

Basic-level Society’s Power and Controlling in Song Dynasty

【作者】 康武刚

【导师】 陈江;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 宋代是中国古代重要的发展阶段。宋代基层社会势力,包括了两个方面的内容,一是代表宋政府的各类基层行政组织,二是代表了民间势力的精英、各类民间组织、佛道教及民间信仰。这些势力是国家与基层社会民众沟通的桥梁。本文围绕着基层社会的控制共分为四个部分展开论述。分别是宋代基层行政组织与基层社会控制,民间组织与基层社会控制,佛教、道教及民间信仰与基层社会控制,精英与基层社会控制。宋政府基层行政组织代表国家对基层社会进行控制,其偏重于征发赋役和维持治安,给民间势力留下了活动空间。宋政府以保甲长、耆长等行政组织头目实现国家对基层社会的赋税征收与社会治安管理。宋代基层社会控制不论基层行政组织形式发生怎样的变化,国家对其控制的主要目的就是为了获取赋税收入,以及维持基层社会正常秩序。在宋代基层社会中,除了基层行政组织以外,还活跃着各类以精英为主要成员的民间组织。宋代基层社会民间组织十分兴盛,许多组织都有自己的规约,这类规约往往会对其成员之间的相互关系作出规定,一旦其成员发生纠纷,握有规约解释权和执行权的民间组织首领就成了调解纠纷的民间权威。宋代多数民间组织与国家利益一致,在功能上是对基层行政组织的重要支持与补充。各种民间组织通过自己的方式将广大民众组织起来,或通过经济互助的方式缓解贫富差距,使积聚于基层社会的不安定因素得以释放,或以规约将成员的行为限定在国家法令许可的范围内,减少社会越轨现象的发生,或通过自保的方式使基层社会得以安定。各种民间组织与基层行政组织相互影响,相互渗透,共同维系着对基层社会的控制。在宋代的基层社会中,佛教、道教与民间信仰所构成的意识形态体系对于乡里民众的心理调适与行为的规范也有着重要的意义。宋代基层社会控制除了基层行政组织设置及其职能发挥外,以精英为代表的民间势力的崛起,并对基层社会控制产生了重要影响。精英不仅是国家赋税承担的主体,而且是地方公共事业的主要依靠力量,这决定了精英在基层社会中的主导性地位。精英广泛参与到基层社会控制中,既有承担国家差派而为基层头目者,也有利用宗族势力实现对宗族内部成员和乡里民众制约者,还有在社会动乱时期,利用自身在基层社会的影响力主动构建地方防护体系者。总之,精英对基层社会控制发挥了极其重要的作用,精英代表民间势力参与地方维护和社会控制,是国家控制基层社会的可靠力量和有益补充。

【Abstract】 Song Dynasty is an important development period in Chinese ancient history. The Song Dynasty government dominate country by instructing basic-level organization in order to control basic-society. And it give active place to the civil power.The Song Dynasty government administrated native place system, Baojiazhang and Qizhang collected payments of taxes and controlled the local public security as the leader of the folk. No matter how the formation of village basic-level organization changed , the only purpose is to get taxes income, to sustain the public security and the normal orders in the village. In order to obtain the purpose, the government strengthened the control of the village basic-level control.In the widely basic-society, besides the village basic-level organization, there are still many civil organizations formed by wealthy people affected to great extent to the village basic-level control.. The kind of this civil organizations has great influence to the basic-society. The kind of this civil organizations is blooming, many of them have their own rules. This rules have regulations for their formers. Once the formers have quarrel, the leader who would become the authoritative with the controlling power. The civil organizations is important to resupply the basic-level organization. Most of them are in the same benefit to the basic-level organization. The civil organizations gather the public by many ways, otherwise , reduce the gap between rich and poor by helping each other economically, lead to release the unstable course; or reducing the illegal phenomenon by limiting the public under the country power; or make the basic-society steady by self-protect. The kinds of civil organizations affect and infiltrate each other, keeping on controlling basic-society together.In Song Dynasty basic-society, the essence of Buddhism , Taoism, civil faith, are important for adjust psychology and standard actions.Besides the village basic-level organization functioned a lot, the formation and development of wealthy people affected to great extent to the village basic-level control. The wealthy people not only was the main body of governmental taxes, but the delegation of local patriarchal clan, at the same time they became the main depending power of local charitable enterprise, all of these made they lead the village. The wealthy people took part in village social control business, some of whom took on the duties from the government, some of whom controlled the inside members and the villagers, some of whom built the local defending system in the village. In one word. the wealthy people played an important role in it.Whereas , the wealthy people only existed as a kind of folk power, they took part in local security business because they lived in local place, on contrary of the governmental power, they were passive. The wealthy people was just an important part of village social control, the growth of them was in the scale with permissions of the country.

【关键词】 宋代基层势力基层社会控制
【Key words】 Song Dynastybasic-society powerbasic-controll
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1381

