

A Study on the Separation and Merger between Singapore and Malaysia 1945-1965

【作者】 庞卫东

【导师】 聂德宁;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 第二次世界大战爆发后,迫于国内外的舆论压力,英国殖民当局不得不重新调整其在马来亚的殖民政策。1946年1月22日,英国公布了《马来亚和新加坡—关于未来的宪法的声明》(亦称白皮书),把战前分散的海峡殖民地、马来联邦和马来属邦的行政管理权集中起来,组成马来亚联邦,新加坡则从海峡殖民地划分出来,成为英国的直辖殖民地。由于白皮书剥夺了苏丹和马来人的特权,立即引起了苏丹及民众的强烈反对,马来亚联邦计划实施不足一年半便告终结。1948年2月1日,英国殖民当局宣布成立马来亚联合邦,恢复了苏丹和马来人的特权。联合邦成立之后,工运学潮不断,马来亚社会出现了动荡不安的局面。当局一方面以武力镇压马来亚的反英运动;另一方面,殖民政府也主动开始进行政治改革,以争取民心,并为权力的移交做准备。1955年,马来亚举行第一次全国大选,“华巫印联盟”获胜,东姑拉曼出任自治政府首席部长。在东姑的领导下,联盟与英国经过几次艰苦的谈判,在满足了英国的关键性利益要求后,马来亚最终于1957年8月31日独立。战后新加坡的政治改革相对缓慢,至1955年,新加坡才在林德宪制的基础上成立了民选政府。此后,新加坡的民族独立运动迅猛展开。在反殖民主义的压力下,英国政府被迫三次邀请各派政治力量到伦敦谈判,讨论新加坡的政治地位问题。1958年4月18日,英、新代表签署《关于新加坡自治宪法草案》,英国政府同意新加坡成立自治邦。1959年6月,人民行动党组织了新加坡首届自治政府,实行内部自治,英国保留国防和外交权利。新加坡与马来亚之间仅隔着柔佛海峡,在政治、经济、文化等各个方面,都曾是密不可分的整体。二战后,新、马虽被人为地分隔为两个独立的政治单元,然而这种分离并非绝对的,战后新、马两地依然保持着密切的关系。1961年5月27日,东姑发表声明,希望加强马来亚地区间的联系。在经过两年多的磋商后,新、马、沙、砂四地最终于1963年9月16日组成了马来西亚联邦。马来西亚成立后,联邦内隐藏的各种矛盾逐渐显露。新、马在政治、经济、文化及种族方面发生了激烈的冲突,双方关系破裂。在合并近两年后,新加坡被迫退出马来西亚。新加坡和马来西亚从此走上各自独立发展的道路。

【Abstract】 After the outbreak of World War II, British administration had to adjust its colonial policies in Malaya under the pressure of public opinion at home and abroad. On 22 January 1946, Britain published Malayan Union and Singapore: Statement of Policy on Future Constitution, viz. White Paper. According to the White Paper Penang and Malacca were linked with other nine Malay States in a new Federation with its capital at kuala Lumpur, Singapore was excluded from the mainland and controlled by Colonial Office. The White Paper also implied the termination of the privileged status previously enjoyed by the Malay community and a drastic reduction in the powers of the rulers which stirred up strong protest of Malay, so Malayan Union was replaced by the Federation of Malaya on 1 February 1948, and the privilege of Sudan and Malay was recovered again.Campus upheaval and workers strike never stopped after the founding of the Federation, Malaya began enter into times of turbulence and confusion. Administration used force to suppress the Anti-British activities on the one hand, on the other hand Colonial Government began to reform the political system and prepare for the transfer of power. Malaya held its first national elections in 1955, the Alliance Party won convincingly, gaining 51 of the 52 seats, and Abdul Rahman was appointed as the Chief Minister of the Autonomy State. The Merdeka talks began in January 1956. The Malay delegation agreed with the British government that an independent Malaya would give Britain the right to maintain forces in Malaya in order to allow the former colonial power to fulfill its international obligations. Full internal self-government was granted immediately and independence was to be proclaimed by 31 August 1957.The political reform in Singapore was relatively slow in post-war; Singapore just built its elected government based on Rendel Constitution until 1955. Aftermath, the national independence movement entered into a rapid development period. British Administration had to invite various political forces to London to discuss the political status of Singapore under the pressure of anti-colonialism. The representatives from both sides signed Pre-independence State of Singapore Constitution on 18 April 1958, British Government agreed to set up a self-governing state of Singapore. PAP had been the ruling party of the first self-government, but British still retained the right to defense and foreign affairs.There is a short Johor Straits between Singapore and Malaya, Two places in the political, economic, cultural and other aspects, are both inseparable whole. Although Singapore and Malaya was artificially divided into two independent political units, this separation was not absolute; two places still maintained a close relationship in post-war. On 27 May 1961 Abdul Rahman issued a statement that he hoped to strengthen inter-regional links of Malaysia. After more than two years of consultation, Singapore, Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak formed the Federation of Malaysia finally.After the establishment of Malaysia, various contradictions hidden in Federation gradually emerged. Intense conflict out broke between Singapore and Malaysia in the political, economic, cultural and ethnic dimensions, and relations between the two sides broke down. Nearly two years after the merger, Singapore was forced to quit from Malaysia. Singapore and Malaysia took to the road of independent development from then.

【关键词】 新加坡马来西亚分离合并
【Key words】 SingaporeMalaysiaSeparationMerger
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】K153
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】576

