

Research on Theory of Historical Materials of Chinese Oral Scientific and Technological Thought

【作者】 李涛

【导师】 郭金彬;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文讨论的是关于中国口述科技思想史料的学问。这是一个具有理论价值和现实意义的研究领域。进行中国口述科技思想史研究,仅仅依靠文献资料和实物史料是远远不够的,还需要大量运用口述史料。我国具有悠久的口述史传统,除了《论语》、《国语》、《尚书》、《诗经》等经典历史著作外,我国许多传统科技思想著作也大量运用了口述史料,如《齐民要术》的作者贾思勰和《本草纲目》的作者李时珍在撰写过程中,都曾大量走访民间,广泛搜集和运用民间口述科技思想史料,《儒门事亲》也主要是由张从正口述,经弟子麻知已、常仲明记录整理而成。自20世纪80年代西方的口述史理论和方法引进以来,我国科技史界也在科技史研究中积极运用口述史方法,抢救和整理了一批口述史料,为探究中国科技思想,特别是中国近现代科技思想的产生、发展奠定了重要的基础。本文着力将中国口述科技思想史料作为一门学问进行较深入的探讨,旨在发掘其在真实再现中国科技思想产生、发展过程中,以及其在继承、发扬中国传统文化方面的价值和意义。本文共分为六章,外加绪论、附录和结束语。绪论对中国口述科技思想史料学的相关概念进行了界定,并对其研究现状作了概述。第一章从神话传说、歌谣谚语、史籍记录、科技回忆录、科技访谈录、科技演讲录等几个方面考察了中国口述科技思想史料的来源,分析了其中所蕴含的科技思想。第二章提出了中国古代口述科技思想的君臣间、师徒链、学友链、家族链、访谈式等几种主要的传承方式。第三章指出了中国口述科技思想史料搜集的主要方法,分别从史料搜集的准备和史料搜集的几个主要环节,包括提问、倾听、记录、结束,以及史料搜集的初步整理等几个方面对访谈法进行了较为详细的探究,并指出了搜集的一些其它方式和途径。第四章在借鉴一般史料学理论的基础上,分别从分类、考据、鉴别和校勘等几个方面阐述了中国口述科技思想史料的整理工作。第五章从历史、现实和未来三个角度,结合具体的史料分析了中国口述科技思想史料的价值,提出了从科学认识上的提升、从科学方法上的提炼和激发科技创新三条进行中国口述科技思想史料研究的途径。第六章对口述科技思想的主体间性和科学性,以及口述科技思想史料学研究与文化传承和现代口述史学之间的关系进行了一些理论上的思考。在附录部分,附有笔者对吴文俊和席泽宗两位院士的访谈实录,并对近年口述科技思想史料研究及科技思想史研究论文、著作进行了认真细致的梳理,列了索引,以供参考。本文的主要贡献在于将中国口述科技思想史料作为一门学问进行了系统的研究,在借鉴和继承我国已有史料学和一般口述史研究成果的基础上,不仅在思想观点上强调中国口述科技思想史料的重要性,而且也试图在理论上将史料的来源、传承、搜集、整理和研究融为一个有机的整体。

【Abstract】 This dissertation discusses a knowledge on the historical materials of the Chinese oral scientific and technological thought, which is a research field with theoretical value and practical significance. The historical documents and historical substantial materials are not enough to study the history of Chinese scientific and technological thought. A lot of oral historical materials are also needed.China has a long tradition of oral history. In addition to Analects, Guo Yu, Shang Shu and the Book of Songs, there are many other historical books of Chinese scientific and technological thought which also use a lot of oral historical materials. For example, the author of Qi Min Yao Shu, Jia shixie and the author of Ben Cao Gang Mu, Li Shizhen, visited grassroot, collected and used extensively folk historical materials of oral scientific and technological Thought. Ru Men Shi Qing is an oral historical materials recorded and collated by apprentice of Zhang chongzheng Ma zhiji and Chang zhongming. With the introduction of Western oral history theory and method of the 1980s’, the academia of Chinese scientific and technological history rescued and collated a large number of oral historical materials, which lays the foundation for studying the history of Chinese scientific and technological thought, in particular for studying the modern and contemporary history of Chinese scientific and technological thought. The dissertation regards historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought as a knowledge which needs to be studied deeply. The purpose is to explore the value and significance of historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought in reflecting the course of emergence and development of Chinese scientific and technological thought, and inheriting and carrying forward Chinese traditional culture.This dissertation is composed of six chapters, as well as an overview, an appendix and a conclusion. In the overview, it defines related the meanings of theory of historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought, and makes a brief description of the basic situation of the academic on it. Chapter One studies the origin of historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought from mythology and legend, folk Songs, folk proverbs, records of history books, records of scientific and technological memories, records of scientific and technological interview, records of scientific and technological speaking, and so on. Chapter Two points out the main continuity ways of Chinese ancient oral scientific and technological thought which is between emperor and minister, chain of teacher and disciple, chain of peers, chain of family, and interview. Chapter Three puts forward main method and other ways of connecting historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought. It mainly studies method of interview which includes preparation, key stages of asking questions, listening, record and end, and preliminary collation of connecting historical materials. Chapter Four elaborates the collation of historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought from classification, certification, discrimination and emendation. Chapter five analyzes the value of historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought from historical, realistic and future perspective based on specific historical materials, and puts forward the three paths of studying historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought, including upgrading from scientific understanding, refining from scientific method and stimulating scientific and technological innovation. Last chapter makes a theoretical thinking on inter-subjectivity and objectivity of oral scientific and technological thought, relations of research of the theory of historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture and modem oral history. The appendix includes interview records of Wu wenjun ,an academican and Xi zhezhong, an academican, and also an index to research papers and publications of historical materials of oral scientific and technological thought, and of history of scientific and technological thought.The main contribution of this dissertation lies in its systematic study to make historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought as a knowledge based on previous researchers on theory of historical materials and oral history. It not only emphasizes the importance of historical materials of Chinese oral scientific and technological thought, but also tries to make resource, collection, collation and research of historical material a whole.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】G322.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】778

