

Cultural Change of Henan Mongolian County in Qinghai

【作者】 艾丽曼

【导师】 石奕龙;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 文化人类学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 变迁是文化发展实践中的常数,是一切文化的永恒现象。涵化是文化变迁的基本形式,导致文化涵化的原因多种多样,它们对文化变迁的影响力也有大有小。蒙古族自13世纪中期进入青海后,在七百多年的历史进程中,发展呈现了多态性局面。其中,进入河南蒙古族自治县的蒙古族,受国家的政治导向、精英阶层的决策、族群之间的政治和话语权力关系消长以及生态环境的适应等因素影响,在宗教认同的基础上,逐步开始藏文化的接受和认同,逐渐改变或放弃了原先蒙古族的表层文化特征,但也保留着一些深层的蒙古族文化因子。论文从蒙藏历史的接触入手,通过对蒙藏关系史的简单回溯,悉数蒙古族进入青海的历史过程、社会背景以及历代影响青海蒙古族社会发展的重要历史事件,重点回顾藏传佛教格鲁派(黄教)在蒙古族地区的传播情形及盟旗制度在青海蒙古族的实施,从文化现象的表层嬗变和族群认同的深层坚持两方面对河南蒙古族自治县蒙古族的文化变迁进行了详细考量。表层嬗变主要从河南蒙古族自治县蒙古族社会政治、经济制度的演变、对藏传佛教的皈依以及婚俗、服饰、语言、日常习俗的转变等方面进行描述,深层坚持则从自治县的成立、蒙古包的延续、那达慕的恢复等原生文化的重构以及族群认同等方面予以考察。通过对河南蒙古族自治县蒙古族社会文化变迁的分析,指出当地蒙古族虽然在文化认同上表现出了对藏文化的接受,但在族群身份认同上多数人保留了强烈的蒙古民族意识,而部分蒙古族则表现出模棱两可的态度。由此认为,族群认同具有多重表述特征,表现在情感认同、场景认同以及矛盾的心理认同上。在族群互动的过程中,文化涵化所导致的族群表层客观文化特征的消失并不意味族群认同的单一,族群不是固定不变的,因而族群认同也将呈现出动态的变化过程。

【Abstract】 Acculturation is the essential form of cultural change. The causes of acculturation vary, and their influences on cultural change are different too. The development of Mongolians in Qinghai over the past seven centuries presents multi-dimensional trajectories. Among other Mongolian communities, the one entering Henan Mongolian Autonomous County (HM) gradually accepted and identified with Tibetan culture based on religious identity as a result of intersection between the state, elites, interethnic relations and environment. It has led HM to abandonment of their cultural traits on the surface whilst remaining some elements on a deep level. This thesis examines the development of Mongolian-Tibetan relations by looking at the process in which Mongolians entered Qinghai, and the related social background, important historical events. It focuses on the diffusion of Gelupa and the implementation of Meng-Qi institution among Qinghai Mongolians to scrutinize cultural change of HM under the changes on the surface and the identity insistence on a deep level. The changes on the surface are illustrated in the change of HM socio-political and economic systems, their conversion into Tibetan Buddhism, and wedding customs, dressing code, language, daily customs. The deep level of identity insistence is examined through the establishment of the HM Autonomous County, continuity of the Mongolian yurt, reinstitution of Naadam, as well as ethnic identification. The findings reveal that the majority of HM hold a strong awareness of ethnic identity in spite of their acceptance of Tibetan culture. Meanwhile, some HM show ambivalent feelings. It thus concludes that ethnic identity is a multi-dimensional presentation with reference to emotional identity, scenic identity and ambiguous psychological identity. In the process of ethnic interaction, the disappearance of some cultural traits on the surface does not imply singularity in ethnic identity. Ethnic identity always is in a fluid process of change.

【关键词】 河南县蒙古族文化变迁族群认同
【Key words】 Henan CountyThe MongolianCultural changeEthnic identity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】K28
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】779

