

A Research on Popular History in the First Half of the 20th Century

【作者】 朱慈恩

【导师】 张耕华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 史学理论与史学史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “通俗史学”一词自上个世纪80年代提出以来,已经逐渐为学术界所接受和采用。通俗史学是为了适应历史知识传播的需要,采用各种浅显易懂、容易理解的方式来对历史知识进行加工改造,以达到普及历史知识的目的。对历史知识的加工改造,是在严格的历史学的规范下所进行的。史学是其本质特征,通俗是其外在的表现形式。历史学家有两项任务,一是历史学的学术研究,二是历史知识的普及。对于历史学家来说,二者是同样重要的。而对于通俗史学的研究既有学术意义,又有实践意义。本文选择20世纪上半期的通俗史学为研究对象,对于这一时期的通俗史学进行初步的研究,并且选择有代表性的历史学家进行个案分析。各章内容简述如下:第一章《通俗史学概论》,需要对通俗史学的内涵进行严格的界定以避免史学与文学相混淆。通俗史学的基本特征有二:科学性和通俗性。中国古代的通俗史学开端于宋,明代则是通俗史学发展的高峰时期。第二章《20世纪上半期的通俗史学述论》,20世纪上半期的通俗史学,是新史学范式下的新型通俗史学,而历史教育的变革、白话文学的提倡和出版事业的发展则对通俗史学起了重要的推动作用。20世纪上半期的通俗史学内容丰富、形式多样,涵盖了历史学的各个分支领域,并且在编纂上有不少值得重视的特征。但是,这一时期的通俗史学还是存在着不少缺陷和不足之处。第三章《新史学范式下的通俗史学——以梁启超、吕思勉、顾颉刚、黎东方为个案》,20世纪上半期的历史学家,大多都是是有目的、有计划地从事历史知识普及工作,并且在理论和实践中都取得了突出的成就,梁启超、吕思勉、顾颉刚和黎东方可以看作是新史学范式下从事通俗史学工作的代表人物。第四章《马克思主义历史学家的通俗史学创作》,论述马克思主义历史学家在通俗史学方面的贡献。马克思主义历史学家一贯重视历史知识普及工作,并且编纂了许多通俗史学作品,对于鼓舞广大人民群众的斗志,争取中国革命取得胜利起了很大的推动作用。

【Abstract】 Popular history has accepted by academia and been a term in recent years after the 1980s.For the transmission and popularization of historical knowledge,historians adapt and transform professional historical knowledge into the popular readings which easy to understand by the strict academic discipline of historical norms.The essential character of popular history is scientific,and popularization is the external forms of popular history.There are two main tasks for historian:one is professional study, the other is transmission and popularization of historical knowledge.The two tasks are equally important.The study about popular history has both academic and social value.The topic limits the development of popular history in the first half of the 20thcentury,survey popular history in this period,and select some historians as the individual cases of the transmission and popularization of historical knowledge.The main idea of each chapter is as follows:Chapter 1:Introducing about popular history.There is a strict definition for popular history to prevent confusing history with literature.Popular history has two basic characters: scientific criticism and popularity.Popular history began in Song Dynasty and reached a peak in Ming Dynasty in ancient China.Chapter 2:A overview about popular history in the first half of the 20th Century.Popular history in the first half of the 20thCentury was affected by the train of New Historiography thought.The reform of education, advocating bai-hua which is a literary style that used common expressions and vocabulary,and the modern publishing industry promoted the development of popular history.Popular history covered the all branch of history and had some notable features about editorship of popular readings.But there were many problems of popular history in this period.Chapter 3:Popular history with the New Historiography paradigm.Most of historians engaged in transmission and popularization of historical knowledge purposefully and had the obvious achievements in both theory and practice in the first half of the 20thcentury.Liang Qi chao,Lv Si mian,Gu Jie gang and Li Dong fang were typical historians in the area of popular history.Chapter 4:Popular history of Marxist historians.Marxist Historians also had the obvious achievements in popular history.Marxist historians always paid more attention to popularization of historical knowledge and adapted a number of popular readings which inspired the people fighting for Chinese revolution.

  • 【分类号】K092
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】517

