

Study of Guangling Ci Tan under the Guidance of Wang Shizhen

【作者】 李有强

【导师】 赵山林;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 王士禛主导下的广陵词坛,是“清词中兴”进程中一个重要环节。系统地研究这一广为认同的词学活动中心,不但能够呈现其选政、唱和活动的具体风貌,还能够明晰清初云间词风的牢笼是如何被有意识打破,以及阳羡、浙西词派兴起前江南词坛在创作实践与词学理论上的准备与铺垫。论文共分四章。第一章“王士禛主导下的广陵词坛概述”,主要辨析“广陵词坛”与“广陵词人群”两个概念的内涵,并将研究时段限定在顺治十七年(1660)至康熙十六年(1677)。同时,勾勒广陵词坛得以展开的政治环境,以及扬州“诗余之地”的文脉传承与王士禛的领袖气质等要素,分析广陵词坛之所以形成,乃是天时、地利、人和诸多因素共同作用的结果。《倚声初集》与《国朝名家诗余》的编撰时间、编撰过程等具体问题,是分析“选政”活动的基础。第二章的前半部分,主要是与此相关的考辨工作。第二章的后半部分,梳理“选政”活动中体现出的词学思想,从而得出“尊体”与“通变观”是这一词坛趋同性词学主张的结论。最后,通过《倚声初集》与《国朝名家诗余》中词作评点的对比,阐释《国朝名家诗余》所体现出来的词学观念的深化及评点趋势的新变。第三章“广陵词坛的唱和活动”,主要分析王士禛组织的几次唱和活动。在对比云间唱和时,可以清晰地发现广陵唱和追求更为多样的唱和题材,在词调选择上多采用长调来进行。本章着重强调“唱和”所作之“艳词”并不完全是“消极无聊”的作品,而是特定语境下的伤感与追忆。因此,广陵词坛艳词唱和与步韵唱和中体现的积极因素应该加以肯定。第四章主要选取广陵词坛最有代表性的核心人物——王士禛、邹祗谟、彭孙通,尝试解决与三家相关的交游和词集考辨问题,同时展现广陵词坛具体的创作风貌。其中,王士禛,作为词坛的领袖人物,其两个创作时期的词风转变;邹祗谟,作为词选编撰的突出贡献者,其对周柳长调的学习;彭孙通,作为最有成就的广陵词坛活跃人员,其在词学理论与创作实践方面的纯熟。凡此,都是本章重点论述的内容。论文的结语部分,主要梳理陈维崧在广陵词坛历次唱和活动中的参与情况,并通过对其各个阶段词作的分析,展现陈维崧词风转变与唱和活动的关系。这一章节,并不冀求解决问题,而是以提纲的形式,指出本选题进一步研究的可能性和具体思路。两篇附录为《倚声初集》与《国朝名家诗余》及相关词别集评语的比较,这是论文中相关章节所依据的主要材料。同时,笔者也希望附录的内容能够为词学评点的深入研究提供一些基础性的材料。

【Abstract】 The Guangling Ci Tan, under the guidance of Wang Shizhen, is a key regional center of Ci composition in the process of Ci Prosperity in Qing Dynasty. By analyzing this well-known regional center of Ci composition, the original forms of Ci Selection and Ci Responsory Activity can be shown. At the same time, we can not only make it clear that how the Yunjian Ci writing style was broken, but also what kind of preparation’s work can be valued in Jiangnan(lower reaches of Yangzi river) Ci Tan for the emergence of Yangxian Ci School and Zhexi Ci School.There are four chapters in this dissertation.The difference of concepts between Guangling Ci Tan and Guangling Ci-Poet Group is a main topic of the first chapter. I also make it clear that the period of this research is from 1660 to 1677. In the end of this chapter, what is explained is that there are three things dedicated to the formation of Guangling Ci Tan, which include of the leader characteristic of Wang Shizhen, the Ci writing’s tradition in Yangzhou and the very unique political circumstance.Yi Sheng Chu Ji and Guo Chao Ming Jia Shi Yu are two Ci selections in Guangling Ci Tan, but there still are several questions keeping unclear in these two books’ selection and edition. Therefore, in the second chapter I try to answer such questions as how many editions there is, what they are separately and what the possible editing periods of them are. Ci Criticism of Guangling Ci Tan can be summarized as Zun Ti(respecting genre) and Tong Bian Guan(flexible opinion). In addition, by comparing those comments in these two books, we also can find some new dynamics in the late Guangling Ci Tan.The third chapter focuses on those Responsorial Activities organized by Wang Shizhen, which should be paid more attention from the angle of text analysis and literary techniques. Compared with Responsorial Ci of Yunjian Ci School, Ci composition of Guangling Ci Tan cares more for contents and tune forms.In the fourth chapter, I selected three Ci Poets who are Wang Shizhen, Zou Zhimo and Peng Sunyu. I also try to solve several problems about the editing of their Ci Collections. Furthermore, it can also be shown for Ci composition styles and Ci Criticism of Guangling Ci Tan by these three case studies.The dissertation’s ending part is just a sketch and outline for further study. Chen Weisong, who is the inaugurator and leader of Yangxian Ci School, almost joined all those Responsorial Activities held in Yangzhou. So how he imitated and learned from others is worth observing systematically. Two appendixes are main data of this dissertation, and hopefully can be helpful for those researchers who are interested in this field.

  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】483

