

The Illness Discourse in Chinese Literature: From Late Qing to May 4th Era

【作者】 李音

【导师】 吴俊;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 19、20世纪之交的中国,文学乃至各种政治文化言述中爆发了大量的疾病隐喻。中国被看作是一个沉疴在身的病体,而文学承担了疗救新生的功用。医学的隐喻手段不仅内在地奠基了现代文学,“疾病”书写也构成了20世纪中国文学的主题之一。但是本论文并不是“疾病”的文学主题史研究,也不囿于疾病隐喻的文化美学分析。论文题目锁定在“疾病言说”的用意是:晚清至五四的文学以疗救病痛的名义参与了现代中国的生命政治(biopolitics),而我借用对疾病话语的勘察,尝试讲述这场缔造“民族国家”、锻造现代“主体”的“文学与政治”的故事。因此,不是疾病话语,而是中国在现代民族国家转型中的“主体”与“现代文学”的起源构成了论文研究内在的主题和动力。本论文共分五章。第一章大致描述了晚清至五四的疾病言说状况,并指出疾病言说发生的源头实质乃是中国遭遇现代西方强权的“颠倒”话语。第二章通过对“国民性”话语的重读,深入具体地解释疾病话语发生的历史原因及其变迁,同时展现了从晚清至五四,中国现代进程中所发生的一些历史转折:中西之辩走向古今之争、新民至新人、知识分子的代际转换等。这些转折对现代文学发生了深刻的影响。第三章首先回顾晚清五四两次文学革命的发生历史,揭示现代文学通过想象、情感、以及主体塑造功能与民族国家的内在共生关系。接着进入文学微观层面分析,概括晚清新小说中疾病隐喻的批判功能,并指出以往研究忽略的问题且分析其深层原因——晚清至五四小说中的疾病隐喻发生了变化,从“作为隐喻的疾病”(Illness as Metaphor)变为“疾病的隐喻”(It’s Metaphors)。五四文学的“疾病”书写继续了对社会文化的批判,但更重要的是发挥了建构功能,辅助了现代文学对于“新人”/“现代人”的塑造,“疾病”成为“新人”/“现代人”的面相。第四、五章承接第三章的问题,以五四文学最早最有影响力的两位作家——鲁迅和郁达夫的作品个案为中心,通过将文本和阐释史双重历史化,揭示现代文学如何以病的名义,通过表达特定的身体感受、特定的表达方式,创生出现代“自我”。

【Abstract】 Between the 19thand 20thcentury,a great deal of illness metaphors had broken out in the Chinese literature and political discourses.China was seen as a heavily sick body and literature as a healing method.This medical metaphor internally laid the foundation of Chinese modern literature.The discourse of illness was a basic theme of the Chinese literature in the 20thcentury.But this dissertation is neither a research on the illness theme in the literature history,nor the aesthetical analysis of the illness metaphor.The literature in Late Qing and May 4thperiod had been involved in the biopolitics in Modern China history.This dissertation mainly focuses on the illness discourse and tries to tell the story of literature and politics which constructed the nation-state and modern subjects.The origination of subjects and modern literature in the process of modernization of China is the inner theme and motive of this dissertation.This dissertation consists of five chapters.The first chapter gives a description of the illness discourse from Late Qing to May 4thperiod.It points out that the origination of illness discourse is the encounter of modern West power reversal discourse.Chapter two gives a deep and detailed explanation to the historical reason and the evolution of illness discourse by reinterpreting the national character description in Chinese modern literature.It also analyzes some historical changes in the process of the modernization of China and the profound impact of these changes had on the Chinese modern literature.Chapter three firstly retrospects the origination history of the literature revolution in Late Qing and May 4thperiod to explain the symbiotic relationship between the modern literature and the construction of nation-state.Then it analyzes the critical function of illness metaphors in the new novels in Late Qing period from a micro perspective.It reveals the questions neglected by other researches:the illness metaphors in novels had endured changes from Late Qing to May 4thperiod.From illness as metaphor to metaphor of illness,the illness discourse of May 4th era continued the criticism of society.Furthermore,it had helped to construct the building of new people/modern people.And illness had been the facet of new people/modern people.Chapter four and five focuses on two most influential writers in May 4thperiod:Lun Xun and Yu Dafu.By the double historization of the texts and the interpretations,the dissertation tries to reveal how the modern literature expressed specific physical feelings to create a modern self in the name of illness.

【关键词】 晚清五四疾病隐喻民族国家主体
【Key words】 late Qing periodMay 4th eraillness metaphornation-statesubject
  • 【分类号】I206.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】725

