

Social Mobilization Study in K.M.T-controlled Areas of Jiangxi, 1928-1945

【作者】 晏雪平

【导师】 陈支平;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要对国民政府建立到抗战结束(大约1928—1945年)这段时间江西国统区社会动员进行研究。社会动员包含的内容很广,主要是指近代国家对原有制度与秩序的改革,而代之以新的制度与秩序。国民政府在此期间在各个方面尝试了多项改革,本文主要选取田赋改革、地政改革、粮食统制及农村合作运动四个方面进行进行研究。之所以选取这四个方面,首先是此四个方面都涉及农村,可以说是近代国家对农村社会动员的主要方面。其次,此四个方面的改革亦是有环环相扣的。本文正文部分也以此四个方面逐次展开,以此来观察国民政府时期江西社会动员的过程,从中考察其得失利弊。第一部分田赋改革。该部分先从1930年代初期田赋征收各种问题展开,以突显30年代田赋整顿的必要性。其次对田赋改革的各项措施进行论述,分析其发展脉络、优缺点以及其与旧有赋税征收体系的区别。最后对30年代田赋整顿的成绩进行评价。第二部分地政改革。江西地政改革可以分为三个阶段:抗战前土地航空测量、抗战初期(1941年以前)土地人工丈量、1941年以后的土地陈报。此章首先以此三个阶段展开分析,分别考察其各项制度创建过程,包括地政机构及人员、经费、丈量方法、成绩等几方面。再对此三次土地清丈所得数字的质量进行考察,从中分析地政改革的成效。最后对地价税进行考察,包括地价的确定、地价税与原有田赋之间的关系、地价税对于平均地权的功效三个方面。第三部分粮食统制。粮食问题与粮食市场存在着密切的关系。因此,本章首先考察抗战前江西粮食市场之变迁,分析其与1930—1940年代之粮食统制政策的内在联系。再对抗战前、抗战前期、抗战中后期江西粮食统制形成的过程进行深入分析。主要包括对粮食运销、粮食来源、粮食存储等方面的制度创建。粮食统制政策实行以来,江西粮食秩序得以重新确立。本章最后对粮食统制政策的效果进行考察,主要从粮食统制对粮食供应、粮食市场的稳定等方面作用展开。第四部分农村合作运动。农村合作运动乃是应对30年代农村经济危机而兴起的,因此本章首先从江西省30年代农村危机入手,主要从此时期农村劳动力流失、田地荒芜、农村产业凋零、金融枯竭等几方面展开。其次对抗战前农村合作运动的各方面展开论述,偏重于各项制度的考察。最后是抗战时期的农村合作运动,侧重于抗战后农村合作运动的变化的研究。

【Abstract】 This essay mainly focuses on social mobilization of K.M.T-controlled areas in Jiangxi in the period of 1928-1945. The contents of social mobilization are very broad. Mainly refers to the modern state reforming of the original system and order, and setting up the new system and order. The K.M.T Government tried a number of reforms in all areas during this period. In this paper, mainly selected land tax reform, Land reform, food hierarchy and the rural cooperative movement to research. Reason for selecting these four aspects, first of all is that this four aspects all involve of rural areas, is the main aspects of social mobilization of the modern state in rural areas. The second, the four aspects of the reform is also closely interlinked. This article also starts as those four aspects in to observe of the process of social mobilization of K.M.T Government in Jiangxi. And examine the pros and cons of the social mobilization of modern state.The first part is the land tax reform. This part start with a variety of issues land tax collection in the early 1930s first to highlight the need for reform of land tax. Second, expound the measures of the land tax reform, analysis of its development context, advantages, disadvantages and the distinction between the old tax collection systems. The last, appraise the achievement of the land tax reform in 1930s.The second part is the Land Reform. Jiangxi Land reforms can be divided into three stages. The first is Land Aerial Survey before Anti-Japanese War. The second is land manual measurement of initial stage of Anti-Japanese War (before 1941). The third is The Land Census after 1941. This chapter analyzes the three stages first, inspect the system creates inspection process, including the Lands institutions and its staff member, funding, and measurement methods, achievement, etc... The second, to inspect the quality of the figures derived from the three land census. From those, to analyze the effectiveness of the Land Reform. At last, to inspect the land value tax including identification of land value, land value tax and the relationship between the old land tax, land value tax on the role of equalization of land rights.The third part is the Food Hierarchy. Food and food market, there is a close relationship. So, this chapter begins with the changes in the food market before Anti-Japanese War in Jiangxi, analyze its inherent links with the food hierarchy. And then deep analyze the formation process of the Food Hierarchy in Jiangxi, including the institution of food marketing, food storage and so on. Since the implementation of food hierarchy, food order was re-established in Jiangxi. The chapter concludes hierarchy effects on food, including the role of the Food Hierarchy of the food supply, the stability of food markets.The fourth part is the rural cooperative movement. The rural cooperative movement is carried out because of the rural economic crisis. So, this chapter starts from the rural economic crisis in Jiangxi in 1930s, include of the loss of the rural labor force, land barren, rural industries dying, and the exhaustion of finance. And then, expound all aspects of the rural cooperative movement before Anti-Japanese War, emphasizing on the expedition of the institution. The last is the rural cooperative movement in the war, focusing on researching in the rural cooperative movement changes in the war.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】K263;K265
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】654

