

A Study on Justice Based on Emotion

【作者】 方学梅

【导师】 刘永芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 从情绪视角对公正感进行研究只是近几年才出现的,是公正感理论的前沿理论研究课题。尽管国外有少数学者将公正感与情绪理论进行结合,但依然存在大量需要研究的问题,而国内在这一领域的研究非常匮乏。长久以来学者们都是从认知的角度来研究人们的公平判断过程,把人当成完全的理性主义者,在公平判断之前对相关信息进行仔细的分析、评价、权衡,然后做出理性的判断,完全不受情绪的影响。当我们有足够的时间和认知资源时,这种过程可能比较适用。然而有些情况下人们可能得不到所需的认知资源,即在信息不确定情况下,人们的公平判断可能受到情绪的强烈影响。因此本研究在研究内容上打破冷认知的禁锢,选择情绪这一最富有色彩的心理因素作为关注的焦点,从功能上探讨情绪对公正判断的影响。另一方面关于组织公正感效果变量的研究很多,但都集中在态度和行为变量这两个方面,鲜有对情绪变量的考察。情绪在作为前因变量对公正感产生影响的同时,反过来,已经形成的公正感受也会对情绪这一效果变量产生影响。为了探讨上述问题以及全面阐释情绪与公正感之间的关系,本文共分为四部分展开:第一部分为文献综述。系统回顾了公正感与情绪研究的历史与现状,介绍了在这两个研究领域的主要理论和有代表性的思想,在此基础上提出了本研究的研究假设。第二部分为实证研究,共包括六个实验。本研究既采用心理学中经典的实验法,又采用经济学中的博弈论研究范式,根据研究的问题,设计实验步骤,验证假设,得出结论。研究内容有以下四点:(1)不确定条件下,自身情绪对公正判断的影响;(2)公正判断中他人情绪效应的研究;(3)情绪、社会价值取向与分配公正观;(4)公正感知对具体情绪的作用。上述四个研究得出以下结论:首先,不确定性调节了情绪与公正判断之间的关系。不确定条件下,情绪具有信息等价的功能,处在积极情绪状态下的个体更易作出公平的判断,处在消极情绪状态下的个体公平判断较低;在确定条件下,情绪的影响作用不显著。其次,他人情绪影响人们的公平判断。模糊情境下,当他人展现出愤怒情绪,人们的公平判断较低,当他人展现出内疚情绪,人们的公平判断较高。第三,情绪、社会价值取向、博弈顺序对分配公平观影响不同。社会价值取向对个体在两次博弈中的提议数额都产生极其显著的影响,和亲社会取向的个体相比,亲自我取向的个体在最后通牒博弈和独裁者博弈中的出价更低,更关注自我获益。情绪对最后通牒博弈提议数额影响显著,和愤怒情绪个体相比,愉快情绪下的个体愿意分配给对方更多的钱。博弈顺序对提议数额影响不显著,但是和社会价值取向的交互作用对独裁者博弈影响显著。第四,分配结果和分配程序影响个体的情绪状态。愉悦、失望和骄傲是受分配结果影响的一般情绪体验,有利结果时愉悦、骄傲情绪高,不利结果时失望情绪最高。内疚、愤怒是受分配结果和分配程序共同影响的具体情绪。当个体获得一个由不利程序导致的不利结果,愤怒情绪最高;当个体获得一个由有利程序导致的不利结果,内疚情绪最高。第三部分为总讨论。在本研究的基础上,针对研究中的得到的一些研究结论进行了深入探讨,如信息不确定性对情绪与公正判断的调节作用、情绪在公平判断中的信息等价功能、个体在资源分配中体现出的公平偏好以及分配结果和程序对情绪的影响,并就如何提高组织公正感和管理效能提出加强情绪管理的新视角。第四部分提出了本研究的创新之处和不足,并从概念的澄清、研究方法的改进、分析层面的拓展以及理论体系的构建等方面提出了未来研究的方向。

