

Study on Spatial Organization of Entreprise with the Supply Chains Embeddedness Perspectives

【作者】 许树辉

【导师】 谷人旭;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 与经济全球化相伴随的市场机遇和竞争压力,使得基于供应链的竞争模式成为当前企业增强市场竞争力的重要力量源泉。因此,站在供应链及供应链管理层面上研究企业空间组织问题,对于越来越融入全球化网络之中的中国经济以及中国企业具有重要意义。本文以供应链竞争取代单个企业竞争为前提,以企业内部研发、采购、生产、组装、销售和企业外部一、二级供应商作为研究范围,沿着供应链区位嵌入----供应链本地化----供应链全球化的成长轨迹,展开企业空间组织研究。全文分为理论探索和实证研究两大部分:理论部分包括第二、第三、第四和第五章,主要从供应链嵌入视角尝试构建企业空间组织的理论框架;实证部分包括第六和第七章,以汽车制造企业及其在广州布局的日本丰田企业作为案例,研究汽车制造企业的空间组织,验证理论假设,得出结论。第一章,根据国内外发展现实、以及已有相关研究综述,提出本文的研究范围、研究视角和研究方法,明确本文研究的思路框架。第二章,在回顾总结企业空间组织以及供应链相关理论的基础上,归纳梳理供应链在不同时代的组织形态及其特征,进而提出企业空间组织理论研究的供应链嵌入视角架构。第三章,在论述企业区位选择的传统影响因素的基础上,提出供应链嵌入视角下的企业区位选择影响因素及其战略导向。第四章,根据原子型企业和跨国公司供应链区位嵌入及其供应链本地化的特征归纳,分析企业供应链由本地化走向集群的演变过程和动力机制、以及供应链本地化集群的基本类型。第五章,根据企业全球战略驱动下企业空间组织由封闭的本地化集群走向开放的全球化网络过程,研究全球供应链网络的形成、分工、空间结构及其网络治理。第六章,作为实证研究之一,以欧、美、同汽车制造业集群为例,分析汽车制造业由供应链本地化集群走向全球化、并最终在全球形成“多核式供应链网络”的空间扩张轨迹,探讨全球汽车供应链网络中的企业分工与治理模式。第七章,作为实证研究之二,对跨国汽车公司供应链由局部嵌入到逐步深度嵌入中国市场的历程进行梳理,分析跨国汽车公司供应链嵌入中国的主要驱动因素、以及其在华供应链空间组织的本地化集群趋势。进一步,以丰田公司作为个案,分析其布局、嵌入广州的动力因素、在广东省域内的供应链空间组织模式、对地方汽车产业的影响以及其供应链走向全球化的成长路径。第八章,作为全文的“结论”部分,总结本文研究获得的主要结论以及后续研究中有待于进一步完善和补充的内容。通过理论部分的探索,从中发现:企业区位嵌入开始于供应链的节点嵌入,本地化组织是企业供应链集群的基础,企业由供应链本地化集群走向国际化、全球化,是供应链本地化集群在新兴市场上的复制与衍生过程。企业空间扩张的最高组织形态——全球供应链网络,是基于供应链节点、供应链本地化集群以及供应链本地化集群之间的供应链联结而成的网络。在全球化竞争日益演变为供应链竞争的当今时代,随着供应链关键要素(如领导企业)区位嵌入及其空间组织的进一步拓展,企业供应链组织在空间上的投影,具体表现为由点(供应链试嵌入)→线(供应链局部嵌入)→集群(供应链深度嵌入、供应链本地化)→网络(供应链区域化、供应链全球化)的递进过程。通过实证分析进一步发现:在汽车制造企业区位嵌入过程中,供应链集聚因素起到重要作用,领导企业跨区域投资的成功示范最终导致其原有供应链中的一、二级供应商和竞争性企业的跟随性嵌入,并催生了本地供应商的大量涌现,由此,一个供应链本地化集群会伴随领导企业(或其子公司)的区位嵌入而逐渐形成和成长。在走向国际化、全球化的过程中,汽车制造企业采用的是一种依赖于母国已构建的供应链本地化集群,在海外市场衍生出若干新的供应链本地化集群的空间扩张模式。这一供应链本地化集群,在当地区域市场中发挥着极为重要的作用,并与其母国集群之间保持着密切的供应链联系。因此,跨国汽车公司空间组织,就是以其母国供应链本地化集群及其在海外衍生出来的若干个集群作为基本框架,并由众多供应链节点作为构成要素的供应链联结网络。

