

Observing and Being Observed: On Jonathan Spence’s China Study

【作者】 谭旭虎

【导师】 傅惠生;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 文化间由于差异性刺激所引起的彼此认知、互动能够带来对“自我”与“他者”的反思契机。正是在与其他文化的相互凝视、相互观照中,我们获得了外在于自身的视角与方法。汉学家史景迁(Jonathan D.Spence)作为美国中国学界一位极具影响力与代表性的研究者,半个多世纪来所努力进行的正是这样一种对异质文化的认知工作。而我们则希望通过对史景迁所建构中国图景的考察,获取一种对于“自我”与“他者”的双重视野,同时以期对当代历史语境中的文化应对问题提供我们自己的思路与考量。史景迁的中国研究涵盖范围广阔,包括有对于传统中国(主要集中于明清)的考察,对近现代中国的追寻,对中西文化相遇、交互过程的细致观测,以及对于当代中国时政的关注评论。本文将对史景迁著作及期刊论文中所呈现的中国图景,从以上四个主要方面建立分析框架,进行比较文化理论与文化认知视野下的阐释解读。文章将主要分为六个章节进行阐释与书写:第一章绪论主要说明选题缘由,当前研究现状简介,以及主要的研究方法与研究框架,解决的主要是为什么要研究史景迁和怎样研究史景迁的问题。第二章主要针对史景迁的传统中国图景构建进行探讨与分析。虽然史景迁主要集中于明清断代史的研究,但在其明清史研究中我们能够发现的是一个上至帝王将相、下至无名贩夫走卒的全景式社会图景。根据史景迁的具体研究,我们将从其所呈现的皇权、士人知识分子以及乡土中国三个层面具体分析阐释史景迁所建构的传统中国图景。第三章主要针对史景迁对现代中国形成过程的追寻进行探索讨论。史景迁所关注的主要是中国由一个封建帝国向现代国家的艰难转变过程,而对这一问题的分析则不可避免要涉及到有关“现代”、“现代性”等一系列纷繁复杂的概念。根据史景迁的具体研究内容,其现代中国图景主要通过现代知识分子、宗教外衣下的底层革命、革命领导者以及整体性的现代中国建构过程四个方面体现出来。第四章主要针对史景迁对于异质文化间对话与碰撞的研究进行讨论分析。事实上,两种不同文明间的碰撞与冲击是史景迁最感兴趣的话题之一。异质文化的刺激与回应、身处两种文化夹缝之中的典型个体经验,是史景迁一直以来的兴奋点与关注所在。而这部分内容也正是史景迁中国研究中最为精彩突出、灵气逼人的篇章。史景迁的此类研究对于我们了解和考察西方的中国形象有着典型的参考借鉴意义。中西文化的交流与碰撞本来就为我们提供了一个了解对方和审视自身的绝佳契机,而史景迁的视角让我们再一次看到了他作为异质文化探索者的诚意,以及探寻了解西方中国形象更多的可能性。第五章主要针对史景迁的期刊论文进行研究分析。史景迁的期刊论文总体来看有一个贯穿始终的“识古鉴今”逻辑主线,也就是说,通过认识中国的过去来理解中国的现在,判断中国的未来。该章将首先对史景迁的期刊论文做出总体性的类型量化分析,然后具体针对史景迁对中国文化某些经典母题的思考以及对于时政的分析两个方面进行具体阐释,以捕捉其期刊论文中所呈现的中国思考。第六章主要是对史景迁的中国研究做总结性的分析与概括。将主要从史景迁的汉学研究谱系、史学研究特点以及史景迁带给我们的意义与价值三个方面进行具体讨论。作为当代美国中国学界的重要人物,史景迁无论在学院体系还是一般公众领域都具有较大的影响力,他的中国图景构建是从经典西方文化体系、语境、视界出发,对于异质文化的认知努力与企图。史景迁对于中国研究有着热诚与可贵的好奇,同时他研究中国的方式在注重从微观细节切入历史的同时,也没有忽略宏观视野的把握。对于他希望促进异质文化间相互理解的努力和业已获取的成就,我们希望能通过本文给予较为细致的评述与肯定,但同时我们也发现,异质文化间的认知仍然存有太多的盲区与误读,西方在理解中国、再现中国、建构中国的过程中被历史现实赋予了他们自身过多的权力与合法性。而这些都让我们更加确认,在当代历史文化语境下、在了解他人的同时更需要懂得如何阐释和表述自身。史景迁对于中国的研究让我们从中看到某些普遍性问题的存在,但同时也坚定了自信力,因为史景迁就经历和走过了从较为警觉、悲观到对于中西相遇的乐观与期待。无论对于我们自身还是他人,不固守自封,在相互参照、相互审视的过程中形成文化的相互补益才是真正具有文化自觉的行为实践方式。

