

A Study on Marine Economic Integration in Regional Level

【作者】 向云波

【导师】 徐长乐;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 随着社会经济高速增长,人口不断膨胀,陆域资源、空间以及生态环境所承受的压力与日俱增。人类社会经济活动逐渐向资源丰富、地域广袤的海洋世界延伸。开发海洋,发展海洋经济,成为沿海国家(地区)社会经济发展战略的重点。自上世纪50年代以来,世界海洋经济得到了快速增长,各海洋产业发展迅速,并成长为沿海各国(地区)国民经济重要组成部分和新的经济增长点。与此同时,我国海洋经济也获得了快速发展,近十年来,我国海洋经济一直保持持续高速增长的态势,其增长速度高于同期国民经济增长速度。随着全球化和区域经济一体化进程的不断加速,区域或城市群已经取代单一地区,成为国家参与全球竞争与合作的空间单元,沿海国家之间海洋经济的竞争,也就相应的演变为区域之间海洋经济综合实力的较量。以提升区域海洋经济综合竞争力和构建和谐海洋为宗旨的区域海洋经济整合,也因此成为各领域研究的热点。目前,对区域海洋经济整合的研究,多集中在海洋资源、海洋产业和地域空间的现状描述和定量评价,本文侧重于区域海洋经济整合的模式和机制研究。长三角经济区是我国三大海洋经济集聚区之一,也是我国参与全球海洋经济竞争与合作的重要空间单元。对长三角海洋经济整合基础、模式与机制的研究,不仅可为长三角海洋经济发展战略制定和海洋经济的协调发展提供科学依据,也能提高长三角海洋经济的空间组织效率和综合竞争力,进而推动上海国际航运中心以及经济、金融、贸易中心建设,提升长三角城市群在世界城市体系中的地位和作用。此外,本文所架构的基于资源、产业和空间的区域海洋经济整合框架,也对其他沿海地区海洋经济整合具有重要的理论借鉴意义。论文希望能够实现两个目标:(1)构建区域海洋经济整合研究的基本架构。(2)回答长三角海洋经济为什么要整合?具有哪些整合模式?其深层运行机理是什么?全文共七章,分为理论和实证两大部分。前三章为理论部分,通过对相关概念的界定与辨析、国内外相关研究文献与理论回顾和梳理,构建了区域海洋经济整合的基本架构。后四章为实证部分。运用区域海洋经济整合架构,探讨了长三角海洋经济整合的模式、机制及实现途径。具体为:第一章绪论。阐述了选题的背景与意义、研究方法与思路以及主要内容和创新之处。第二章相关文献综述。界定了海洋经济、海洋产业和区域海洋经济整合的概念;辨析了海洋经济、沿海经济和区域海洋经济之间以及整合与一体化之间的异同;回顾与梳理了国内外海洋经济和区域整合的相关研究文献。第三章区域海洋经济整合的基本理论架构。总结和回顾了区域空间组织理论、区域产业结构理论、区域发展理论、可持续发展理论、海陆一体化和经济一体化的主要观点;从海洋资源、海洋产业和空间的视角,构建了区域海洋经济整合的基本架构。第四章长三角海洋经济发展现状及存在的问题。分析了长三角海洋资源、海洋产业和海洋经济发展的空间现状;阐述了长三角海洋经济发展存在的主要问题。第五章长三角海洋经济整合的模式。分析了长三角海洋经济整合的基础;提出了长三角海洋经济整合的基本思路;阐述了长三角海洋产业整合模式,即海洋渔业价值链整合模式、港口群竞争与合作博弈整合模式、海洋造船工业集群整合模式和滨海旅游业资源—文化整合模式。第六章长三角海洋经济整合的机制。阐述了机制的内涵和外延;分析了长三角海洋经济整合的动因和主要影响因素;解析了长三角海洋渔业、海洋造船工业、海洋交通运输业和滨海旅游业整合的机制。第七章结论与对策建议。对全文进行了归纳和总结,提炼论文的主要结论;为长三角海洋经济整合提出了几点对策建议;展望了长三角海洋经济整合的前景。

