

Accord and Conflict: The Research on Economic and Politics Relations between ASEAN and Europe Union

【作者】 肖斌

【导师】 庄国土;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在过去几十年里,区域组织作为国际政治行为体大量的出现,推动了国际体系向多极化发展。随着经济全球化的深化,以及国际政治行为体相互依赖的加强和自身发展的需要,国家间关系的调节越来越多的求助于区域性国际组织,区域性国际组织对外关系的能力也因此而增强,其影响力也越来越大,区域性国际组织之间的联系也渐渐成为国际政治的一个重要现象。在20世纪70年代初,东盟与欧盟之间的关系率先代表了这种发展趋势。作为发展程度较高的区域间关系,东盟与欧盟30多年的合作为国际关系中的区域间合作提供了丰富的经验。本文研究的目的是希望通过对东盟与欧盟区域间经济政治关系的研究,分析和讨论东盟与欧盟经济政治关系的演变,归纳和总结东盟与欧盟在经济政治方面的合作形式以及合作内容,找出东盟与欧盟关系中的问题及原因。具体内容为:(1)国际政治中东盟与欧盟的产生、地位、作用及对外关系;(2)东盟与欧盟经济政治关系发展阶段、动因及现状;(3)东盟与欧盟经济贸易领域中的合作机制、贸易自由化进程及问题;(4)东盟与欧盟政治安全领域中的合作形式、在政治安全方面的合作内容,以及政治安全关系中的问题;(5)对东盟与欧盟经济政治关系中的合作与障碍、冲突的本源性分析,以及对双方关系的展望。通过对上述内容的梳理,本文认为东盟与欧盟经济政治合作虽然对双方意义重大,但是由于双方历史、经验和传统上的巨大差异,双方合作的政治意愿都没有强大到足以弥补观念上的差距。不过,从长远来看,东盟与欧盟关系将继续会得到进一步的发展,双方的重要性在各自对外战略中将不断提升。通过对东盟与欧盟政治经济关系深入分析,本文重点指出:(1)东盟与欧盟经济政治关系的基本特征是不对称的;(2)双边与多边合作模式将继续是东盟与欧盟发展的基础;(3)经济因素是东盟与欧盟关系发展的巨大动力;(4)东盟与欧盟之间合作有助于亚太地区的稳定;(5)东盟与欧盟关系中的问题具有长期性、复杂性和非根本性;(6)东盟与欧盟关系对中国是有一定的负面影响,但其积极意义要大于消极意义,中国应该准确把握和处理好东盟与欧盟关系的发展,积极引导和支持东盟与欧盟之间的良性互动,减少对中国的负面影响。

【Abstract】 In the past few decades, a large number of regional organizations have emerged as international politics actors, and contributed to the development and formation of a multi-polar international system. With the deepening of the economic globalization, the international political actors have been becoming more and more interdependent, they have to seek means through international institutions to solve the problems they face and meet their own needs for development. As a result, the ability of these regional organizations to deal with external relations is greatly strengthened, and their influence is growing. In the early 1970s, the initial development of ASEAN-EU relations embodied this general trend. Three decades’ evolution of these interregional economic and political relationships has offered ample empirical experiences for us to explore the implications in depth.This dissertation looks at ASEAN-EU economic and political relations by exploring the evolution of ASEAN-EU relations and the ASEAN-EU cooperation in economy, politics and security. This dissertation addresses ASEAN-EU economic and political relations by discussing the following specific issues in the five sections. The first section discusses the rise of ASEAN and EU, and their roles in world politics. The second section dwells on the present ASEAN-EU relations. The third section deals with the ASEAN-EU economic and trade cooperation and other relative problems by focusing on the process of ASEAN-EU FTA. The fourth section debates the ASEAN and EU political and security cooperation. The last section lists the obstacles in the ASEAN-EU cooperation, and tries to find out the essence of ASEAN-EU conflicting relations, and predicts the future for ASEAN-EU relations.This dissertation contributes to the knowledge of ASEAN-EU relations by highlighting the conclusions as follows. 1. ASEAN-EU Relations are basically asymmetric. 2. Both bilateralism and multilateralism work as mechanism in ASEAN-EU relations. 3. Economic factor is the dynamic power of ASEAN-EU relations. 4. ASEAN-EU cooperation contributes to the stability of the Asia-Pacific region. 5. although ASEAN-EU relations are significant, there are many vast divergences in history、culture、experience and the level of development, and the political will of ASEAN and EU is not yet strong enough to offset the differences and gaps of their concepts. But in the long run, the ASEAN-EU relations will continue to develop, because either is increasingly important in each other’s strategies of foreign policies. 6. ASEAN-EU relations have both negative and positive impacts on China; China should take advantage of the positive factors and handle its relations with both EU and ASEAN actively and delicately.

【关键词】 东盟欧盟经济政治关系
【Key words】 ASEANEUEconomic and Politic Relations
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】F752.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1058

