

The Cross-cultural Dissemination of the Chinese Wisdom

【作者】 冯智强

【导师】 潘文国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 “两脚踏东西文化,一心评宇宙文章”的林语堂是“20世纪的智慧人物”,被誉为集东西方智慧于一身的“文化大使”和“真正的世界公民”,是中国文化在西方传播的典型个案。从林语堂的英文著译出发,从跨文化传播的维度探讨林语堂中国智慧的建构过程、传播动因、传播策略与接受效果,并通过对林语堂传播中国智慧整个流程的考察,审视其著译行为与著译思想及其之间的关联以及在文化传播过程中的功能与效用,以期从认识论到方法论、从过程论到效果论等方面对著译研究进行一次新的尝试,对翻译与传播、翻译与创作的整合进行一次新的探索,这一切构成了本文主要探讨的核心问题。基于此,本文关注的焦点不再是对林语堂著译文本单维的扫描与静态的摹写,而是作为一种文化传播事件,将其还原到当时中西文化交流的历史文化语境中,对其著译思想与策略进行多维的透视、整体的观照与动态的考量。本论文除绪论和结语外共分六章。绪论部分首先简要回顾了历史上“中学西渐”过程中取得的成绩与不足,梳理和评述了林语堂著译活动现有的相关研究;其次阐明了本论文的选题原因与研究意义、介绍了研究对象与目标、研究意义与方法;最后交代了本论文的研究内容与整体框架。第一章是对林语堂跨文化传播中国智慧历史文化语境的考察。通过与当时国人对待中国文化的态度和国外对中国文化的理解的对比分析,揭示了林语堂的文化观与同时代人的不同:既不像“国粹派”那样抱残守缺,又无“西化派”的激进与偏颇。文章进而深入探讨了林语堂中国文化观形成和发展的轨迹,指出林语堂经历了从“语丝”时期对中国传统文化的批判与解构、“论语”时期对中国文化的反思与重构到海外阶段对中国智慧的跨文化传播三个主要阶段。最后探究了在当时的历史条件下,林语堂传播中国文化的深层动因。阐明了赛珍珠的“催生”与辜鸿铭的影响以及对传教士明恩溥《中国人的气质》一书的回应以纠正西方对中国文化的误读是林语堂海外英文著译的直接原因,而深层原因则是通过对中国文化精神的传播,医治西方科学主义泛滥所导致的病痛,会通中西文化,为世界文化的多元化填补一个不可或缺的中国人文元素。第二章是林语堂跨文化传播中国智慧的具体内容。本章首先解读了林语堂的中国智慧“因子”,即以中国人文主义精神为基础的“现实主义精神”、“幽默感”和“生活的艺术”。而林语堂对三个智慧因子的融会与贯通则生成了具有儒家“血统”的“半半哲学”和具有道家“基因”的“抒情哲学”。接下来是对两者内涵与特征的探讨及其在跨文化传播中的考察,揭示出“半半哲学”以儒家的中庸为基础,以“情理互动”、“儒道互补”和“古今融合、中西对照”的主要特征;而“抒情哲学”的主要特征则表现为“闲适情怀”、“诗意存在”以及“幽默”、“闲适”、“性灵”等艺术支点的“三位一体”。“半半哲学”与“抒情哲学”的互动则构成了林语堂的中国智慧的核心和两个最重要的有机组成部分,同时也是林语堂跨文化传播中国文化的主要内容。第三章是对林语堂著译行为背后著译思想的探讨。首先从语言哲学的高度,追根溯源,解读了林语堂“翻译艺术论”的美学根源、翻译标准的语言学基础、以及“美译”理论的多重背景,指出林语堂的翻译艺术观源于表现主义美学家克罗齐的“翻译创作论”和道家的基本美学思想的共同影响与作用,而林语堂“忠实”标准中的“句译观”则源于其“字神论”中的人文精神与生命意识以及“以意念为中心”语言观;“通顺”标准则是翻译语言与创作语言“清顺自然”的和谐一致,同时与林语堂的“语性论”密切相关;“美”的标准则是文体、风格和内容等的一致要求。由此探讨了林语堂的翻译观与其语言观、文化观、创作观、美学观以及文艺观之间的互动关系。其次是对“改写理论”观照下林语堂编译思想的研究,文章分别从文化学派的视域、解构主义的向度、传播学的视角以及英汉互译改写的特质等多个维度充分论证了林语堂编译行为的合法性与理论基础。最后通过对林语堂的翻译哲学——英译汉中的反对“欧化”,汉译英中的主张“汉化”——的揭示,提出了中国智慧传播中的“中国腔调”的论断。第四章是对林语堂英文翻译策略的研究。首先是对林语堂翻译策略的外部研究,其中“超文本”研究考察了意识形态、主流诗学以及赞助人等文本之外的因素对林语堂的“正文本”生成的制约关系,同时揭示了林语堂文本选择的内部动因;对林语堂“副文本”的研究则揭示了其通过语言操纵和非语言导引等“副文本”形式对“正文本”所起到的促进作用和补偿功能。其次是对林语堂编译策略的研究。编译是林语堂整个翻译行为中主要的翻译形式,文章揭示了编译过程中作为译者的林语堂对原文文本从语言层面的改写到文化层面的操纵。从序言操控、标题导引到阅读方法的说明,从文本重组、“夹叙夹译”到“释译融合”,林语堂通过多种编译形式实现了他跨文化传播的最终目标。最后探讨的是林语堂编译过程中异化策略与归化策略的兼容以及对比与比较方法的成功运用,并分析了其翻译行为中从词汇、结构到策略的前后变化背后的语言与文化动因。第五章是林语堂散文、小说和传记的创作策略研究。首先通过对林语堂散文创作的考察,揭示出了林语堂前期汉语散文与英语散文的互动与转换,同时论证了林语堂通过“闲适笔调”传播闲适精神、以达到形式与内容的完美统一的创作策略。其次是对林语堂小说创作的探究。研究表明:林语堂通过典型人物形象成功地展示了中国人的人生智慧,同时通过小品文笔法的运用即通过“冗余”信息实现了讲述中国文化、传播中国智慧的创作目的。其后是通过对《京华烟云》和《红楼梦》之间从内容、语言到结构上的互文性研究,探讨了林语堂小说文本生成的另一特征。接下来是对林语堂从他传到自传的英文传记的创作研究。林语堂的传记创作突破了中国传统史传写法并运用了西方现代传记形式,同时,其叙述形式的小说化与创作笔调的散文化也使得其传记作品增加了人性化因素并增强了文本可读性。最后,文章探讨了林语堂著译间从主题选择、行文风格到书写目的等方面的互动,对“翻译”的内涵与外延,翻译与创作边界的进行了重新思考,从而丰富了当今的翻译理论,促进了翻译文化的建设。第六章是对林语堂著译传播效果的研究即对域外读者接受与反应的分析与考察。首先是从历时和共时两个维度对林语堂作品在域外持续影响和跨域传播情况的考量。其后是从内容、语言、策略到形式等方面对读者反映的统计以及对世界范围内林语堂研究状况的考察。统计结果表明:域外读者对林语堂著译所传播的生活智慧与闲适精神普遍表示认可,并对林语堂的行文风格及语言可读性等方面也赞许有加,其著译策略也得到不同程度上的好评。另外,林语堂著译中的副文本也受到读者的普遍欢迎与青睐。本章最后是从政治学、社会学以及接受美学等方面对林语堂作品域外反应的分析与评价。出于政治结盟与军事扩张的目的以及医治由于物质主义和科学主义泛滥所导致的心灵创伤是林语堂著译作品畅销的政治学与社会学基础,而林语堂“尊重读者”、“感动读者”的策略以及在充分了解读者基础上的自我调整保证了对读者阅读期待的满足,最终达到了“视域融合”的预期目的。最后是全文的总结,主要回顾本研究的要点,总结本研究的得失,并对后续研究提出展望。在全球经济一体化、文化多元化的今天,特别是在“文化自觉”的当代语境中,对林语堂的跨文化研究可为宏扬和传播中华文化以及异质文化间的平等对话与交流提供了可兹借鉴和参考的范例,从而使林语堂的文化资源进入到当代的文化传播和文明建构。

【Abstract】 Lin Yutang, "straddling over Eastern and Western cultures and commenting on the literature in the universe", is reputed as "the man of wisdom in 20th century", "a cultural ambassador" and "an authentic world citizen" who embodied both Chinese and Western culture, which made him a very typical case of Chinese culture disseminated in the West. Based on Lin Yutang’s English writings and translation works, this paper explores Lin Yutang’s Chinese wisdom involving such questions as how it came into being, why and how it was disseminated, and how well it has been accepted from a cross-cultural perspective. Meanwhile, by studying the whole process of this dissemination, this dissertation