的钾百分含量受磷处理影响相对较小。3磷素对不同磷效率基因型大豆氮磷钾积累量的影响低磷处理下,磷高效品种茎秆的氮积累量和磷积累量在不同生育期均高于磷低效品种的,钾积累量从分枝期到始熟期高于磷低效品种的。中磷和高磷处理下两种类型品种的茎秆氮、磷、钾的积累量差异减小。与低磷处理相比,中磷和高磷处理下,磷高效品种的茎秆氮和磷积累量及磷低效品种的茎秆氮、磷、钾积累量在整个生育期均有所增长,但磷低效品种的涨幅较大,磷高效品种的茎秆钾积累量除始熟期外其它生育期均有所增长。在低磷处理下,磷高效品种的叶片氮积累量和磷积累量不同生育期均高于磷低效品种的,叶片钾积累量除结荚期外均高于磷低效品种的。中磷处理下,磷高效品种的叶片氮积累量均高于磷低效品种的,叶片的磷积累量和钾积累量在开花期显著高于磷低效品种的。高磷处理下,磷高效品种的叶片氮积累量在鼓粒期和成熟期显著高于磷低效品种,叶片磷积累量在鼓粒期和始熟期显著高于磷低效品种的,叶片钾积累量在两类型品种间差异较小。与低磷处理相比,中磷和高磷处理下,磷高效品种和磷低效品种的叶片氮积累量和磷积累量在整个生育期均有所增长,但磷低效品种的增长幅度更大,且其叶片钾积累量在整个生育期也有较大幅度的增长。低磷处理下,磷高效品种的荚皮氮积累量在成熟期显著高于磷低效品种的,荚皮磷积累量从鼓粒末期到成熟期较高,荚皮的钾积累量在始熟期和成熟期显著高于磷低效品种。与低磷处理相比,中磷和高磷处理下,磷高效品种的荚皮氮和磷积累量有所增长,钾积累量没有明显变化,而磷低效品种的荚皮氮、磷、钾积累量在鼓粒末期到成熟期均有较大幅度增长。磷高效品种的籽粒氮、磷积累量在始熟期和成熟期均高于磷低效品种的。与低磷处理相比,中磷和高磷处理下,两类型品种的籽粒氮、磷、钾积累量均有所增长,但磷低效品种涨幅更大。低磷处理下,磷高效品种的整株氮、磷、钾积累量不同生育期均高于磷低效品种的。与低磷处理相比,在中磷和高磷处理下,磷高效和磷低效品种的整株氮磷钾积累量在不同生育期均有所增长,但磷低效品种增长幅度较大。4磷素对不同磷效率基因型大豆物质生产特性的影响低磷处理下,磷高效品种仍具有较高的生物产量和干物质积累速率,且生物产量高于磷低效品种的。与低磷处理相比,在中磷和高磷处理下,两类型品种的生物量都有所提高,但磷低效品种的增加幅度较大。磷高效品种在低磷处理下仍然具有较高的群体生长参数,保证了磷高效品种无论在群体还是单株上都具有较高的生物产量,是其在低磷处理下也具有较高产量的物质基础。与磷低效品种相比,磷高效品种在低磷处理下具有较低的结荚高度;较高的分枝数、单株荚数、粒茎比、经济系数、百粒重和单株粒重,从而使磷高效品种即便在低磷条件下也具有较高产量。

【Abstract】 In this experiment,4 soybean cultivars[Glycine max(L.)Merr.]with high phosphorus efficiencies and 2 soybean cultivars with low phosphorus efficiency were used as materials to compare the effect of P on physiological traits and biochemical traits of soybean cultivars with different phosphorus efficiencies.The mechanism of high-yield in high phosphorus efficiency soybean cultivars was analyzed on photo-physiology,stress-resistance physiology and the absorption characteristic of major nutrition element,in order to offer theoretical basis for phosphorus efficiency soybean breeding and high yield cultivation.The main results were as follows:1 Effect of P on the photo-physiology and protective enzymes of soybean cultivars with different phosphorus efficiency.The high phosphorus efficiency soybean cultivars had relative higher chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance in the whole growth stages.And P had a little effect on chlorophyll content,net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance in later growth stage.The decreasing ranges of these traits were small.The low phosphorus efficiency soybean showed a higher photosynthetic rate only under the high phosphorus treatment.Under different phosphorus treatments,the diurnal variation of photosynthesis of these two types of soybean cultivars showed no "noontime snooze" during flowering stage.And the high phosphorus efficiency soybean cultivars showed higher net photosynthetic rate under low phosphorus treatment.The high phosphorus efficiency soybean cultivars had high net photosynthetic rate in a.m.during podding stage and grain-filling stage.The leaves of high phosphorus efficiency soybean cultivars had high soluble protein content during the whole growth stages,and decreased slowly in the later growth stages. Compared with low phosphorus treatment,the soluble protein content in the leaves of high phosphorus efficiency soybean cultivars showed a downward trend in the flowering stage and showed an upward trend in seed-filling stage under moderate phosphorus and high phosphorus.Under moderate and high phosphorus treatments,the soluble protein content in the leaves of low phosphorus efficienc soybean cultivars was lower than that undre low phosphorus treatments.The soluble sugar contents of soybean cultivars with high phosphorus efficiency were lower than that of soybean cultivars with low phosphorus efficiency in the seed-filling stage under different phosphorus treatments.Under moderate and high phosphorus treatments,the soluble sugar contents in the leaves of soybean cultivars with high phosphorus efficiency decreased a little,while that of soybean cultivars with low phosphorus efficiency increased a little in the later growth stage.Under low phosphorus treatment,the activities of SOD of soybean cultivars with high phosphorus efficiency were lower than that of soybean cultivars with low phosphorus efficiency in the whole growth stage.The activities of POD and CAT in the high phosphorus efficiency cultivars were higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in reproductive growth stage,and decreased slowly in later growth stage.Under low phosphorus treatment,the MAD contents of high phosphorus cultivars were lower than that of low phosphorus cultivars significantly.2 Effect of P on the content of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in every soybean organ in soybean cultivars with different phosphorus efficiency.Under low phosphorus treatment,the contents of nitrogen in the stem and in the whole plant of soybean cultivars with high phosphorus efficiency were higher than those of soybean cultivars with low