

From Intervention to Solicitude--the Evolution of the Political Efficacy of Late Qing Fiction

【作者】 李亚娟

【导师】 陈大康;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以光绪三十一年为转捩点,以晚清最后十年间大量报刊刊载的小说为研究对象,以小说政治功用性的演变为线索,讨论在梁启超提倡的“小说界革命”之后,晚清小说的变化和特征,并探寻引起这种变化的原因。论文主要分为五章。第一章为“导论”,主要介绍问题的缘起及对中国近代小说史研究的回顾,审视已有的研究成果,提出新的研究视角;此外还对相关概念、史料情况、研究方法及论文写作思路等作了解释;本章最后对“小说界革命”前中国古典小说及传教士小说的功用性内涵作了简单探讨。第二章至第五章为文章的主体部分。第二章题为“发现小说:晚清小说政治功用性的赋予”。中国近代小说的质变待到“小说界革命”赋予小说以政治功用性后才得以发生。在这一过程中,梁启超是一位枢纽性的人物。他不仅在思想上为晚清时期最有影响力的知识分子之一,而且在中国小说发展史上也发挥了举足轻重的作用。晚清小说的变化虽是各种因素交互着力的结果,小说的繁盛也并非梁启超一手独立造成,但其开创之功,其影响之深且广,则是不争之事实。本章就近代文学观念的形成、梁启超文学功用观的提出,梁启超的新小说理论以及新小说内质的变化等几个方面,对晚清小说政治功用性的赋予进行了深入考察。第三章题为“晚清小说政治功用性的扩展:八股世界忽为小说世界”。本章着重分析“新小说理论”在小说理论界和实际创作中的泛化。小说界革命之后,小说的政治功用性在最大范围内得到扩展,无论是理论界还是创作界无不对其纷纷响应。这一局面的形成,一方面来自于文学观念转变所释放出的巨大能量,另一方面依靠的正是报纸、期刊、书局的鼎力合作。离开任何一方,晚清小说很难在如此短期内获得如此繁荣之势。随着晚清小说的兴盛,晚清小说的分类也日趋繁盛,小说分类的势旺,又促进了各门类小说的写作,促进了晚清小说的发达。第四章题为“娱乐压倒启蒙:小说政治功用性第潮落”。光绪三十一年起,晚清小说格局开始发生变化,新小说在实际创作上与“小说界革命”理论主张渐行渐远,政治小说潮落,娱乐压倒启蒙,小说创作在娱乐性和政治功用性之间求新求变。这种小说格局的形成是小说政治功用性的缺陷、近代小说本身的完善以及小说作为文化消费品的特性,三者交互着力的结果。第五章题为“从介入到关怀:晚清小说政治功用性的新变”。光绪三十一年后,晚清小说呈现出新的格局,开口见喉咙的政治小说逐渐淡出,更具通俗娱乐性的小说逐渐兴起,表现为“娱乐压倒启蒙”;但小说的政治功用性,“小说救国论”并为因此消失,而是与小说的娱乐性一直处于博弈状态,最终形成了“立意高尚之书”与“消闲娱乐之书”既对立又互融的并存局面。在此期间,小说的创作观念发生转化,经历了从“功利小说观”(强调小说作为政治变革的工具),到为“膏粱谋”和“反映社会人生”的发展历程。用小说以为政治变革之工具的观念逐渐得以修正和完善,小说从作为政治功用性的直接介入,发展为潜在的社会关怀,具有现代意义上的小说的现实主义品格开始显现。结语部分对晚清最后十年间小说的基本面貌进行评价。晚清最后十年间的小说纷杂繁呈,其间不乏怪诞支离之著作,诘曲聱牙之译本,娱乐启蒙相互角力博弈,令人眼花缭乱。但其之发展并非没有一条主要的线索,并非没有某种明确的目标与趋向,从介入到关怀,一切虽然尚处在探寻与摸索当中,但晚清小说潜在的现实主义品格却在其发展的多元性、过渡性以及其内在冲突与张力中不断彰显。