【Abstract】 In view of the increasing burden which was loaded to land, space and environment by rapid growth of economy and continuous expansion of population, human being has shifted their eyeshot from social and economic development to sea areas with rich resources and vast geographical territory. The competition of international sea rights and marine economy is becoming more crucial. Both the exploration of oceanic resources and the development of marine economy has been playing important role in the development of social economy strategy. Since 1950s, marine economy has experienced rapid growth, and marine industries developed so quickly that it has become a critical part and new growth point of the capital economy of the seaside nations (regions). Meanwhile, the marine economy of our country has made enormous development as well. In the last decade, the marine economy of our country developed quickly, which is prior to the national economy growth rate of the same period.With the accelerated development of the economic globalization and integration of regional economy, regional or urban agglomeration has become a space unit of the global competition and cooperation instead of single region or city. The marine economy competition among coastal nations is correspondingly replaced with the integration contest for marine economy between regions. The integration of regional economy, which is to enhance the overall economic competitiveness and establish a harmonious sea area, has become a hot topic of scholars. The existing research of regional marine economic integration is focused on the description of marine resources, marine industries and quantitative assessment. However, this article is emphasized on the mode and mechanism analysis of integration of regional marine economy.The Yangtze River Delta economic zone is one of China’s three major agglomeration zones, which is also an important spatial unit in the global marine economic competition and cooperation. The research on the foundation, mode and mechanism of regional marine economy integration not only is the scientific basis for establishing development strategy and harmonious development of Yangtze River Delta marine economy, but also can enhance its efficiency of spatial organization and upgrade the overall economic competitiveness of regional marine economy. Therefore, it is the research that can promote Shanghai’s international shipping center, as well as economic, financial and trading center. The research might upgrade the status and the role of Yangtze River Delta city group in the world urban system as well. Furthermore, on the basis of resource, industry and the integration framework of spatial regional marine economy in this thesis may have great theoretical significance for the marine economic integration of other coastal regions.It is hoped that the thesis may ultimately realize two targets: firstly, constructing the general research framework of regional marine economic integration. Secondly, answering several questions, such as "why Yangtze River Delta marine economy is integrated", "which mode is suit for the integration of marine economy in Yangtze River Delta", and "what is its inherent mechanism".There are seven chapters in the thesis, which can be divided into two major parts: theoretical analysis and case study. The first three chapters are the theoretical analysis, in which the fundamental framework of economic integration of regional marine has been constructed, through reviewing and analyzing the relational literatures and theory at home and abroad. The following four chapters are about case study, which explored the international modes, mechanism and approaches of maritime economy in the Yangtze River Delta.Chapter One: Introduction. In this part, the author elaborates the background and significance of topics, as well as the ideas, the basic framework, research methods and major innovations of the research.Chapter Two: Related Literature Review. In this part, some basic concepts such as marine economy, marine industries and economic integration for regional ocean, are defined. Simultaneously, the author made the comparison of the similarities and differences between the concepts and integration. The relational research literatures for marine economy and regional integration at home and abroad are reviewed.Chapter Three: The basic Structure of Economic Integration for Regional Ocean. In the chapter, the author reviewed the main ideas for the theory of spatial regional organization, the theory of regional industrial structure, regional development theory, land and sea integration, economic integration and sustainable development theory, and sets out their important roles in economic integration. Its general framework is structured from the perspectives of marine resources, marine industries and space.Chapter Four: The Yangtze River Delta Development of Marine Economy and Existing Problems. In this chapter, the development of the Yangtze River Delta marine resources, marine industries and special pattern are analyzed, and its existing problems are expounded.Chapter Five: The Yangtze River Delta Integration Modes of Marine Economy. The author analyses its foundation, and puts forward the basic ideas of the Yangtze River delta economic integration. Its basic models, which are the integration model of marine fisheries based on value chain, the integration model of the game between competitiveness and cooperation of maritime port group, the integration model of marine shipbuilding industrial clusters, the resources-cultural integration model of costal tourism, are elaborated.Chapter Six: The Yangtze River Delta Integration Mechanism. Firstly, the connotation and extension of the mechanism were elaborated. Secondly, the author analyzed the integration causes for marine economy and main factors. At last, the integration mechanism of marine fishery, marine shipbuilding, maritime transportation and coastal tourism.Chapter Seven: Conclusions and Suggestions. By summarizing the full context of the thesis, the main conclusions of the paper are extracted. Several Countermeasures are raised for the Yangtze River Delta integration of marine economy, and the prospects of the integration of oceanic economy in the Yangtze River Delta are put forward with.