surveys Lin’s actual writings and translations and the relationship between them, and analyzes their influence and function upon cross-cultural dissemination; Finally and specially, probes into the integration and interaction between translation and dissemination as well as translation and writing through a overall study of Lin’s writings and translations both from epistemology to methodology and from process to effects. All of the above comprise the core part of this dissertation. Hence, the focus of this dissertation is not a one-dimensional overview or a static depiction of the texts of Lin Yutang’s writings and translation works but a multi-dimensional study on the thoughts and strategy of them, as an event of cultural communication, from holistic and dynamic perspectives by restoring the original historical context of Chinese and Western cultural communication. This dissertation contains six chapters plus a prelude and a summary.In prelude, firstly, a historical review is made both on the achievements and deficiencies in the process of "the Chinese Culture Spreading to the Western World" and on the relevant study of Lin Yutang’s writings and translation works; secondly, the reason of choosing this subject and the significance of this study are introduced with the description of research objective, purpose and methodology; finally, the content and framework of this paper are explained.The first chapter is a study on the historical and cultural contexts of Lin Yutang’s cross-cultural dissemination of the Chinese wisdom. Through the comparison between his contemporary Chinese attitude towards Chinese culture and the understanding of Chinese cultural from overseas, the difference between Lin’s cultural views with those of his contemporaries is revealed: he did not stick to outmoded values like the "National Quintessence School", nor was he radical and biased like the "Westernized School". The paper then further studies the formation and development of Lin Yutang’s cultural value, stating that Lin experienced three phases of "Yu Si (weekly periodical)" period when traditional Chinese culture is criticized and deconstructed; "Lun Yu (periodical founded by Lin Yutang)" period when Chinese culture is introspected and reconstructed, and the overseas phase when the Chinese wisdom is disseminated cross-culturally. In the end, the fundamental driving force of Lin’s dissemination of Chinese culture under that historical situation is explored, stating that the immediate causes of Lin’s English writings and translation works are Pearl Buck’s "encouragement", Gu Hongming’s influence and the responses to missionary Arthur H. Smith’s Chinese Characteristics to correct the misinterpretations on Chinese culture in the West, while the deeper cause is to cure the sufferings caused by the flooding western scientism, bridge Chinese and western culture and add Chinese humanism in the diversification of the world culture through dissemination of Chinese cultural spirit.Chapter two is the details of Lin Yutang’s cross-cultural dissemination of Chinese wisdom. This chapter first interprets the basic elements of Lin Yutang’s Chinese wisdom, which involves the "great realism", "a high sense of humor" and "a high poetic sensitivity to life and nature" based on Chinese Humanism. The merging of these three elements by Ling Yutang produced the Philosophy of the Half-and-Half with a Confucian lineage and Lyrical Philosophy which was bonded with Taoism. And then this chapter studies the connotation and features of these two philosophies as well as its effects in the cross-cultural communication to find that Philosophy of the Half-and-Half takes the "moderation" of Confucianism as its foundation, featuring "sense-reason interaction", "Confucianism-Taoism complementary" and "history-modern