【Abstract】 This Thesis takes the Guangxu Thirty-one as a turning point, the fiction published in a large numbe of the Newspapers and Periodicals over the last decade of the Qing Dynasty as the research object, and the evolution of the Political Efficacy of the fiction as the clues,to discuss the changes and the features of the fiction, which were happened after the "Fiction Revolution" which was advocated by Liang Qichao ,and explore the reasons to that. On this basis, the paper is mainly divided into five chapters:Chapter I: "Introduction". Introducing the original of the problems of the Chinese modern Fiction and reviewing the history of its academic research, reviewing existing research results, puting forward a new perspective. In addition to that ,the dissertation explans the related concepts, historical data, the research methodology and the writing ideas, etc. Finally, this chapter explores the conception of the Fiction’s Political Efficacy before the "Fiction Revolution" ,which exsits in the Chinese Classical Fction and the Missionary Fiction.Chapter II: "Found the Fiction", the Fiction’ Function was given. Qualitative change in the Modern Fiction was caused by "Fiction Revolution". In this process, Liang Qichao played a very important role. Liang Qichao, not only one of the most influential intellectuals of ideology in Late-Qing Dynasty, but also the most importment man who played a decisive role in the development of the Chinese Fiction. Although the changes in the Late-Qing Dynasty Fiction was caused by various factors, but Liang Qichao’s contribution as a pioneer is an indisputable factor. This chapter makes a thorough inspection on the concept of the formation of Modern Fiction, Liang Qichao’s understand of the Literary Function, Liang Qichao’s New Fiction Theory, and qualitative change in Late-Qing Fiction.Chapter III, Fiction Prosperity.This chapter focus on analyzing the "New Fiction Theory" both at the Theoretical Circle and the Literary World. the "Fiction Revolution", the Fiction’s Political Efficacy has been expanded to a maximum extent, both the Theoretical Circles and the Literary World all responded to it. The formation of this situation, on one hand from the changing concept of the literature, On the other hand, it wsa relied on the full co-operation of the newspapers, periodicals and the bookstores. Without any of the factors, it was very difficult for the Late-Qing Dynasty Fiction to obtain such a prosperity in such a short time. With the rise of Late-Qing Fiction, the Late-Qing Dynasty Fiction’s classification were becoming increasingly prosperous, which in turn promoted promote the writing of various categories of fiction, and promoted the development of Late-Qing Fiction.Chapter IV, The Entertainment overwhelming the Enlightenment. Since Guangxu Thirty-one the Late-Qing Dynasty Fiction pattern had began to change. The new fiction on the literary world had been drifting further and further away from the theory advocated by the "Fiction Revolution". The Political Fiction had began to ebb, the entertainment overwhelming the enlightenment, the fiction sought its new balance between the entertainment and the enlightenment. This pattern of the fiction were caused by the defects of the Political Fiction, the self-improvement of the Modern Fiction and the fiction itself as a cultural characteristics of consumer goods.Chapter V, From the Intervention to the Solicitude. Guangxu Thirty-one ,the Late-Qing Dynasty Fiction has taken on a new pattern, the Entertainment overwhelming the Enlightenment, but useing the fiction as a instrument for political efficacy had not disappeared, the function was given to the fiction has never been forgoteen. Eventually it formed a coexistent situation of the noble one and the entertainment one. The concept of using the fiction as a instrument for political ideas’ propagate has been changed. Fiction, from the instrument of directly involvement, has been developing to a potential solicitude. The modern sense of realism of the fiction has began.The Conclusion Section evaluates the basic situation of the Late-Qing Fiction in the final decade. During this time, the development of the fiction is a complex and changeable process, the enlightenment and the entertainment wrestling with each other. But its development wasn’t without a major clue, nor was the fiction without its own specific objectives and trends. From the Intervention to the Solicitude, although everything is still in searching, the realism characteristics of the Late-Qing Fiction become apparent gradually.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】869

