

China’s Aid to Tan-Zam Railway: Its Consideration, Building Progress and Impacts

【作者】 沈喜彭

【导师】 沐涛;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 坦赞铁路是迄今为止中国在非洲最大的一项援外成套项目,它东起坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆,西至赞比亚重要城市新卡比里姆博希,全长1860余公里。坦赞铁路不但由中国选派的工程技术人员进行考察、勘测与设计,而且还由他们帮助坦、赞两国政府组织施工。从1965年8月中国开始对坦桑尼亚境内拟建中的坦赞铁路沿线地区进行首次考察,到1976年7月坦赞铁路建成后正式向坦、赞两国政府的移交,坦赞铁路几乎与中国的“文化大革命”相始终。坦赞铁路不仅历时较长,而且工程艰巨、耗费巨资。中国为援建这条万里之遥的非洲铁路,可谓是倾心尽力。由于20世纪60、70年代适逢美、苏“冷战”正酣,非洲民族解放运动风起云涌以及中国“文化大革命”方兴未艾的历史时期,因而,中国对坦赞铁路的援建便引发了不少问题。本篇论文在忠实档案资料、口述史料、影视资料与借鉴既有研究成果的基础上,对诸如中国政府援建坦赞铁路的原因、“文化大革命”对中国援建坦赞铁路的影响以及美、苏等国对中国援建坦赞铁路的态度等问题进行了深入探讨,当然,重点探讨的内容是中国援建坦赞铁路的决策、实施及影响这三个方面。除绪论和结语外,本篇论文共分五章。绪论部分概括论述了论文的选题意义、国内外关于坦赞铁路的研究情况。第一章主要论述了中国援建坦赞铁路的历史背景。早在20世纪初,英、德殖民主义者就萌生了修建连接坦、赞两国铁路的愿望,但因种种原因而搁置。坦、赞两国独立后,两国领导人尼雷尔与卡翁达决计修通坦赞铁路。由于百业待兴、财力匮乏,坦、赞两国不得不向外界求助,结果是四处碰壁。中国虽不富裕,但在国际事务与援外政策上旗帜鲜明,因此积极支持坦、赞两国修建坦赞铁路。第二章主要论述了中国援建坦赞铁路之决策,中、坦、赞三国领导人关于坦赞铁路修筑问题的交涉及其他相关问题。在决定援建坦赞铁路问题上,毛泽东、刘少奇、周恩来都起了重要作用。中国政府认为修建坦赞铁路不仅具有巨大的经济意义,还具有重大的政治与军事意义。与尼雷尔相比,卡翁达对中国的援助持较消极的态度,个中原因比较复杂。在求助无门的情况下,赞比亚政府最终决定接受中国政府对坦赞铁路的援建,三国筑路协议于1967年9月正式达成。中国承诺援建坦赞铁路的消息在国际社会引起了一场轩然大波。第三章围绕中国对坦赞铁路的考察、勘测设计与施工准备等内容进行论述。1965年8月与1967年12月,中国先后派出了两支考察队分别赴坦桑尼亚与赞比亚进行考察,并在考察结束后向两国政府提交了《坦赞铁路考察报告》。两次考察肯定了修建坦赞铁路的重要意义,得出了修建坦赞铁路不存在技术问题的结论。1968年4月与1968年10月,中国政府先后向坦、赞两国派出了680名勘测设计人员。这些勘测设计人员克服了种种困难,提前完成了勘测设计任务,并向坦赞两国提交了《坦赞铁路勘测设计报告》。1969年前后,为筹备坦赞铁路的正式施工,中国政府做了大量的准备工作,其中包括选派人员、准备物资以及兴建临时工程等。尽管受到不少国家的干扰与破坏,中国为援建坦赞铁路所做的各方面准备工作于1970年初已基本完成。第四章主要围绕坦赞铁路的施工、试运营及工程移交等内容进行论述。坦赞铁路的开工典礼虽然是在1970年10月举行,但实际上早在1969年就已经动工兴建。坦赞铁路共分为五个施工区段自坦至赞顺次完成。本章内容不仅跨度时间较长,而且涉及层面较多。例如,仅工程方面,坦赞铁路便涉及筑路、修桥、铺轨、房建、给水、供电、通信等诸多领域,因此,本章只能有重点地论述部分问题,此外,本章内容还涉及:施工中所遇问题,中国援建人员与当地关系等。第五章主要论述了中国援助坦赞铁路所产生的影响及评价。主要探讨了四个方面的问题:中国援建坦赞铁路引发的国际反响;坦赞铁路对坦赞两国经济、社会发展的促进;坦赞铁路对中坦赞三国关系的推动;坦赞铁路对促进中国技术发展与设备改进的影响等。结语部分,总结全文。指出对中国援建坦赞铁路的评价,不能脱离当时特殊的历史背景,对历史事实的叙述应持实事求是的态度,要重视坦赞铁路的垂鉴意义。