integration, Chinese-western comparison"; and Lyrical Philosophy shows the features of "leisurely sentiment", "lyrical existence" and the "trinity" involving the artistic pivots of "humor", "leisure" and "natural spirit". The interaction between Lin’s Philosophy of the Half-and-Half and his Lyrical Philosophy constitutes the core part of Lin Yutang’s Chinese wisdom and two most important and indispensible parts, as well as the main components of Lin’s cross-cultural communication of Chinese culture.Chapter three is an investigation on the thoughts that drove Lin Yutang’s English writings and translation works. First is an interpretation of the aesthetic root of Lin’s "translation as an art ", linguistic foundation of translation criteria, and multi-folded background of "aesthetic translation" by tracing back to the source and analyzing from the perspective of the philosophy of language, indicating that Lin’s translation aesthetic views originate from the influence of both the American expressionist aesthetician Benedetto Croce’s idea that "Translation is creation" and the basic aesthetics of "faithfulness" from Taoist Laotse and Zhuangtse, while Lin’s "sentence-based translation" under the norm of "faithfulness" derived from the humanism, awareness of life and "taking notion as the pivot" in his "theory of Sinogram spirit", and the criteria of "smoothness" is the "smooth and natural" harmony of translated language and created language, which is also closely related to Lin’s "theory of language nature". The criterion of "aesthetic quality" is a requirement on consistent genre, style and contents, hence the exploration of the interaction between Lin’s views on translation and his views on linguistics, culture, creation, aesthetics, literature and art. Next is a study on Lin’s editing translation from the perspective of "rewriting" theory, and this dissertation expounds the legitimacy and theoretical foundations of Lin Yutang’s editing translation from varied dimensions ranging from the perspective of cultural school, the dimension of deconstructionism, and the perspective of communication theories to the rewriting feature in Chinese-English/ English-Chinese translation. Finally, the dissertation puts forth the conclusion of "Chinese tune-pattern" after the exploration of Lin Yutang’s translation philosophy—anti-"westernization" in English-Chinese translation and "sinicization" in Chinese-English translation.Chapter four probes into Lin Yutang’s translation strategies. First is an external study on Lin’s translation strategy, in which the study of "hypertext" investigates the restrictive functions exerted on the generation of Lin’s authorial text by those factors beyond the text itself, including ideology, poetics and patronage and reveals the internal motivation of Lin Yutang’s choice of text. On the other hand, the study of "paratext" reveals the positive effects and compensatory functions to the authorial text of such paratextual forms as language manipulation and non-language guidance. Next is the study of Lin Yutang’s editing-translation strategies. Editing translation is the main translation form by Lin Yutang. In the process of editing-translation, Lin Yutang went from rewriting at the linguistic level to manipulating at the cultural level. His goal of cross-cultural dissemination was achieved by various editing devices, including from the manipulation of the prefaces, the guidance of headings and the introduction of reading methods, to reconstructing texts, "interspersing narration with comments" and "integrating translation with interpretations". The next is about the coordination of the strategies of "alienation" and "domestication" and the successful application of contrast and comparison devices during the process of Lin Yutang’s editing-translation. Finally, the