phosphorus efficiency in the reproductive stage.The nitrogen content in leaf was higher in the whole growth stages except podding stage.In grain-filling stage,the nitrogen content in pod shell were significantly higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars.The difference between these two soybean types was small under moderate and high phosphorus treatments.The phosphorus treatment had small effects on the nitrogen contents in the stem of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars.The phosphorus treatment had big effect on the nitrogen content in the stem of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars.Compared with low phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen content in the leaf and in the whole plant increased significantly in the podding stage under moderate phosphorus treatment.The nitrogen content in the leaf of low phosphorus cultivars increased in the later growth stage. The nitrogen content of the whole plant increased significantly in podding stage and initial maturity stage.Compared with low phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen content in the leaf and in the whole plant showed no significant change during the whole growth stages under high phosphorus treatment.The nitrogen content in the leaf of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars increased significantly in podding stage and later podding stage.The nitrogen content of the whole plant increased significantly in the later growth stage.Under low phosphorus treatment,the phosphorus contents in the stem,leaf and in the whole plant of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars were higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in the reproductive stage.The phosphorus content in pod shell was significantly lower than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in seed-filling stage.This difference became small under moderate and high phosphorus treatment.Compared with low phosphorus treatment,the phosphorus content in the stem,leaf and in the whole plant of soybean cultivars with high phosphorus efficiency increased in the reproductive stage.But the increasing ranges of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars were small.Under moderate phosphorus treatment,the phosphorus content in the seed of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars increased in maturity stage.Under high phosphorus treatment,the phosphorus content in the seed of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars increased significantly than that of under low phosphorus treatment in the maturity stage.The phosphorus content in the seed of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars increased significantly in grain-filling stage and maturity stage.Under low phosphorus treatment,the potassium contents in the stem and in the whole plant of soybean cultivars with high phosphorus efficiency were higher than those of soybean cultivars with low phosphorus efficiency.The potassium contents in pod wall were significantly higher than those of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in the initial maturity stage.Compared with low phosphorus treatment,the potassium contents in stem,pod wall and seed of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars increased in every growth stage.And the increasing ranges were large.The phosphorus treatment had relatively small effect on the potassium contents in stem,pod shell,grain and whole plant.3 Effect of P on the accumulations of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in soybean cultivars with different phosphorus efficiencies.Under low phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen accumulation and phosporus accumulation in the stem of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars were higher than those of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars.The potassium accumulation was higher than those of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars during branching stage to initial maturity stage.Under moderate and high phosphorus treatments,the differences become small between soybean cultivars with different phosphorus efficiencies.Compared with low phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen accumulation and phosphorus accumulation in the stem of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars and the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium accumulation in the stem of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars were relatively high during the whole growth stages,but the increasing ranges of low phosphorus efficiency were large.The potassium accumulation in stem was relatively higher during the whole growth stages except initial maturity stage.Under low phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in the leaf of soybean cultivars with high phosphorus efficiency were higher than those of soybean cultivars with low phosphorus efficiency in every growth stage.The potassium accumulation in the leaf was higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in every growth stage except podding stage.Under moderate treatment,the nitrogen accumulation in leaf of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars was higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars. The phosphorus and potassium accumulation in the leaf were significantly higher than those of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in flowering stage.Under high phosphorus treatment, the nitrogen accumulation in the leaf was higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in the seed-filling stage and maturity stage.The accumulation of phosphorus was higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in seed-filling stage and initial maturity stage.The difference of potassium accumulation in the leaf was small between these two soybean types.Compared with low phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen accumulation in the leaf of these two types of soybean increased under the moderate and high phosphorus treatments.And the increasing ranges of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars were large.And the potassium accumulation in the leaf of cultivar with tow phosphorus efficiency increased greatly in the whole growth stages.Under low phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen accumulation in the pod wall of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars was significantly higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in the maturity stage.The accumulation of phosphorus in pod wall was higher from seed-filling stage to maturity stage.The potassium accumulation in the pod wall was significantly higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in initial maturity stage and maturity stage.Compared with low phosphorus treatment,under the moderate and high phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in the pod shell increased a little.The potassium accumulation showed no change.The nitrogen,phosphorus and potassiu accumulation in the pod shell of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars increased greatly in the seed-filling stage and maturity stage.The nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in the grain of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars were higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars in the initial maturity stage and maturity stage.Compared with low phosphorus treatment,under moderate and high phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium accumulation increased in these two soybean types.The increasing range of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars was great.Under low phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium accumulation in the whole plant of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars were higher than those of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars during every growth stage.Compared with low phosphorus treatment,under moderate and high phosphorus treatment,the nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium accumulation in the whole plant of soybean cultivars with high phosphorus efficiency were increased.And the increasing range of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars was great.4 Effect of P on the dry matter aceumulationof soybean cultivars with different phosphorus efficiency.Under low phosphorus treatment,the cultivars with high phosphorus efficiency had high biomass and dry material production.And the biomasses of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars were higher than that of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars.Compared with low phosphorus treatment,under moderate and high phosphorus treatment,the biomass of both types of soybean increased.And the increasing range of low phosphorus efficiency cultivars was larger.The high phosphorus efficiency cultivars still had relatively high population-growth parameter under low phosphorus treatment,which ensured the high biomass of high phosphorus efficiency cultivars both on the level and on the single plant level. And this is the basis for the high biomass under low phosphorus treatment.Compared with low phosphorus efficiency cultivars,the high phosphorus efficiency cultivars had lower first pod height,and more branch number,pod number per plant, seed-stem ratio,economic coefficient,100-seed weight and seed weight per plant.All of these made the high yield of soybean cultivars with high phosphorus efficiency even under low phosphorus treatment.


