

The Publishing Platform of Chinese Modern Literature

【作者】 邓集田

【导师】 杨扬;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要以数据统计的方法,对晚清民国时期的文学出版情况进行大致摸底,并以这些统计数据为基础,对中国现代文学出版情况进行扼要描述与分析,目的是为今后的中国现代文学出版研究和中国现代文学史研究提供一些基本数据和宏观视野上的参考,同时也试图揭示出文学出版和中国现代文学史之间的深刻联系。考虑到目前学术界有不少人对文学出版研究的意义尚心存疑虑,本文第一章选取了四个事关中国现代文学史全局的角度,对文学出版在中国现代文学的发生、发展和中国现、当代文学的转型中所起的重要作用进行了探讨。比如在清末民初新小说的兴起过程中,学术界历来强调梁启超的理论倡导抑或他发动的“小说界革命”所起的决定性作用,实际上,如果没有现代出版业的兴起,梁氏的“小说界革命”极有可能就像此前傅兰雅的新小说竞赛一样欣然而起、黯然落幕。事实上,清末民初中国文学之所以会成功实现由古典文学向现代文学的基本转型,一个关键原因就在于中国文学出版模式在此出现了千年之变——从此结束了手工印刷的时代,进入了铅字排版机械化印刷文化时代。铅字排版机械化大大降低了文本制作与传播的成本,使文学出版资源由王公贵族手中转移到平民手中,中国文学亦从此真正结束了贵族文学时代,进入平民文学时代,整个文学活动机制也由此出现了前所未有的历史性变化。在中国现代文学发展过程中出现的两大突出现象,即频频发生“意气之争”和文学社团林立,很大程度上就和中国现代作家对文学出版资源和生计资源的激烈争夺有关。而中国现代文学的空间分布格局极不均衡,也主要是由现代文学出版资源在地域分布上的极不均衡所导致的。比如说,上海之所以在中国现代文学史上占有极其重要的地位,一个重要原因即在于其时我国70%以上的文学出版资源聚集在上海;在中国各省市作家中,江苏和浙江籍作家在人数和文学史地位上占绝对优势,一方面是因为江浙自古多文人,另一方面也和江浙籍人士在上海出版界占据绝对优势密切相关。1949年以后出现的中国现、当代文学的转型,主要原因也正在于文学出版模式的转型——由市场经济出版模式向计划经济出版模式转型,其中,通过对出版体制的国有化改造,国家成功控制了文学出版资源以及文学作品的生产和传播途径,从而实现了对文学发展方向的强有力控制。本文第二章至第四章即主要对晚清民国时期我国的文学期刊、文学书籍出版情况和各主要出版机构的文学出版情况进行具体的统计和分析。其中,第二章讨论文学期刊出版情况,主要包括文学期刊出版的总体规模、发展阶段、平均存活时间、办刊形式和地域分布情况等等;第三、四章讨论文学书籍出版情况,其中第三章主要讨论文学书籍出版的总体规模、变化趋势和地域分布情况,第四章主要讨论从事文学书籍出版的出版机构数量和一些主要出版机构的文学书籍出版情况、现代作家人数和主要作家的出书数量和排名情况、以及翻译文学书籍的译源国分布情况等等。这三章的统计数据将会证明,中国现代文学的出版平台是一个向上海和江浙作家严重倾斜的平台。这对中国现代文学史的发展和空间分布格局具有决定性的影响,具体表现在:其一,在晚清民国时期我国的文学出版格局中,上海确实占据着显赫地位。这样的文学出版资源分布格局,使得上海在中国现代文学发展格局中占有显赫的地位,以至于一部上海现代文学史,几乎就相当于一部中国现代文学史,抗战爆发前就更是如此;同时,上海特有的城市文化性格,对中国现代文学基本特质的生成等等也有着深远的影响。其二,从作家角度来说,在晚清民国时期我国文学出版资源的占有上,江浙作家占据了绝对的优势。因为在其时上海的出版业,由江浙籍人士创办和主持的约占75%以上,尤其是规模较大的出版机构,创办人和主要经营人基本上都是江浙人,具体到文学出版方面,据笔者统计,在晚清民国时期我国出版100种以上文学书籍的18家出版机构中,有14家均由江浙人士创办或主持,如商务印书馆、中华书局、世界书局、开明书店、北新书局等等。其时我国文学出版业总体规模较小,且有鲜明的同人化特征,故人际关系在文学出版活动中起着重要作用,而那时候中国知识分子的公共交往活动中,地缘因素又是最重要的凝合因素之一。具体到文学刊物和出版机构的稿源选择上,圈内稿和推荐稿一般都占主要优势,这就使得在地域空间分布上本来就极不均匀的中国现代文学出版平台,更加向以江浙籍人士为主的优势作家群倾斜。江浙作家在中国现代文学史上地位显赫,很大程度上就与此相关。比如据笔者对国内目前最具权威性的两种现代文学史著作,即钱理群等著《中国现代文学三十年》和范伯群著《中国现代通俗文学史》的统计,书中重点介绍的204位作家(二书合计)中,江浙籍作家共有92人,占总数的45%,若加上7位上海籍作家,则江、浙、沪籍作家约占现代作家人数50%,三地作家就占据了中国现代文学的半壁江山。中国现代文学也因此带上了鲜明的江浙特色与海派风格。另据笔者对晚清民国时期华东、华北、东北、中南、西南和西北地区所拥有的文学出版资源量、以及上述两种文学史著作中204位作家籍贯的统计,发现这六大地区拥有的文学出版资源总量和重要作家人数刚好成正比,其排名情况和所占比重几乎完全一致。非但如此,在《中国现代文学三十年》中,作者在描述现代文学创作情况时,对作家对象的选取及其对多数作家的叙述篇幅,也基本上和其时各作家所出的文学书籍种数成正比。这一现象,显然不应以纯粹的巧合来解释,而在很大程度上正反映了中国现代文学发展和文学史书写中某种规律性的东西——简言之,谁掌控了文学出版资源,谁就在现代文学活动中就拥有更大的发言权,并在文学史发展中占主导地位。

