

The Study on Management Philosophy of Four Classics by Huangdi

【作者】 张欣

【导师】 詹石窗;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文首先介绍了马王堆乙本《老子》卷前所附四篇古佚书发掘、整理、考证的情况以及目前四篇古佚书思想源流的疏考情况和相关结论。以这些考证和研究为基础,论文阐述了采用《黄帝四经》这一名称指称四篇古佚书的缘由,并提出其成书时间应该在《庄子》之前;同时,本文阐述了《黄帝四经》管理哲学的内涵与体系架构。接着,本文分别阐述了《黄帝四经》管理哲学的本体论、认识论、方法论和价值观思想。在本体论方面,本文分析了《黄帝四经》中“道”的基本意涵,认为“道”既是万物产生的本原,又是万物运动变化的本体依据,因此是统治和管理活动的本体。在认识论方面,本文重点阐述了《黄帝四经》的认识路线——“循名责实”和“循名究理”及其思维方式——“以天道推演人事”的传统辨证理路,分析了其思维方式的形成基础。在方法论方面,本文考察了《黄帝四经》刑德并用、文武并行的主张,认为这一主张既是效法天道的结果,又是融合和吸收儒、法等思想的结果。另一方面,论文在对《黄帝四经》“因之若成”和“无为”思想进行分析的基础上,认为其“无为”思想既包括继承老子思想而形成的“无为”又包括独具特色的“有为”两个方面。在价值观方面,本文总结了《黄帝四经》管理价值观的体系内容并分析了其形成的基础、特点与意义。认为管理价值观既是春秋战国时期各种思想理论不断融合的产物,又是适应当时社会发展和变革需要的结果。最后,本文从古为今用的角度,以《黄帝四经》为源头,在现代管理的本质、管理主客体关系以及现代管理中国化等方面进行了哲学反思,认为我国管理现代化进程必须根植于传统文化这一土壤之中,在学习西方现代管理科学技术的同时,从自己的历史发展状况和历史发展规律出发,寻找一条管理现代化之路。

【Abstract】 This doctoral thesis,in the first place,outlines the excavation,collation and textual research of four ancient books that are long lost and are attached to Laozi which is marked "乙".And it introduces the study on the origin and development of four books’ thought.Based on previous studies author of the thesis thinks that using "Four Classics by Huangdi" as the name of these four books is justified and so acceptable and the reason is then outlined.Author’s point of view is also outlined that the age of these four books is older than that of Zhuangzi.In addition,the thesis talks about the connotation of management philosophy of"Four Classics by Huangdi" and the system of it.And then,the thesis talks about management ontology,management epistemology,management methodology and values of management of "Four Classics by Huangdi".As for management ontology,the ontological conception of Tao is elaborated.And on the basis of the elaboration,the author draws a conclusion that Tao is the ontology of the subject,the object and the standard and rules of management,and so Tao is the ontology of management.As for management epistemology,the thesis elaborates lines of knowledge which includes exploring the situation and studying the nature of an object according to its name and ways of thinking which includes the image thinking and the dialectical thinking.And the thesis analyzes the background that the lines of knowledge and the ways of thinking form.As about management methodology,the thesis analyzes and elaborates its ideas of the use of law and virtue and the use of promotion and eradication in management, and draws a conclusion that these ideas are the result of image thinking and acceptance of thoughts of other parties.As far as idea of "following" is concerned, author puts forward that the thought of following everyone’s or everything’s nature of "Four Classics by Huangdi" is somewhat different from that of Laozi,though it is inherited from it.And the difference is elaborated.As about values of management, the thesis summarizes the content of the values of "Four Classics by Huangdi" and analyzes the basis of its formation and its characteristics and significance.The thesis brings up the idea that the base of its formation includes its historical and cultural background,theoretical basis and social reality of that time.In the end,based on management philosophy of "Four Classics by Huangdi",the thesis gives a deep thought of the nature of modern management,of the relationship between the subject and object and of how to learn and introduce western modern management better.The author holds the view that the update of our modern management must be on the basis of traditional culture.Only in this way,can we achieve our goal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】B223;C93-02
  • 【下载频次】596

