

Studies on Teacher Development for Higher Technical-vocational Education and Training (Higher-TVET)

【作者】 李青霞

【导师】 潘懋元; Arild Tjeldvoll;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 高等教育学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 我国高等职业教育在国家的教育发展规划中,承载着职业教育“大力发展”和高等教育“提高质量”的两大战略使命,然而,“双师型”教师数量上的严重缺乏和“双师型”教师水平的普遍偏低很大程度上制约了高职战略的有效实施,因此如何积极探索符合中国国情的高职教师发展必然成为重要的研究课题。由于挪威在职业教育上的成功得力于教育发展的理念与政策,而且是本人的留学国家,因此以挪威作为比较借鉴的对象。本论文由绪论和六章内容组成。绪论涵盖了本论文的研究问题缘起、文献综述、概念界定、资料选取与研究方法、论文结构、局限性和创新点等内容。第一章集中探讨高职教师发展的理论问题。通过高职教师发展模式的历史变迁、高职教师发展的两个普遍命题和两个理论体系分析,进而提出高职教师专业的独特性。第二章探讨中挪高职教师的实践与现状。首先从国际背景下论述高职教师的现状和问题,即普遍性的角度入手,进而将视角转移到中国和挪威,分析两国高职教师发展的历史和特点。第三章分析中挪高职教师发展的课程体系。课程是控制职教师资培养的重要过程,通过课程保证出口质量。本章分析了中挪两国本科和硕士研究生的课程目标、课程结构和课程内容等。第四章比较中挪两国高职教师的在职教育。通过两国在职教育的政策、目标、机构和内容的比较,提出两国的特色所在。第五章进一步深入分析挪威高职教师发展的背景,因为制约高职教师发展的问题常常根植于主题外的社会、经济和文化等事物,因此本章通过挪威的历史、政治制度、文化和高等教育发展四个方面来看挪威国家追求平等的过程。第六章是论文的结论性部分,提出“协调性”是我国高等职业教育在高职教师发展中需要努力奋斗所要达到的一种目标,并逐一分析四组影响教师发展的因素的协调性,论证协调发展是我国高职教师发展之本质。

【Abstract】 In the Chinese national education development strategy, the higher Technical -vocational Education and Training (TVET) has carried the double missions: quantity expansion in access to vocational education, and quality improvement in TVET as part of higher education. However, despite the good ambitions, the "dual qualified vocational education teachers’ strategy" has implied serious shortage in quantity and quite low quality. This has effectively banned the successful implementation of higher TVET. Therefore, TVET has become an important research field. It is necessary to explore how the higher TVET teachers’ development is meeting with Chinese social reality. Norwegian TVET was chosen for comparison with China. This was due to the Norwegian TVET success, expressed in the country’s education development ideas and policies. On the more practical and subjective level, Norway was chosen, because it is the foreign country I had the opportunity to visit for carrying out empirical studies. Hence, Norway was chosen for comparison both because of objective and subjective factors.This dissertation consists of Introduction and six chapters.In the Introduction the origin of this research, the literature statement, and definition of relevant terms, material selection, methodology, structure, limitation and innovation have been included.The first chapter concentrates on the theory related to higher TVET teacher development. The uniqueness of higher TVET teacher profession has further been proposed as the basis for analysis of the historical evolution model of higher TVET teacher development, as well as described through two presumptions and two theoretical systems.The second chapter presents the practice and reality of TVET teachers in China and Norway. The frame of reference for this chapter is the international context of TVET teachers. Within this frame, the history and features of China and Norway are explored. The third chapter analyzes the curricula system of higher TVET teachers’ development. Curricula are the major process in controlling the TVET teacher’s cultivation, ensuring the output quality. This chapter gives a detailed comparison of curriculum objectives, structures and contents.The fourth chapter compares the in-service education and training of higher TVET teachers in the two countries. There is particular emphasis on the in-service education policies, goals, organizations and contents.The fifth chapter makes a deeper analysis of the context of Norwegian TVET teachers’ development. Since the TVET teachers development issues is often strongly rooted in the society, economy and culture, this chapter looks at how Norwegian TVET has emerged from the country’s searching for equality throughout Norwegian history. This equality legacy has penetrated Norway’s political system, culture and higher education development over more than a century.The sixth chapter contains the conclusion of this dissertation, where "coordination" appears as the key issue. Coordination is the target that Chinese higher TVET teachers should work hard for accomplishing. Moreover, this chapter analyzes the four coordination factors affecting the higher TVET teachers’ development. In conclusion, the coordination development is stated as the essence of Chinese higher TVET teachers’ development.

【关键词】 高职教师教师发展挪威
【Key words】 TVET teachersTVET teachers’ developmentNorway
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】G715.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2737

