

The Beauty of Toughness: The Research of Mongolian Aesthetic Perception

【作者】 杨晶

【导师】 方克强;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在人类学的视阈中,蒙古族审美观念核心和本根是刚性之美。围绕这一论题的论述,采用的是人类学视角和方法:即民间立场,原始刚性研究,原型意象分析,跨民族、文化的比较研究。这一研究方法为人类学批评提供一种可行性思考,并为刚性之美寻求到当下意义。论文以历时态的方式勘察蒙古族审美形态在蒙古族文学的历史进程中如何发展、延承,蒙古族审美观念的刚性之美在文学中的渊薮得以探究。以蒙古族及蒙古族初民的祭祀活动、生产生活习俗、民间文化等为探讨内容,以蒙古族的地理自然条件、民族迁徙历史、原始宗教三个要素为基点,达到对刚性之美形成机制的共时态考察。论文的重点在刚性之美这一蒙古族审美观念范畴核心与本根的探究上,并分析其狞厉、朴野、劲健、原力等审美观念的文化内涵。刚性之美在原型意象上的艺术表征为自然原型意象、动物原型意象、神鬼(魔)原型意象、英雄原型意象,这些原型意象是内嵌于文学艺术中并不断反复出现的带有蒙古族集体意识性的观念。蒙汉民族融合中,刚性之美对于汉族审美风潮的冲击,为阐明蒙古族审美观念寻找到历史例证。在当下语境中,刚性之美的探讨更具有现实意义,它带给我们的不仅是审美意蕴,还有文化意义及其心灵观照。第一章,主要从蒙古族文学的历史流变中探寻刚性之美的渊薮。发轫于远古文学(远古神话传说、史诗)丰实土壤上的蒙古族刚性之美蕴涵深厚,有着强大的生命力。中古文学的英雄史诗、民间叙事诗对于英雄的歌颂实现了由神到人的歌颂转变,并因其现实质朴,尽显刚性的朴野特色。现代文学因民族民主运动的加剧,蒙古族传统文学的原始刚性逐一转化为大胆的揭露、有力的控诉。历时态的考察蒙古族刚性之美的变迁,发现刚性之美渊源尤为深厚且延承性强,直至现今,依然在文学领域保持强大的民族生命力和鲜明的审美特色。第二章,通过人类学视角,从蒙古族地理环境、民族迁徙、原始宗教三个层面来探讨蒙古族文化中所孕育的独特的审美观念。其独特的自然地理环境,成就蒙古族独具特色的审美风格。游牧民族的独特游牧生活生产方式对蒙古族服饰,饮食产生重要影响。也成为蒙古族审美心理长期积淀形成的原因之一。再次,蒙古族萨满教对蒙古族审美文化的形成起了重要作用,并孕育了蒙古族独特的审美观念。第三章,论文以蒙古族的民俗风情、生产生活方式为原始素材,以蒙古族民间文化为重点,阐明区别于其他少数民族的一种审美形态——蒙古族刚性之美。狞厉表现在查玛面具、英雄史诗的兽型艺术类比和蒙古族的动物图腾崇拜方面,突出表现为威严、恐怖、狰狞的审美内涵。劲健表现在萨满舞蹈、远古史诗对英雄的审美尺度、对马的审美习惯和蒙古族女性独特的审美心理上。朴野探析了尚白习俗,而服饰、造型艺术、纹饰等体现了蒙古族的古朴自然的民间文化。原力是从蒙古族生活生产方式和地理自然环境方面阐释。因游牧民族征战的习俗,崇尚力量成为蒙古族审美主要特点,至今仍可以从蒙古族舞蹈的律动中探视到原力的勃发。蒙古族的审美精神中所蕴含的狞厉、劲健、朴野、原力的审美范畴,构成蒙古族刚性之美的主要内涵。第四章,“刚”性之美作为一种审美观念,其艺术表征主要表现在原型意象上,也即是说,蒙古族的“刚”性之美以自然原型意象、动物原型意象、神鬼(魔)原型意象、英雄原型意象等为载体,这些原型意象是内嵌于文学艺术中并不断反复出现的带有蒙古族集体意识性的观念。第五章,在历史视阈中比较,透射出问题本身的深度。中华民族历史上多次的民族大融合都给历史和时代的发展带来不同程度的推动和影响。蒙元时期各民族文化之间的广泛融合,深受蒙古族刚性之美的影响,元代的文学审美风潮也一改前代的含蓄、文雅、简古的特色,逐渐形成疏狂、拙野、壮伟的特色。余论,在中华民族整体化格局下,蒙汉民族审美观念是互渗和互补的。在当下语境下,刚性之美张扬的刚健、清新的审美范式为应对后现代景观提供参照,具有文化提升和净化心灵的意义。