【Abstract】 It is just in recent years that researches on justice have been conducted from the perspective of emotion, which is also the frontier field of researches on the justice. Although some researchers try to integrate the theory of justice and emotion theory, there are still so many problems unresolved. In China, this field is nearly in a state of emptiness. For a long time, scholars have investigated the process of justice judgments from the perspectives of cognition. From these perspectives, people are looked upon as absolute rationalists. They analyze, estimate and weigh relevant information before judgments, then make their rational judgments without being influenced by emotion. When we have enough time and resources, this process may be applicable. However, in many situations, people can not gain all of the necessary cognitive resources. That is to say, in the case of information uncertainty, people’s justice judgments may be powerfully influenced by emotion. So this research removes the limitation of "cool" cognition in research content, and select emotion, a most psychologically characterized factor, as the focus of this research. This paper investigated the effects of emotion on justice judgments from a functional perspective. On the other hand, although many researchers are concerned about outcome variables of organizational justice, they focus more on the variables of attitude and behaviors, but less on emotional variables. As an antecedent variable, emotion affects perception of justice. At the same time, as an outcome variable, emotion is also affected by existing perception of justice.For discussing the problems mentioned above and thoroughly illustrating the relationship between emotion and justice, this paper consists of four parts as follow:The first part provided an review. The history and current situation of researches on justice and emotion were retrospected systematically. Main theories and representative thoughts in these two fields were also demonstrated. Then,the research hypotheses were promoted correspondingly.The second part included six experiments. Both classic experiment methods in psychology and research paradigm of game theory in economics were applied in this research. The researches mainly included, (1) under uncertain conditions, the effects of individual emotion on justice judgments, (2) under ambiguous conditions, the effects of emotion of others on justice judgments, (3) the effects of emotion and social value orientation on distributive justice, (4) the effects of justice perception on discrete emotion. The four researches mentioned above can come to conclusions as follow. First, uncertainty mediated the relationship between emotion and justice judgments. Under the conditions of information uncertainty, emotion acted as information. Individuals with positive emotion easily tended to make just decisions. And individuals with negative emotion inclined to unjust judgments. But under certainty conditions, the effect of emotion was not significant. Second, individual justice judgments were influenced by emotion of others. Under the situation of ambiguous information, individuals make lower perception of justice judgments if other person express anger, and higher if other person display guilt. Third, there are different effects of emotion, social value orientation and game orders on distributive justice. Social value orientation displayed significant effects on individual offers in two games. Individuals with pro-self orientation gived fewer offers both in Ultimatum Game and Dictator Game and more concern about self-interest than with pro-social orientation. Emotion displayed significant influence on offers in Ultimatum Game. Individuals offered more money to others when they were in a pleasure state as opposed to anger state. Game order had no significant effects on offers, but the interaction between game order and social value orientation significantly influenced the offers in Dictator Game. Fourth, individual emotional states were influenced by distributive outcome and distributive process. Happiness, disappointment and pride were influenced only by outcome, whereas guilt and anger were influenced by combinations of outcome and procedure. Anger was highest when an unfavorable outcome occurred because of an unfair procedure. Higher level of guilt was reported when an unfair procedure resulted in a favorable outcome.The third part provided a general discussion. Based on the results of this paper, a suite of issues were discussed profoundly and extensively. The discussions covered such topics as the mediating effects of information uncertainty on emotion and justice judgments, emotion as information function in justice judgments, individual fairness preference in resource distribution, the influence of distributive outcome and process on emotion. In addition, the paper provided a new perspective on improving perception of organizational justice and enforcing management effectiveness by the way of enhancing emotional management.In the fourth part, the innovation and deficiency of this paper were discussed, and a direction for future researches was proposed from such aspects as the clarification of concepts, improvement of research methods, extension of analysis levels, construction of theory framework, and etc.

  • 【分类号】B842.6
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1945