【Abstract】 This thesis makes a general investigation of the publishing situations of the literature works in late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China by the use of the statistical data analysis method, and then this thesis, based on the statistical data, makes a description and an analysis of the publishing situations of Chinese modern literature works, hoping to provide those people who study the publication of modern Chinese literature works and the Chinese modern literature history with some basic data and macro point of view .In the first chapter, the writer, considering that many people in academic world have doubts about the significance of the study of literature publication, probes into the significant roles of literature publication for the birth and the growth of the Chinese modern literature, and for the literature transformation from four aspects which are related to the whole situation of Chinese modern literature history on the basis of the statistical data attained by the author of this thesis. For example, the academic world has been thinking highly of the decisive role of the theory advocated by Liang Qi-chao or of the "revolution in the circle of novel" initiated by him in the rising of antinovel in late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. Actually, without the rising of modern publishing industry, the Liang’s "revolution in the circle of novel" might have been the same as the Fu Lan-ya’s antinovel contest, beginning well and ending up with nothing. In fact, one of the key reasons why Chinese classic literature could be successfully transformed into modern literature in late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, lies in the great change of the publishing pattern of Chinese literature, that is the manual printing took the place of the type composition and mechanized printing, which enormously reduced the cost of the production and spread of texts. Therefore common people had access to the literature publishing resources which used to be monopolized by the upper class, and Chinese literature entered common people’s era. The whole literature system had a historical change. The two major issues in the history of Chinese modern literature, which are the "conflicts caused by the bias of friendship" and the countless literature societies, have much to do with Chinese modern writers’ fierce fights for their living and the literature publishing resources. What is more, the unbalanced spatial distribution of Chinese modern literature is mainly caused by the unbalanced geographical distribution of publishing resources. For example, one important reason that Shanghai took a significant position in the history of Chinese modern literature, was that Shanghai owned 70% of the publishing resources; and why most of the Chinese writers were from the provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu and took an absolutely important position in Chinese literature history, was, on one hand, these two provinces had given birth to many a man of letters since ancient times, and on the other, was that most of those writers were overwhehningly influential in shanghai publishing field. The main reason for the transformation of Chinese modern and contemporary literature after 1949 is the transformation of the literature publishing pattern—from the market economy pattern to the planned economy pattern. In other words, through the nationalized transformation of the publishing system, the government of our country successfully controlled the literature publishing resources and the production and spreading approaches of literature works, thus realized the powerful control of the literature development.Chapters two to four conduct a detailed statistics and analysis of the published journals, books and the main publishing institutions in late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China. Chapter two deals with the issues of journal publication, such as general scale, development stages, average survival time, publication forms, geographical distributions. Chapter three to four deal with the issues of book publication, such as general scale, development stages, geographical distributions, the number and distribution of the publishing institutions which were involved in the publication of literature books, the number of writers, number of the published books by famous writers, the distributions of the countries where translated books came from, and so on.This thesis mainly focuses on the general scale, basic characteristics and the spatial distributions of literature publishing resources, trying to get a general knowledge of the publishing situations of the literature works in late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China and to reveal how the spatial distribution pattern of Chinese modern literature and the development of literature history were deeply influenced by the distribution and control of the literature publishing resources. In a word, the rule between literature publishing and literature history is that he who controls the literature publishing resources will have the right to speak in literature circles and take the leading role in literature history.

  • 【分类号】I206.6;G239.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2292