【Abstract】 Along with market opportunities and competitive pressures brought by economic globalization, a model of competition based on supply chains is becoming an important source of strength to enterprise. So, if we stand in the point of view of supply chains about the problem of spatial organization of enterprises, it will be of great significance to Chinese economy and enterprise which are integrating into the global network increasingly. This also composes the research perspective of dissertation. In this paper, with the competition pattern that market competition transforming from the competition among individual to the competition in supply chain as the premise and with the object of R&D, procurement, production, assembly, sales and external primary and secondary suppliers as the scope of the study, the study of corporate spatial organizations was initiated along the growth trail of the location under supply chain embedment to the supply chain localization and even to supply chain globalization.The dissertation is constituted by two components of theory research positive analysis. In the part of theory research concluding chapter two, three, four and five, theoretical framework of spatial organizations in the enterprise was established from the perspective of the supply chains embedment, and in the part of positive analysis including chapter six and seven, the case of automotive and the distribution of TOYOTA in Guangzhou was presented to further explain the spatial organizations of the automotive, and also to verify the theoretical assumptions, and to form the conclusion.Chapter One: the research scopes, perspectives and methods of dissertation were proposed after the review of research background and related knowledge from China and abroad, and then the framework of the thesis was given.Chapter Two: In this chapter, firstly the related research about supply chains and spatial organization of enterprises were reviewed and then the characters and type of organization of enterprise in the different periods were sorted out. Ground on this, a framework from the perspective of supply chains embedment about the spatial organization of enterprises was established.Chapter Three: Basing on the study of the traditional factors about enterprise location choosing, the factors of enterprise location choosing and guide of strategy were put forward from the perspective of supply chains embedment.Chapter Four: the evolution and dynamic mechanism of enterprise supply chains from localization to cluster were put forward and the basic types of supply chains being to the cluster localization were also analyzed basing on the sum of charactersChapter Five: according to the procedure of the enterprise spatial organizations from the closed localization cluster to globalization networks promoted by the global strategy of enterprise, the formation of global supply chain network, division of the work, spatial structure and its administration of networks were studied.Chapter Six: as one part of positive study, with an example of cluster of automobile manufacture from Europe, America and Japan, the spatial expanding trail of automobile manufacture from the localization of cluster to globalization and the process of forming a supply chains network with multi-core at a global scale were analyzed and the model of enterprise administration and the division of labor under the network of global supply chain also were discussed.Chapter Seven: as the other part of positive study, the procedure of embedment into Chinese market by automobile Multinational Corporation from part to depth was sorted out. Basing on that, the driving force of the depth of embedment about supply chains of Multinational Corporation and the trend of supply chains spatial organization of the localization cluster of multinational corporations in China were studied. With the case of Toyota, its distribution, the driving force of embedment into Guangzhou, the special organization of supply chains in the region of Guangdong, the effect to local automobile industry and the growth path of supply chain facing to the global market were analyzed.Chapter Eight: As the "Conclusions" section of this paper, the main conclusions of research, as well as the contents needed to be further improved and added in the follow-up studies were summarized.After the theoretical analysis, it has been found that the embedment of enterprise location initiated from the nodes of supply chains. So the local organization is the base of the other enterprises clustering together. The supply chain of Enterprise from the local cluster towards the internationalization and globalization is the process of copy and evolution of the supply chain clusters emerging in the new markets. The global network of supply chain as the highest organization of enterprise expanding was coming into being based on the nodes and localization cluster of supply chains and the links between them. At the time of the global competition towards supply chain competition, with the expansion of spatial organization and the location embedment of critical factors about supply chains (for example the leading enterprise), the projection of supply chain organizations in space, specifically reflected the progressive process ,as follows: points (embedded in the supply chain)→line (the part embedment of supply chain )→cluster (embedment in the depth of the supply chain, supply chain localization)→network (supply chain regionalization , supply chain globalization).It was further found through the positive analyze that the factor of supply chain aggregation played an important role during the location embedment of automobile manufacturing. The successful example set by the investment of leading enterprise across region resulted that the original primary and secondary providers and the competitor followed the steps to shift new place and also gave birth to a large number of local suppliers having emerged. So a located cluster of supply chain would be formed and grew gradually with the location embedded by the leading enterprise (or Branch Corporation). During the entering the global market, the automobile manufacturers adopted the spatial expanding model that the enterprise in the home country had built the local cluster of supply chain and led to a number of new clusters in overseas markets. The local cluster of supply chain played an important role in the local regional market and also maintained close contact with the cluster in the home countries. So, spatial organization of multinational automotive companies was based on the framework of local cluster of supply chain in the home countries and the overseas cluster derived from home, and was also consisted by the number of supply chain elements of the node as a linked network of supply chain

  • 【分类号】F272;F274
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1047
  • 攻读期成果