【Abstract】 The differences between cultures stimulate mutual recognition and interaction. This usually brings opportunities for reflection of both the "self and the "other" cultures. It is through this mutual observation and contrast that we find the perspectives beyond ourselves. Jonathan D. Spence, as an influential and representative scholar in US Sinological field, has been working on the foreign cultural study for more than half a century. We hope to obtain a dual perspective of both "self and "other" cultures through the research on Spence’s China image construction. At the same time, we hope to offer our own views and consideration to some critical problems in contemporary history context.Spence’s China study covers wide topics which include the analysis of tradition China (mainly the Ming and Qing Periods), the search for modern China, the observation of encounter between Chinese and western culture, and the review of contemporary China. This dissertation tries to capture and interpret Spence’s China image mainly on the four aspects with the help of comparative culture study theories and under the cultural recognition perspective.The dissertation consists of six chapters.Chapter one offers a general account of the motives of our research, the methods and paradigms we are going to use. This chapter mainly focuses on why and how we are going to do the research on Spence.Chapter Two mainly analyzes the traditional China image constructed by Spence. Although Spence focuses on the Ming and Qing dynasties, we can still find a panoramic picture which includes the noble emperors, intellectual elites and nameless commoners. According to Spence’s research, we will interpret his traditional China image through three aspects of scholar intellectuals, imperial power control and rural China society.Chapter Three focuses on Spence’s description of formation and changes of modern China. Spence mainly concerns about the process of China’s revolutionary transformation. And our analysis will be inevitably about some complicated concepts like "modern" and "modernity". Spence’s modern China image is represented from the following aspects: intellectuals, revolution under the cover of religion, leaders of the revolution and overall construction of modern China.Chapter Four focuses on Spence’s study of the encounter and dialogue between different cultures. And this topic is one of Spence’s favorite and most accomplished subjects. He loves to explore the cultural stimuli and responses, tries hard to examine the typical personal experiences between different cultures. We think this part is the most excellent in Spence’s China study. It offers us a referential perspective to review the western construction of China image. Furthermore, Spence’s study provides more possibilities for us to explore this construction process.Chapter Five mainly deals with Spence’s periodical essays. Generally speaking, there is a main theme in his essays which can be concluded as: to understand today’s China, you have to know the past. This chapter does some quantitative analysis of Spence’s periodical essays first, and then in order to capture the comprehensive China image of Spence, it focuses on Spence’s reflection and review of classical Chinese culture and contemporary China.Chapter six is mainly the summation of Spence’s China study. It outlines Spence’s research, analyzes his historiographical characteristics and assesses his research values.As an important scholar of today’s China study, Jonathan D. Spence is influential in both the academic and general public fields. His construction of China image is the continuous cultural recognition efforts in the perspective of classical western culture system and context. Spence has the passion and curiosity about China. He likes to explore China through historical details but he never neglects the macroscopic background at the same time. We hope to offer a detailed observation to Spence’s efforts and criticism of his achievements. Meanwhile, we also find the ignorance and misunderstandings in mutual culture recognition. In the process of constructing China image, the West has been given too much power and justification. All these make us believe that we must learn how to interpret and express ourselves while try to understand others in today’s multicultural context. From being watchful and pessimistic to becoming more and more optimistic, Spence lets us realizing the existing problems but also making us feel confident about the communication of different cultures. In today’s cultural context, to be open to each other, and benefit each other through the cross-cultural communication are important strategies of cultural practice.

【关键词】 史景迁文化认知
【Key words】 Jonathan D. Spencecultural recognition
  • 【分类号】K092
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】648