chapter also analyzes the linguistic and cultural motives behind the lexical, structural and strategic inconsistencies in his translation.Chapter five explores Lin Yutang’s writing strategies in his essays, novels and biographic writings. First this chapter focuses on his essays, revealing the interaction and conversion between his early Chinese and English essays and demonstrating his creation strategy of perfectly unified form and content which involves his communicating carefree spirit through carefree style of writing. Next is the exploration of Lin Yutang’s novel writing. The study shows that he successfully demonstrated the life wisdom of the Chinese people via the depiction of typical figures and reached his writing goal to spread cultures and wisdom of China by using essay-writing techniques, which depends highly on the "redundant" information. Another feature of text generation of Lin Yutang’s novels is explored through the intertextuality study on Moment in Peking and A Dream of Red Mansions in terms of content, language and structure. Following that is a study on Lin’s biographies from those on others to autobiography. Lin’s biographies made a breakthrough in traditional Chinese biography writing by adopting modern western writing mode, novelization of narration and essay-like creation, which added humanism to his biographical works and improved their readability. Lastly, this chapter discusses the interaction between Lin Yutang’s writings and translations in terms of theme selection, the writing style and writing purposes, reflects on the connotation and denotation of "translation", and the interface between translation and creation, in an effort to contribute to the current translation theory and translation culture.Chapter six investigates the dissemination effect of Lin Yutang’s writings and translations, i.e. analyzes the acceptance and response from readers abroad. First, this chapter studies the continuous influence and cross regional communication of his works synchronically and diachronically. Next is a review on the statistics of reader responses with regard to content, language, strategy and form etc. Statistics shows that overseas readers basically recognize the life wisdom and leisurely spirit conveyed by Lin Yutang’s writings and translations, speak highly of Lin’s writing style and linguistic readability, and his writing and translation strategies are also esteemed to some degree. In addition, the paratexts in Lin’s writings and translation works are also widely accepted and recognized among the readers. This chapter also concerns about the researches relevant with Lin Yutang throughout the world. Finally, this chapter analyses and evaluates the overseas responses to his works in terms of politics, sociology and aesthetics of reception. Politically and sociologically, the popularization of Lin’s works is out of the purpose of political ally and military expansion and people’s desire to relieve their anguish from materialism and scientism, while his strategy of "respect the readers" and "inspire the readers" and the self-adjustment based on adequate understanding of the readers ensured satisfaction of readers’ expectations and ultimately achieved his intension of "merging view".As the summary, the last part reviews the main points, weighs the gain and loss of this dissertation, and forecasts the follow-up researches. In a time of economical globalization and cultural diversification, especially in the contemporary context of "cultural consciousness", the cross-cultural study on Lin Yutang may provide significant reference for disseminating Chinese culture and promoting equal dialogue between different cultures so that the cultural resource of Lin Yutang can be placed into modern cultural communication and civilization construction.