【Abstract】 So far,the Tan-Zam Railway is China’s biggest aid project in Africa.For this hard project,the government of People’s Republic of China not only sent out her engineers and technicians,did survey and design work,but also help Tanzania and Zambia to build it.From the time Aug.1965 when the investigation work started to the time Jul.1976 when the Tan-Zam Railway finished and hand out to the governments of Tanzania and Zambia,It takes about ten years during which it is called“the Cultural Revolution”in China.For building this time-consuming,expensive and tough project, the government of China tried all her have to give hand.As it is the time that“Cold War”fighting fiercely between USA and USSR, Liberation Movement fought eagerly in Africa,and the Cultural Revolution on its peek in China in 1960s and 1970s,China’s aid to the Tan-Zam Railway provoked many questions at that moment.Based on the principle that all the materials such as archival documents,dictations,films and all kind of books and articles would be judged and used,this thesis examines many topics.For example,why the government of China was willing to build the Tan-Zam Railway?Does the Cultural Revolution have some effects on China’s aid policy?What’s the attitude of USA and USSR towards China’s aid?.etc.Of course,this dissertation discusses mainly the questions that have been showed in its title.Besides the preface and the epilogue,there are five chapters in this thesis.In preface,the author points out three questions.They are the reasons that the dissertation was written,the oversea and domestic studies on TANZARA,and the right place from which the archives come.Chapter One elaborates the building history of Tan-Zam Railway in the early ages. As early as the first few years in 1900s,German and British colonist had planned to build a railway that connected both southern and northern Africa.However,they had to stop the plan for all kinds of reasons.After Tanzania’s Independence in 1961 and Zambia’s independence in 1964,the Presidents of this two countries decided to build up the railway themselves.Since this two new-born countries had lots of thing to do and was lack of money,they had asked the foreign countries especially the western countries for help.They got nothing except disappointment.In contrast,the People Republic of China who was also a poor country and a country very special in the way dealing with international affairs and aid policy at that time promised them to help with building the Tan-Zam Railway.In the coming chapter,the writer elaborates not only the consideration of the government in offering to build the railway but also the process that discussed to build the railway.The writer pointed out that it was Chairman Mao,President Liu and Prim Zhou played a very important role in deciding to build the railway.They view it necessary to build the railway due to its effects on both economic and political aspects. Compared with President Nyerere,President Kaunda was unwilling to accept China’s warm help due to all kinds of reasons.However,in a short time,when Kaunda found he would never be able to build the railway if he refused China’s help,he changed his attitude at last.The agreement which caused many diplomatic storms of building the Tan-Zam Railway was signed by the delegates of the three countries in 1967.Chapter Three probes into the investigation,survey and design,and the preparing work of Tan-Zam Railway.Between the time Aug.1965 and Dec.1967,there were two investigation teams sent by the Chinese government got to Tanzania and Zambia, and handed out the“Investigation Report of the Tan-Zam Railway”separately after the investigation work was finished.According to the report,there were no technical problems to build the railway.Following the investigation,came survey and design work which first began in Apr.1968 and then in Oct.1968.The survey and design teams were made up of 680 Chinese engineers and technicians who had the jobs done beforehand and wrote out“Survey and Design Report of the Tan-Zam Railway”to both Tanzania and Zambia.Preparing work had been done Railway by Chinese government in the year 1969,such as selecting Chinese engineers and technicians, producing all kinds of materials and starting the temporary work.Despite of interference or even destruction by many countries,all the necessary preparing work had been over in the first half year in 1970.Chapter Four mainly elaborates the building process,primary operation,and the handover of the Tan-Zam Railway.Though it was propagandized publicly in Oct.1970, Tan-Zam Railway which was built by divided into five parts had already been constructed.Considering its long time and complex which includes the work of roadbed,bridges,water and electricity and so on,this chapter discusses only part of the topics,such as the hard work,the friendship among the workers,the help of the officers and the hostilities of the enemies.Chapter Five elaborates the influence of the the Tan-Zam Railway.There are five topics as followed:the railway’s(1)current run condition and its reasons,(2)the economic and social contribution,(3)effects on the relationship among three countries,(4)promotion to China’s technology and equipments,etc.At the end of the thesis,the author emphasized and pointed out that one should fully consider the background of the Tan-Zam Railway when judge it and take an honest attitude towards it.There are many valuable experience and lessons that can be learned form the aid to Tan-Zam Railway.

【关键词】 坦赞铁路坦桑尼亚赞比亚尼雷尔卡翁达
【Key words】 the Tan-Zam RailwayTanzaniaZambiaNyerereKaunda
  • 【分类号】D829.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】691

