

Study on Development of Teachers’ Assessment Literacy

【作者】 郑东辉

【导师】 崔允漷;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 教师评价素养是最近兴起的一个研究领域,发展教师的评价素养是其中的核心命题。本研究围绕这一命题,在中国基础教育课程改革的背景下,具体探讨三个基本问题,即教师为什么需要评价素养、需要怎样的评价素养以及如何发展教师评价素养。在国内,这样的探讨尚属首次。本研究运用文献研究、调查研究、案例研究等方法回答上述问题,进而提出如下一些主张和结论。通过现实调查和理论分析,结果发现:教师必须具备评价素养,才能更好地实施学业评价。在现实中,浙江省教师评价素养的调查表明:教师的评价知能得分明显偏低,教师的评价经历对评价知能的得分影响不显著,而教师的评价态度却与评价知能呈正相关,教师亟需补充评价知能。在学理上进一步论证了教师需要评价素养的必然。基于课程标准的改革,对教师提出了基于标准的教学与评价的新任务。学业评价范式发生转型,从心理测量学范式转向促进学习的评价范式,需要教师成为评价的生产者和协奏者,而不是评价的消费者和独奏者。从教师专业发展的视角来看,教师必须兼顾教学与评价两种专业行为。在调查研究和理论分析的基础上,借鉴国外的研究成果,本研究建构了教师所需要的评价素养结构,它是一种融评价态度、评价知识与技能为一体的素养结构。对于我国中小学教师来说,所需要的素养就是上述结构的具体化,表现在三个方面:一是以促进学习的态度对待外部评价与课堂评价;二是拥有大量课堂评价知识和少许有关标准化测验的知识;三是具有与评价态度和知识相一致的六项评价技能,即能熟练地基于目标设计评价方案,能熟练地运用评价方法准确地收集评价信息,能合理地利用评价信息进行教学改进与决策,能合理地评定结果与解释评价结果,能有效地交流与运用评价结果,能避免评价的误用与偏见并引导学生参与评价。发展教师评价素养是政府的事,也是学校的事,更是教师自己的事,三方合力才能促使教师成为一个有评价素养的人。促进教师评价素养的发展,政府从中发挥的作用很大程度上是间接的或弥散性的,主要是通过评价政策、教师教育制度、评价培训等方面影响教师的评价实践。因此,政府要承担三个方面的责任。一是建立权力分享的学业评价政策,合理分配学业评价权力,培育学业评价中介组织,加大对课堂评价的实际投入;二是更新教师教育制度,制定关于教师评价素养的专业标准与制度,评估教师教育课程;三是规划与实施教师的评价培训,对教师实施全员评价培训,加强评价培训的管理与监控,鼓励各类专业力量开发高质量的评价培训项目。学校是教师专业发展之所,教师的发展离不开学校的支持,而现实中学校的评价制度、政策、环境却不利于教师评价素养的发展。为此,学校要为教师的发展营造评价文化与环境,并提供专业支持。一方面,学校应建立一种平衡的评价体系,培育评价文化,营造支持性的评价环境。另一方面,学校应提升校内专业组织的支持力量,基于教师需求开展校本评价培训,引入校外的专业力量。对于教师来说,发展自己的评价素养,最重要的是加强专业学习和改善评价实践。教师的专业学习是基于问题的学习、从做中学习、合作学习和应用学习,通过学习获得相关的评价知能。要改善糟糕的评价实践,教师可以在设计评价方案、改进课堂提问、合理使用反馈、引导学生参与评价等方面采取行动。

【Abstract】 The assessment literacy of teacher is a new research area, with its focus upon developing teachers’ assessment literacy. Around the topic, this paper will discuss three basic problems in detail within the context of the reform of China’s fundamental education curriculum. The three problems are: why do teachers need assessment literacy, what kind of assessment literacy do they need and how to develop their assessment literacy. After answering the three above questions by means of literature research, survey research and case study, my research continue to raise the following propositions and conclusions.Facts and theory analysis all confirm that teachers who possess assessment literacy can better implement achievement assessment. An investigation of teachers’ assessment literacy in Zhejiang province finds that teachers have poor assessment competencies. The survey show that the score of teachers’ assessment knowledge and skills is low significantly, teachers’ assessment experiences do not do much to do with the assessment marks, the assessment attitude and assessment competency is a positive correlation. This paper further demonstrates, theoretically, the necessity of the requirement of teachers’ assessment literacy. The standards-based reform requires teachers should do their teaching and assessment based on curriculum standards. The paradigm of achievement assessment is changing from a psychometric paradigm to paradigm of assessment for learning, in which the teacher should be the producer and accompanist of the assessment, not the consumer and soloist. From the point of teacher professional development, it is necessary for teachers to pay equal attention to teaching as well as how to assess.On the basis of survey research and theoretical analysis, this paper constructs a framework of teachers’ assessment literacy by use of foreign research findings. It is a framework which integrates the assessment attitude, knowledge and skills. For our primary and secondary school teachers, the assessment literacy which they need is the embodiment of the above framework. It displays on three sides. First, teachers should treat external and classroom assessment with the attitude of promoting learning. Secondly, teachers acquire lots of knowledge about classroom assessment and a little about standardized tests. Thirdly, teachers possess those six assessment skills coincident with the assessment attitude and knowledge, that is, they can plan an assessment program based on learning goals, correctly collect assessment information with proper assessment methods, use the collected information to improve the student learning and make instructional decisions, make a decision on the assessment results and interpret it in the proper way, communicate and use the assessment results efficiently, avoid the misuse and prejudice of assessment and lead students to participate in the assessment process.To develop teachers’ assessment literacy is a duty of the government, of the school, as well as the teacher himself. Only by working together can they equip teachers with assessment literacy. Government’s role in this is mostly indirect. It affects teachers’ assessment practice by ways of achievement assessment policy, teacher education system, assessment training etc. In that way the government should be responsible for the following. Firstly, it should establish achievement assessment of power-sharing policies, allocate the assessment power reasonably, cultivate intermediary organizations of achievement assessment and increase the actual input for classroom assessment. Secondly, the government should update the teacher education system, draw up professional standards of teachers’ assessment literacy, and evaluate teacher education curriculum. Finally, the government should make a plan on the assessment training and carry it out, train all the teaching staff, reinforce the assessment training’s management and supervision, encourage the professional organization to develop quality assessment training programs.School is the place for teachers to develop themselves. Their development can not be attained without the school’s support. However, in fact the evaluation system, policies and environment of schools are not beneficial for the development of the assessment literacy of teachers. Therefore, the school should create an assessment culture and environment and provide professional support for teachers. On the one hand, schools should establish a balanced assessment system, cultivate assessment cultures and create supportive assessment environments. On the other hand, schools should promote the supportive strength of professional organizations in schools, carry out school-based assessment training based on teachers’ need and introduce the professional strength outside school.For teachers, to develop their assessment literacy, the most important point is to enhance professional learning and improve their assessment practice. Teachers could get relative assessment knowledge and skills by their problem-based learning, learning by doing and cooperative learning. To improve their worse assessment practice, teachers should plan the assessment project, improve classroom questioning, properly use feedback, and involve students in the assessment process.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】3135

