

Poetics in Residence

【作者】 衣晓龙

【导师】 陈勤建;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺民俗学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 民俗学是研究人类传承性生活模式的学科,在民俗中,生活样式是表象,背后是人的精神生活、情感世界。文艺民俗学的任务之一则是将民俗生活模式作为审美研究对象,从而揭示模式中内含的民众心灵生活之美。民居这一民俗事象作为民众的“家”居同样具有文艺民俗学意义上的研究价值。论文选取中国传统民居中明清时期徽州古村落民居为研究对象,突破民俗学界传统研究中侧重关注民居中仪式、习俗的研究窠臼,将民居置于文艺民俗学的视域下进行审美研究,重点挖掘其作为生活艺术的美学内涵,并将民居提高到民众诗意心灵图像的物化表达的层面进行解读。论文综合运用民俗学、文艺学、美学、建筑学、地理学等学科的理论成果,以田野考察、考古资料和文献资料相结合的“三重论证法”为研究方法,以文艺民俗学为理论工具,尝试对徽州民居进行多学科交叉的研究。论文的绪论论述了建筑、民居的艺术性和研究价值,并对中国传统民居(含徽州民居)的研究成果进行了较为详细的综述梳理,对论文的关键概念和思路予以阐述。除此之外,论文内容共分为五章。第一章从“天时、地利、人和”即自然气候、地理环境和人三个角度来阐述徽州民居艺术风格的形成,以说明徽州民居是徽州先民在处理“天、地、人”三者关系中做出的最佳选择,不但满足了遮蔽、栖息的功能性需求,更具有独特的诗性气质。生活艺术体现在生活方式中,生活方式又以民居为载体。第二章则着重从传统文化对徽州民居艺术特征、美学风格的影响入手,以“统辖”、“渗透”、“润泽”为关键词具体阐释“儒道佛”三大传统思想对徽州民居的影响,并由“俗”世力量将三大思想消解俗化为民间俗信,使徽州民居“充溢”着生活的诗意。第三章则将徽州民居作为民俗事象,从“民俗意愿”、“民俗智慧”和“民俗技艺”三个视角进行民俗生活审美的赏析,进一步说明徽州民居是艺术生活化和生活艺术化的典范之作。第四章则将徽州民居视为先民诗意心灵图像的物化表达,从时空两个向度阐释其艺术气质的形成过程。第五章则将徽州民居置于历史演进的视野下,进行了从传统到现代艺术品格的转换考察,推而广之地思考中国传统民居中的生活艺术和诗性智慧在当下的意义、存在的可能和方式,提出当下民居建设重归“家”居的设计理念。结语对论文未尽之意及由此引发的思考进行补充说明,并对选题的后续研究方向及目标进行了展望和交待。

【Abstract】 Folkloristics is a study of the inheritable life pattern of people that sees lifestyle as the presentation of people’s psyche and feelings underneath. Literary folkloristics, however, sets one of its aims to reveal the beauty of the heart and life of ancient people by researching aesthetically on folk life pattern. Traditional residential architecture, a folk phenomenon, ’home’ place to people, is of academic value from the perspective of literary folkloristics. The thesis diverts off the conventional path of folklore studies that focus mainly on customs and rituals around residential architecture, surveys the traditional residences in the ancient villages in Huizhou that survive till today from Ming &Qing dynasties and reviews them aesthetically within literary folkoristics, endeavoring to unwrap the aesthetical values of traditional residential architecture as an art of life and illustrate how human psyche is materialized into this art. The thesis attempts, on basis of achievements in the fields of folkloristics, literary criticism, aesthetics, architecture, geography, etc. and with assistance of field investigation, archaeological discoveries and related literature, to cross study multidisciplinarily traditional Huizhou residential architecture within the frame of literary folkoristics.The Preface to this thesis discusses the artistic and academic values of architecture and residential architecture, summarizes what have been achieved in the study of traditional Chinese residential architecture including that in Huizhou and introduces the key concepts and overall thoughts. There are five chapters succeeding. Chapter I sheds light on the making of the artistic style of Huizhou vernacular residential architecture from perspectives of ’right time, right place &right people’, viz., natural environment, geographical ambience and human harmony, to demonstrate that this architecture style is a perfect balance of ’Heaven, Earth &Man’ achieved by ancient Huizhou people that caters for functional needs of sheltering and inhabiting with a unique poetic air. The art of life is concealed in the way of life and the way of life is unwrapped through the people living in it. Chapter II, by starting from the influences of Chinese traditional culture upon the artistic features and aesthetic taste of Huizhou residential architecture, illuminates through key words of ’governance’, ’permeation’ and ’nourishing’ how three major traditional philosophies, namely Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, leave their marks on Huizhou residential architecture and how the ’earthly power’ resolves them into folk believes that ’overflow’ Huizhou residential architecture with poetics of life. Chapter III analyses Huizhou residential architecture as a folk phenomenon from approaches of ’folk will’, ’folk wisdom’ and ’folk craftsmanship’ in the light of literary folkloristics and aesthetics to further show that Huizhou traditional residential architecture is a classic illustration of mutual transformation of art and life. Chapter IV regards Huizhou traditional residential architecture as a crystallized representation of the inner poetics and envisions of ancient people and tries to plumb the formation of its artistic air in dimensions of time and space. Chapter V sets Huizhou traditional residential architecture against the macro background of social evolution to examine its transformation from traditionality to modernity, reflects on analogically the significance, feasibility and ways of existence of life art and poetic wisdom in traditional Chinese residential architecture in present time and suggests that the design of current residential architecture return to the ancient concept of ’home’.The Conclusion supplements briefly what has not been discussed and put forth speculations engendered as well as offering a vision for further researching on this topic.

【关键词】 徽州民居审美诗意家居
【Key words】 HuizhouResidential ArchitectureAestheticsPoetic Residence
  • 【分类号】TU241.5;TU-86
  • 【下载频次】872

