

On the Institutional Construction of Chinese Service-oriented Government

【作者】 郑晓燕

【导师】 蒋云根;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 任何政府公共服务职能的有效运作都离不开一整套动态的制度体系,中国政府亦如此。中国服务型政府建设是一项系统而复杂的工程,目前比较突出的问题是存在着制度供给不足的缺陷,因此,要实现服务型政府就必须完善和健全服务型政府的各项制度。服务型政府的制度包括三个层次:宪法秩序、制度安排和规则性行为准则。服务型政府是中国宪法的题中应有之义,其建构过程就是将宪法层面的制度规则贯彻到制度安排和操作层面的过程,即如何通过一系列制度安排和制度创新来确保服务型政府制度的规范性、合法性和公正性。本文的创新之处在于以经济学制度主义为理论坐标,从公共服务的理念、供给模式、运作方式和绩效评估四个基本环节对中国服务型政府进行制度分析和构建。论文共分为六章:第一章:介绍了研究的范畴服务型政府和研究的视角制度构建。对中外学者有关服务型政府和制度的研究进行了梳理和评述。目前,中国学者对服务型政府的研究侧重运用规范的分析方法,主要集中于三个问题的探讨:什么是服务型政府?为什么建设服务型政府?如何构建服务型政府?以制度为视角对服务型政府的研究比较少。国外学者的研究侧重实证研究,研究重点是政府公共服务的高效、优质提供。第二章:在界定基本概念的基础上确立了整篇论文的立论依据。通过对服务型政府制度构建的规范分析,得出服务型政府的制度构建是指通过一系列的制度安排与制度创新,对服务型政府制度的完整性、确定性与规范性进行重新界定,使其合乎法制化的要求,从而实现和谐公共管理。第三章:文化是一种如诺思所说的“非正式制度”,它可以向社会生活的各个领域渗透,对正式制度起制约作用。服务型政府行政文化可以分为行政主体文化、行政客体文化和行政制度文化。本章从行政主体文化、行政客体文化、行政制度文化三个方面分析了服务型政府建设中制度非均衡的表现,提出以人为本的服务理念是服务型政府行政文化构建的基石。第四章:公共服务是服务型政府的核心。如何高效、优质地向公众提供公共服务是衡量服务型政府的一个重要指标。本章分析了政府公共服务职能的有限性和公共服务社会化过程中的制度非均衡,提出公共服务的提供要从“单一”走向“多元”,实现服务型政府产品供给的制度配置。第五章:中国电子政府建设的制度变迁是一种政府主导、自上而下的制度变迁,政府虽然在核心制度的安排上取得了一定的成就,但还是不可避免地出现了制度失衡。为此,要通过确定电子政府公共服务目标和原则;缩小“数字鸿沟”,落实服务公平理念;确保政府电子化服务中的信息安全;建立电子政府公共服务的规范化和标准化建设等措施,达到电子政府制度结构效益的最大化与安排效率的最优化。第六章:科学合理的绩效评估体系有利于加强对服务型政府建设的效果和政府管理责任的考核和监控。政府绩效评估的有效实施有赖于政府管理制度的保障和支撑。但是目前中国政府绩效评估的主观随意性大,科学性、规范性不足,其根本原因就是制度短缺。健全政府绩效评估制度,一方面,要加快政府绩效评估体系的制度化进程,以推进中国政府绩效评估的规范运作。另一方面,要通过构建科学的政府绩效评估制度来促进中国服务型政府建设。

【Abstract】 Any government’s effective function of public service needs a set of organic institutional system,the same to Chinese government.But the construction of Chinese service-oriented government is a systemic and complicated project. Currently,the outstanding issue is still the lack of system provision,so the achievement of Chinese service-oriented government depends on perfecting all institutions which are Chinese service-oriented government needs.The institutions of service-oriented government include the constitution system, the institutional arrangement and the behavior rule.The idea of Chinese service-oriented government reflects the meaning of the Constitution.The construction is a process,where the constitution system is implemented into the institutional arrangement and operation.That is how China insure the standardization,legality and impartiality of service-oriented governmental institutions by a series of institutional design and institutional innovation.The academic basis of this dissertation is the new institutional economics,and the dissertation analyses how to construct Chinese service-oriented governmental institutions in terms of public service philosophy,provision model,operation method and performance evaluation.All these are the innovation of this dissertation. The dissertation includes six chapters.The first chapter introduces service-oriented government and institutional construction,which are the range and perspective of the dissertation.Meanwhile, the dissertation classifies and recites domestic and foreign scholars’ studying on service-oriented government and institutions.Currently,domestic scholars emphasize standard methods in analyzing service-oriented government.They concentrate on three questions,which include what is service-oriented government, why and how China constructs service-oriented government,but few domestic scholars make researches on service-oriented government in view of institution. While foreign scholars put emphasis on empirical research,they focus on government supplying efficient and excellent public service.The second chapter establishes the argument basis of the dissertation after defining basic concepts.By normative analysis on the institutional construction of service-oriented government,the dissertation concludes that the institutional construction of service-oriented government needs redefine the integrality,certainty and normalization of service-oriented government,conforms to legalization,and achieves the subject of harmonious public management.The third chapter thinks culture is a kind of informal institution,just as what Douglass C.North said.The culture can pervade all social areas and restrict formal institution.The administrative culture of service-oriented government is consist of the administrational subject culture,the administrational object culture and the administrational institution culture.From the three aspects,the chapter analyzes the institutional disequilibrium and considers that the object of building administrative culture of service-oriented government is the principle of people oriented.The fourth chapter considers that public service is the core of service-oriented government.It becomes an important index to service-oriented government that how to supply the public with efficient and excellent public service.The chapter analyzes the governmental function finiteness in public service and the institutional disequilibrium in public service socialization.Then the chapter puts forward that public service should be from simplification to diversification,and the government should achieve institutionalization in public service provision.The fifth chapter regards the institutional change of the Chinese electronic government is a government-leading and top-down process.The Chinese government makes some progress in the design of nucleus institution,but gets into the inevitable problem of institutional disequilibrium.To make the Chinese electronic government get the maximum benefits in the institutional structure and design,there are four measures.First,making sure the target and principle of Chinese electronic government;second,puting the equity idea into effect and shorten the“number gap”;third,protecting the information safety of the government electronic service; fourth,establishing the normalized and standardized electronic service.The sixth chapter demonstrates that scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system contributes to evaluate and control the service-oriented government effect and management responsibility.The effective governmental performance evaluation relies on the government manageable institutions.Currently,the Chinese government performance evaluation has subjectivity problems,lacks normalization and normalization.Its key reason is institution deficiency.To improve the government performance evaluation system,On the one hand the government should perfect the performance evaluation system and propel the normal operation of the performance evaluation system;on the other hand the government should advance the construction of service-oriented government by establishing scientific performance evaluation system.