【Abstract】 In the perspective of the anthropology, the core and root of Mongolian aesthetic perception is the beauty of toughness. This thesis discusses with the method of anthropological perspective, that is: folk standpoint, the original toughness research, analysis of archetypal image, transnational and cross-cultural comparative study. This research methods provides a feasible thinking pattern for anthropology criticism and seeks for the meaning of the beauty of toughness to present.This thesis makes investigation on how the Mongolian aesthetic form develop and continue in Mongolian literature history process by the lasting mode, then Mongolian aesthetic ideas of beauty in the literature of rigid land explored.The content we have explored including Mongolia and Mongolian ancients’ the ritual activities, the custom of production and life, folk culture and so on. The three elements we have explored including the Mongolian geographic natural conditions, the primitive religion, history of migration. On the foundation of that, We have investigated generative mechanism of the beauty of toughness completely by synchronic mode.The paper focus on probing into the beauty of toughness: the core and root of Mongolian aesthetic perception is the beauty of toughness. Analyzes its cultural connotation of aesthetic perception of NingLi, PuYe, JinJian and Primitive power. Representations of archetypal image of the beauty of toughness are natural archetypal image, animal archetypal image, gods and ghost (devil) archetypal image, the hero archetypal image. All this archetypal image are with the concept of Mongolian collective consciousness which embedded and constantly recurred in the literary arts.On the fusion progress of Mongolia and Han ethnic group, the beauty of toughness have gave an impact to the Han nationality, the impact of aesthetic trend find historical examples for Mongolian aesthetic perception. In the present context, discussion on the beauty of toughness has more practical meanings, it brings us not only the aesthetic implication, but also the cultural significance and spiritual reflection.The first chapter, we explored the beauty of toughness for land mainly from transformation of the Mongolian literature history. the beauty of toughness have profound implication powerful vitality which begins from the soil of the ancient literature (ancient myths and legends, epic). The praise of hero on the folk and hero epic in Medieval literature realized transform from god to the people, for its realistic plain, it shows PuYe characteristics.At the process of Modern literature, the original toughness in the Mongolian literature has transformed into bold, powerful indictment for the national democratic movement. We have found particularly deep origin and continuation of the beauty of toughness by explored its transformation in the lasting mode. until now the beauty of toughness still maintains a strong vitality and distinctive national features in the field of literature.The second chapter, through the anthropology perspective, the Mongolian national migration, primitive religion and geographical environment, we explore the unique aesthetic perception from the Mongolian culture. Its unique natural geographical environment builds the achievement of unique aesthetic style of Mongolian. unique way of life and production of Mongolian nomadic have an deeply influences on clothing and diet. It also is one of the reasons for long-term accumulation of Mongolian aesthetic psychology. the Mongolian nationality of shamanism played an important role at forming aesthetic culture, and gestated the unique aesthetic perception of Mongolia.The third chapter, the thesis clarified a kind of aesthetic form -the beauty of toughness of Mongolian with raw material-the Mongolian custom production and life style, focusing on Mongolian folk culture. It is different from other minorities’ aesthetic perception. NingLi have showed in CHAMA masks, the beast art analogy in hero epic and Mongolian animal totem worship, and its outstanding performance are the majesty, terror and ferocious esthetic connotation. JinJian performances in shaman dance, the aesthetic dimension on hero in ancient hero epic, the aesthetic habit of horses and Mongolian women unique esthetic psychological. PiaoYe probed worship of white. Dress, emblazonry and decorative arts as the primitive nature reflects the nationality of folk culture. Primitive power was illuminated from the Mongolian life production mode and geographical environment aspects.Because of the custom for nomads, advocating strength become main characteristics of Mongolian aesthetic, we still can visit to the rhythm of force from the Mongolian dance. the main connotation of Mongolian tough beauty is constituted by Mongolian aesthetic spirit category of the NingLi, JinJian, PuYe and Primitive power.The fourth chapter, As a kind of aesthetic concepts, artistic representation of the beauty of toughness is mainly manifested in the archetypal image. as the carrier , natural archetypal image, animal archetypal image, gods and ghost (devil) archetypal image, the hero archetypal image are embedded in the literature and art of Mongolian, and appeared repeatedly with the collective consciousness.The fifth chapter, the depth of problem itself was transmitted in historical perspective. In Chinese history, Many of brought the development and some degree of promoting and influence for history and the era. Ethnic mixtures was determined by the beauty of toughness, and literary aesthetic agitation of Yuan dynasty also changed from implicative, elegant, simple and unadorned characteristics to unrestrained, inelegant, magnificent characteristics.At last, Mongolian national aesthetic and Han aesthetic perception are mutually influenced, at the more national integration pattern. In the present context, the beauty of toughness publicized the virile aesthetic paradigm to provide reference for the postmodern landscape.It also play an important act on culture significance and purification to souls.

  • 【分类号】I207.9
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1018

