

A Study on the Evolution of the Model of the University: In a View of Knowledge Production

【作者】 冯典

【导师】 史秋衡;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 高等教育学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 大学模式作为一种文化的存在,是关于大学的本质、角色、组织模式的理念以及更广义上的大学与国家的关系、大学与社会的关系的特征的总合。在不同历史时期,大学模式包含的要素有不同的内容和表现。因此,对大学模式的理解,无法绕开对大学模式历史变迁的考察。同时,大学自中世纪产生以来,一直作为文化的机构而存在,它始终与知识的生产、传播、传递和普及联系在一起,大学的兴盛与衰落和知识生产息息相关。不研究大学的知识生产不仅无法理解今天大学发展的状态,更无法把握未来大学的发展动向。观今宜鉴古,无古不成今。从历史的角度,从知识生产的视角,可以较为清晰地看出大学模式变迁的路线以及知识生产与大学模式变迁的内在关系。本论文试图在厘清形形色色的大学模式概念的基础上,从知识生产的视角,考察大学模式自中世纪产生以来的变化历程以及与知识生产之间的关系。论文从中世纪大学的产生开始分析,分四个大的历史阶段展开研究,第一个阶段是中世纪时期(12-15世纪),第二个阶段是近代早期(16-18世纪),第三个阶段是近代时期(19世纪),第四个阶段是现代时期(20世纪)。通过对每个历史阶段大学模式的基本特征以及大学的知识生产状态的归纳、描述,本人认为,对应这几个时期的大学模式大体可以表述为原型大学模式、初步分化的大学模式、国别特色的大学模式以及新兴大学模式。论文重点分析了近代以来对世界影响较大的英、法、德、美四国的大学模式的形成过程、基本特点以及与知识生产之间的关系。在系统梳理诸国大学模式来龙去脉的基础上,揭示了大学模式变迁与知识生产之间的内在关系。本论文共分为导论、主体和结语三大部分,其中主体部分由五章组成,分别是:第一章中世纪大学及其知识生产(12-15世纪);第二章近代早期大学的发展及其知识生产(16-18世纪);第三章近代国别特色的大学模式及其知识生产(19世纪);第四章近代欧洲大学模式的迁移路线;第五章20世纪新兴大学模式及其知识生产。在论文的具体论述中,论文形成了交叉进行的两条线索,一条线索是大学模式的演变历程,从中世纪的原型大学到近代早期的初步分化,再到近代以来的国别特色的大学模式的产生和现代时期美国的研究型大学模式,这是论文的主线;另外一条线索是大学知识生产的历史变迁,这是一条暗线,交织在对每个阶段大学模式发展变化的分析之中。通过两条线索及其交叉的分析,理顺明暗两条线索,本文试图揭示大学模式变迁与知识生产之间所存在的复杂关系。本论文的创新之处主要体现在以下两个方面:(一)在研究视角上,本论文大胆突破了传统整体论的研究框架,试图从知识生产的视角对大学模式的变迁过程进行系统研究,将知识生产作为理解大学模式变迁的主要线索,从而深入揭示了大学模式变迁与知识生产之间复杂的互动关系。(二)在内容上,本论文主要在三个方面实现了创新:1、深化了大学模式的基本理论研究。论文辨析了目前学界对于大学模式各执一词、理解悬殊的不同看法,提出了本人界定大学模式的基本思路,明晰了大学模式的内涵,为大学模式的基本理论研究提供了思考。2、在较大的时空范围内对大学模式进行系统研究。论文突破已有大学模式研究的时空局限:在时间上,将从中世纪大学开始一直到现代大学的历史变迁过程纳入研究的范围;在空间上,打破传统研究侧重单一国别的视野限制,对多个国家的大学模式的产生及演变过程进行了系统的梳理和阐述,理清了它们的来龙去脉和演变关系。3、对知识生产和大学模式的内在关系进行了系统深入的分析。论文对自中世纪以来不同历史时期的大学模式与知识生产的关系作了系统梳理,深入揭示了大学模式变迁与知识生产之间的内在互动关系。

【Abstract】 The model of the university can be defined as a culturally embedded idea of the essence, role, and mode of organization of the university and of its relationship to the state and to society at large. In different historical periods, the essential factors of university model compose different contents and performances. Therefore, it is impossible to go round the exploration of the history of university model to understand the university’s model itself. At the same time, as a cultural organization, the university has been closely linked with the production, dissemination, popularization of knowledge since its beginning in the mediaeval ages. It’s impossible to understand the university today and to grasp the university’s development trend in the future. History is a mirror of reality and it helps us a lot. From the historical angle and the knowledge production’s angle of view may see more clearly the change course of the university model as well as the inner relations to the knowledge production.The dissertation attempts to define clearly the concept of university type of all forms and to find the change course of university model as well as the relations between knowledge production and university model since the mediaeval ages based on the view of knowledge production. The dissertation begins with the rising of the Mediaeval University, and to launch the research in four big historical stages. The first stage is the Mediaeval Ages (12- 15th century); The second is the earlier modern times (16- 18th century); The third, the early modern time (the 19th century), and the fourth, the modern time (the 20th century). On the base of the description of knowledge production and the induction of university model’s essential feature of each historical stage I believe that there are four corresponding university model: the prototype model, Differentiation model, nation-style model and the newly emerging model.The emphasis is put on the analysis including the forming process, the essential features, the relation between knowledge production and university models in France, UK, German and US, which influence greatly in the world. After combing the whole story of various university models, the author try to explore the intrinsic relations during the evolution of the university model.The dissertation divides into three major parts, i.e., introduction, body and the conclusion with the main body part composed of five chapters. The first chapter is about university and knowledge production in the Mediaeval Ages (12- 15th century),the second, university’s development and knowledge production in earlier modern time (16- 18th century), the third chapter, modern characteristic university model of nationalities and its knowledge production (the 19th century), the fourth chapter, the transfer route of modern European University models, and the fifth, the newly emerging university model and its knowledge production in the 20th century. There are two clues in the dissertation demonstratively. One is the master line and it is about the evolution course of the university model from prototype university in the Mediaeval Ages, the preliminary differentiation in earlier modern times to nationa-style university models as well as US’s research university model today. And the concealed clue is the historical exploration of university knowledge production.The creativity of the dissertation’s can be summed up in the following two aspects:(1) On the perspective, the dissertation tries to break through the research frame of the traditional whole theory, attempts to conduct a systemic research of evolution of the university model based on the perspective of the knowledge production, takes the knowledge production as the main clue to understand the evolution of the university model to explore thoroughly the complex interactive relations between the knowledge production and the university model evolution.(2) On the content, the dissertation mainly has realized the innovation in three aspects: 1st, it deepens the elementary theory research of the university model. The dissertation discriminates interpretations and different views regarding the university model in the academy, proposes basic mentality to understand the university model, defines university model’s connotation, and to improve the elementary theory research of the university models.(3) The dissertation conducts a systemic research on the university model on a larger space and time scope. The dissertation breaks through the space and time limitation of the university model research: In the time, it accepts historical vicissitude process into the research scope from the middle ages to modern times. On the sense of space, it breaks the vision limit of the traditional research on the limitation of sole nationalities, carries on systemic combing and elaborating of many country’s university model’s emerging and the succession variation process, to make clear the whole story and the evolution. It has a systemic and thorough analysis of the intrinsic relations between the knowledge production and the university model. The dissertation combs the relations of different historical periods and thoroughly promulgates the intrinsic interactive relations between the university model vicissitude and the knowledge production

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1824

